
Marzocchi Rebuild

Dec 12, 2007
Im thinking about getting a '96 Marzocchi Z1 and putting it on my bike (I like the old school stuff). I will probebly want to have it serviced and rebuilt but my question is...I have never had that done before and want to know what the best course of action would be. Do I take it to a local shop and have them do it? Do I send it to Marzocchi and have them do it? If so who do i contact about that? Any help at all would be a great help. thanks
Apr 28, 2006
North White Plains, NY
If there is no play in the fork (i.e. bushings aren't shot) just bring it to your LBS....no point in waiting for shipping back and forth to Marzocchi. If the bushings are shot, it'll probably need to go back to Marzocchi (unless your LBS has bushing tools). You can try contacting them directly but in the end it'll probably just be easier to let your LBS deal with them.
Aug 6, 2006
Denver, CO
Bushing tools for marzocchi forks are incredibly easy for shops to get, and rather in-expensive. Not all shops are into such intense projects. If you have a LBS you like, go to them and ask about it.