
math problem, solve for this without calc and win a prize


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
so my cousin comes to me with this problem.

given point A (-3,8) and B (2,2). point M lays on the X axis (m,0). where is M for the sum of AM plus MB to be shortest.

i´ve solved making AMB a function of n (n=cos of AM, and 5-n=cos of MB ), taking the derivative of that, making 0 the derivative (for minumum lenght).
i´ve got the answer to be M=(1,0). thru numerical aproximation i´ve validated this answer.

now the tricky part. my cousin is in high school pre-cal, so the problem has to be solved geometrically. no calculus allowed yet.:clue:

price? my gratitude and the pride of being the RM hero of the hour...

EDIT for clarity


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Huh? Do you mean line ABM? In which case the answer would be the X value for the line AM when y=0.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Bicyclist said:
Huh? Do you mean line ABM? In which case the answer would be the X value for the line AM when y=0.

AMB. like this.
the point M is on Y=0 unknown X, somewhere between x=-3 and x=2 wherever AMB ends up the shortest



Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Hrm, tricky w/ geometry.

I would write an equation that describes the length of one of the segments as a function of the other.

Basically I'd approach it like one of those problems where, for instance, you have 30 feet of fence and you want to make the biggest yard possible or whatever.

But I'm too lazy to actually do it.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
amateur said:
Uh, find the slope of the hypotenuse then solve using y=mx+b
Well you don't know where M is so you don't have a definite triangle do you? Although you maybe could nail it down and use the law of cosines, along with the distance formula. But even then you would be guessing as to where M would minimize the distance.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
No, that wouldn't make the shortest distance. That would make ABM a line. Segments AM+MB have to have a minimum value, not the whole line of AM.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
Bicyclist said:
Well you don't know where M is so you don't have a definite triangle do you? Although you maybe could nail it down and use the law of cosines, along with the distance formula. But even then you would be guessing as to where M would minimize the distance.
Use similar triangles.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
my cousin is in high school pre-cal, so the problem has to be solved geometrically. no calculus allowed yet.:clue:
Hey, wait a minute, I'm in precalc and we use integrals and derivatives.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Seems like the simplest way would be to guess and check with x values between -3 and 2 and figure out the distance of AM and BM then figure out which one adds up to the least. Or at least that's what seems to be a fairly easy way to do it, maybe... :p I don't feel like applying myself too well this weekend.

And like Bicyclist said, I'm in precalc as well and we definitely use derivatives and what not.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Bicyclist said:
OK, I set up the equation root(64 + (3-m)^2) + root(4 + (2-m)^2) = AM+MB.

yup, thats similar to what i did.
i made an equation AM+MB=(x^2+4)^.5+((5-x)^2+64)^.5
where x is the distance to the left from (2.0).

derivative of that, and solving for dx=0, gives x=1.
that is the correct answer giving the least possible distance AM+MB=5*5^.5.

but i had to dx.
no dx allowed, according to my cousin. they havent even seen limits yet.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
johnbryanpeters said:
Why don't you let your esteemed cousin do their own work?
he is long gone. am at my office right now.

is just i´ve been hurt in my nerd pride by not being able to solve a high school math problem..... and i wanted to know how are you supposed to do it.


Jun 10, 2002
Bicyclist said:
Hey, wait a minute, I'm in precalc and we use integrals and derivatives.
damn. i didn't touch that **** until first semester calc. maybe that's why it took 2 semesters for it to make sense.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
johnbryanpeters said:
I think you plot AM, ((Ay)*2 + (m - Ax)*2)*(-2), as a function of m, then similarly plot MB, ((By)*2 + (Bx - m)*2)*(-2), and I bet they intersect at m = 1.

Please forgive any errors in the above.
if by "*2" you mean "^2" and by "*(-2)" you mean "^(1/2)" then you've described the lengths of segments AM and BM, sure. but if you plot their intersection you'll find the point where both segments are of equal length. this is not the solution.

of course, i might be just totally misunderstanding your notation, and indeed the concept you're trying to convey, fwiw.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
and despite staring at this for the better part of an hour i can't come up with an elegant geometric solution. :(


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Toshi said:
and despite staring at this for the better part of an hour i can't come up with an elegant geometric solution. :(

tricky isnt it?
i took me a good 15, ti89 enhanced, minutes to come up with an answer...
for the first 10 minutes i was kinda lost, and i thought about cheating and going for the good ol´autocad to find a numerical aproximation.

then he said "no derivatives. geometry only". that made my day.
i was scratching my head hard for like 1 hour, and had it in on my mind a couple hours after he left....


