
Maxxis Series Cancellations???


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
As was already touched on in the 'Wolf Laurel' thread, it seems that this event has been cancelled. OK, that being said, anyone hear that the Windrock events have been cancelled as well? That would truly be a bummer for my inaugural DH racing season :(

If true, that only leaves Sugar as the lone DH event...Profro or Jeremy R, any insight?

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I don't know anything for sure, but I can tell you one thing.
When a Wolf or Windrock race gets cancelled, it is going to be because of things out of the racers/promoters hands. For Wolf, they just decided to redo the whole mountain, and there is nothing we can do about it.
Which sucks because I want to race there as bad as anybody.
And if Windrock gets cancelled, it will be because of the construction on the shuttle road. I know those boys up there want to have races really bad as well. You have to remember, the people putting on these things are just racers doing it to have races.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for Windrock for sure!!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I'm truly sorry to everyone for the late news, but I just found out the day I left for Snowshoe. I-26 corridor opened up 10 minutes from their front door last summer. The sign alone on the I-26 sign and their own exit off the interstate gave them 13,000 more skiers than they have ever had! They were covered up and maxed out apparently. The owner is the builder/contractor too and he says he is working 6-7 day weeks to get the expansion and can't spare. Again, I'm sorry. Sugar has told me before they would let us hold a race if we manned the whole thing ourselves....but I don't have a "staff" of workers to man registration, etc.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I was going to get to make 4 of the 6 maxxis races this year, but I guess I dont know if there will even be any. WTF?


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Sour news indeed...I was really looking forward to racing the Wolf and the Rock (especially after reading Profro's posts about all the nastiness at Windrock) :confused:

Regardless, I can only hope that the September Windrock event still has a chance of taking place...Keep us updated...

As for Sugar, I will hereby volunteer my time as an 'event staffer'...I can get up there earlier in the week if necessary. Although I would like to run in the Sport DH race (and I would promise not to 'modify the race results' in a NASCAR-esque like fashion ;) )


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
The Maxxis finals @ windrock are supposed to be Sept. 10-11th. When is the Snowshoe race?


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Mayhem in the Mountains - The Snowshoe Downhill, The West Virginia Championships and Mid-Atlantic Cup Finals: September 10 &#8211; 11
Described as one of the best downhill courses in the country, the Snowshoe Downhill gives amateurs and pros the chance to compete for cash and prizes total over $5,000. This event will also be the series final for the West Virginia Championships and the Mid-Atlantic Cup. Participate if you will or just come and witness some of the regions top riders. For more information, visit racersedgeonline.com.


May 9, 2003
East Tennessee
Word! The only way I will go back to Snowshoe is if we have been in a year long drought!

If someone wants to take the lead and try for a Sky race, i will help get the paperwork started. Otherwise, I can try to arrange another ETSU race with the Buffalo DH, but I would need more help to make it happen.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Terry, I would love to have another MTNx race at your course. What do we need to make it happen? Plus I would love to run it 4 racers this time if possible. BTW, check your phone messages, I left you one.


I was there last Sunday & pushed to the top again..
The road is paved near the top..& the rest is nice gravel...
I think it might be 1/2 way paved by July 4????
We'll see...
Man BIGFOOT is looking sweet...
I only have one afternoon on Sunday's to do whatever usually--I choose to ride- but i did rake slightly somewhat out there at Bigfoot....It's a great workout for the abs !!
Remember there are alway's trees & maintanance that needs to be done..That's where i like to help..Not so much on the initial making of it...
Juan & crew have done great out there ! :)


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
hey Terry, what's the trick to getting Buffalo Mtn? last time we had talked it was the road. It's a city park right? You had said you got permission the one time we did it as an "impact study"...pretty creative thinking. Give me a number of volunteers you need to make it happen. We'll all do the math and see what we can do.

What is it that needs to happen in regards to Sky?


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Not to get too far off track, but is there still a chance at having the Sugar Mtn. event? Like I said earlier, I will volunteer to help staff this race if the main problem is man power. But I have no idea how many people you really need to make the thing run smoothly. Seriously, let me know.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
the staff requirement would be timing staff up top, EMT staff on course, course tape (got that covered), timing equipment, 4-5 people to man timing (might can rotate), NORBA official ($150.00 including their gas mileage), NORBA insurance - costs about $3.00 per estimated rider. Terry could answer better than me about the rest


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
OK, so man power is needed for the timing equipment. Plus, you actually have to have timing equipment available. Anyway we could use Terry's stuff he had at ETSU? I might be able to dig up a few more people besides myself to help out with registration and maning the timing equipment. Not sure about the EMS peeps, the NORBA official, and insurance, but I would like to think you could pay these guys with race fees, no?