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
I think I win with my above equation. If you plot that on a graphing calc you can determine the minimun value in a predetermined domain and there's your answer.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
the Inbred said:
damn. i didn't touch that **** until first semester calc. maybe that's why it took 2 semesters for it to make sense.
Really? I thought that was the point of precalc: to introduce calculus ideas. Otherwise it's just more algebra, trig, and geometry.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Bicyclist said:
I think I win with my above equation. If you plot that on a graphing calc you can determine the minimun value in a predetermined domain and there's your answer.
your solution neither is elegant nor involves geometry beyond the basic definition of segment length in cartesian coordinates, plus it seems to imply an overreliance on technology. be glad i'm not your math teacher :oink:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Touche, salesman.

Do you have a better solution? And personally I'm not about elegance (to a point) in math, I'm about quickness and simplicity. No reason in using out-dated methods to solve a problem when there's an easier way to think of it.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
thanks to a helpful comment from one of my friends :) working backwards from the solution, who noted that the slopes of AM and BM are "opposite" (in that they're orthogonal -- update: i'm dumb! they're not!) i got started on a train of thought that just led me to the elegant solution i knew was out there:

let theta be the angle opposite side AB, and let AB, AM, BM below represent the length of the segments. the law of cosines thus states:

(AB)^2 = (AM)^2 + (BM)^2 - 2(AM)(BM)cos(theta)

note that when theta = pi/2 the cos(theta) term equals zero, and we get our familiar pythagorean theorem. also note that AM and BM are positive, and that cos(theta) is positive for any theta other than pi/2 mod pi = 0. thus we can see that the whole last term (-2(AM)(BM)cos(theta)) will be negative for all theta not equal to pi/2.

this last observation implies that, for AB constant, AM and BM will be smallest when theta equals pi/2. in other words, setting m such that point M is at the right angle of a right triangle is the solution.



updated to reflect that this solution is wrong since they're not orthogonal!


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
According to my housemate, your assumption about AM and BM being orthogonal is incorrect. At least when checking using your solution of (1,0) the gradients of each line AM and BM show that they aren't perpendicular. The gradient of AM at this point is -2 and the gradient of BM is 2, hence not following the gradient of a perpendicular is -1/m thing.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
yeah, i just had that pointed out (discussing this problem on my email list). oops! when computing those slopes i flipped a -2 to a -1/2 in my haste to make my proposed solution work.

however, another of my friends came up with a valid, and equally elegant solution. note that the solution isn't mine.

john's solution said:
Let C=(2,-2). Clearly len(MB)=len(MC) for any choice of M=(m,0), so we'll minimize len(AM)+len(MC). But this is clearly minimized when A, M, C are colinear (i.e. AMC is a straight line). AC intersects the x-axis at x=1, so choosing m=1 gives the optimal answer.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Both my wife and my housemate, who are both maths grads are beavering away right now... It's kinda cute... :love:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Changleen said:
Both my wife and my housemate, who are both maths grads are beavering away right now... It's kinda cute... :love:
i miss this feeling of actually thinking... memorization just doesn't do it for me in the same way. :think: :(
Toshi said:
if by "*2" you mean "^2" and by "*(-2)" you mean "^(1/2)" then you've described the lengths of segments AM and BM, sure. but if you plot their intersection you'll find the point where both segments are of equal length. this is not the solution.

of course, i might be just totally misunderstanding your notation, and indeed the concept you're trying to convey, fwiw.
Yeah, you got the incorrect notation right. I meant

((Ay)^2 + (m - Ax)^2)^(-2)
((By)^2 + (Bx - m)^2)^(-2)

The curves don't intersect at (m, 0), they intersect at (m, <I don't care>), giving the correct value for m. BTW, I have not plotted this, just thought about it.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Toshi said:
yeah, i just had that pointed out (discussing this problem on my email list). oops! when computing those slopes i flipped a -2 to a -1/2 in my haste to make my proposed solution work.

however, another of my friends came up with a valid, and equally elegant solution. note that the solution isn't mine.
John´s solution said:
Let C=(2,-2). Clearly len(MB)=len(MC) for any choice of M=(m,0), so we'll minimize len(AM)+len(MC). But this is clearly minimized when A, M, C are colinear (i.e. AMC is a straight line). AC intersects the x-axis at x=1, so choosing m=1 gives the optimal answer.
beautiful. just beautiful.:love:

dx of (x^2+4)^.5+((5-x)^2+64)^.5 is just not the kind of derivative you´d expect pre-cal would teach to solve, definately not this early on the school year.

but i never thought it was going to be so beautifully simple. i was expecting some obscure trig identity or geometric relationship.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ah, elegant proofs. if you really liked that, then you should get this book:

Proofs from The Book

it's a collection of the most elegant proofs that the mathematician Paul Erdos (sorry, missing accents) came across, not necessarily came up with himself, over his career.