The other question that I'm wondering about is the rest of the events (i.e. XC, DS?, etc...) I suppose you have to have people run those things as well. I assume the actual courses will stay about the same as they have been in the past (i.e. gotta include Lizard Lane)?

I know I'm being stubborn, but I just hate to see a great event go by the wayside because we can't get enough volunteers to help out...


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
bizutch said:
What is it that needs to happen in regards to Sky?
Other than maybe having to smooth some ruffled feathers from the last race, I'd say the MtnX course needs to move out on to the ski slope. That was the original plan by Caveman Chris. If you want I could make a couple of phone calls up there and get a feel if they want to have us there again. The easiest thing would be to have just a DH race.

I know it's far for you guys but there is a boy scout camp(Camp Thunder) @ 1hour south of ATL that has great potential for DH and MtnX. Chuck already has a spot for the MtnX and there are alot of possibilities for DH. I've been trying to get PHChris down to have a look. I meet up w/ Jeff and Brady sometimes and do some DH runs on the XC course that's been there forever.
It has 1100' elevation. We just need someone with experience to come out, let us show you around and see if it's worth digging a trail. :help:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I used to work at Camp Thunder in the summer and I used to know the Scout Exec really well. However I don't know if he (Les Baron) is still there, but the stuff over near the canoe base has some awesome stuff too.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
You guys cant cancel anymore races, ok? Seriously, I wont have **** to do this summer.
Question though:
Whats an average race turnout like?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Excellent. It'll be great to race in the expert class with a bunch of experts...not just the 4 or 5 of us out here all the time. Dont cancel anything else....please?


Mar 30, 2003
Peete said:
Other than maybe having to smooth some ruffled feathers from the last race, I'd say the MtnX course needs to move out on to the ski slope. That was the original plan by Caveman Chris. If you want I could make a couple of phone calls up there and get a feel if they want to have us there again. The easiest thing would be to have just a DH race.

I know it's far for you guys but there is a boy scout camp(Camp Thunder) @ 1hour south of ATL that has great potential for DH and MtnX. Chuck already has a spot for the MtnX and there are alot of possibilities for DH. I've been trying to get PHChris down to have a look. I meet up w/ Jeff and Brady sometimes and do some DH runs on the XC course that's been there forever.
It has 1100' elevation. We just need someone with experience to come out, let us show you around and see if it's worth digging a trail. :help:
I don't think that moving the 4X course out onto the ski slope would be an option. We would have to rebuild it and then tear it down when we are done. The course has a good layout if it doesn't rain. Chris Warren doesn't know ****! The course just needs to be reworked. All we need to do is make the DH course flow better. And make it longer somehow. (ie, make the trail go through the middle island on the ski slope)

Does it cost much to become a NORBA official. It would be great if a local SouthEAST rider became a Norba official. Then we wouldn't have to pay for him/her to show up.
Mar 23, 2004
If any of these races end up happening would they be the same weekend that wolf was planned for (July 10-11)? This was going to be my families summer vaction destination so we have that week off with nothing to do but go to Gatlinburg and hopefully windrock if that happens.


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
GiantAC1dh said:
I don't think that moving the 4X course out onto the ski slope would be an option. We would have to rebuild it and then tear it down when we are done. The course has a good layout if it doesn't rain. Chris Warren doesn't know ****! The course just needs to be reworked. All we need to do is make the DH course flow better. And make it longer somehow. (ie, make the trail go through the middle island on the ski slope)

Does it cost much to become a NORBA official. It would be great if a local SouthEAST rider became a Norba official. Then we wouldn't have to pay for him/her to show up.
Wrongo junior mint. The original plan that was bought off by the owner was to have the DS course to the right of the snow machines and it was to be permanent. Where it is now is 'tard because it goes right by a rusted out cat track so someone could get pushed into it very easily. Plus you could fish in the DS course after a good rain. That course holds water worse than Delta Burke during that time of the month.
Flow better? Let's just pave it!
I like the course as is however I agree with looking into that island of trees for more terrain. I don't think you will add time to the run. It will shorten the overall length but it will be slower.
Next time we go up let's take a look.