
May 17th.........looks like that will be the day...


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
that I appear in court to finalize my divorce.

Just got back from a session with the divorce mediator.

I now have to figure out a way to live in order to make my child support payments. :dead:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Man, sounds like a double edged sword. How come you are paying child support if you have custody? I think you need a better lawyer :(

dh girlie

Echo said:
Man, sounds like a double edged sword. How come you are paying child support if you have custody? I think you need a better lawyer :(

Whoa...no kidding...my friend married a guy that is divorced and has two kids...his ex has him by the balls...he's a great dad and sees his kids all the time, but if he has to go out of town for business, she really sticks it to him and makes him pay more child support cuz he missed two days with the kids...what a nice example to set for your children. :rolleyes:


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Echo said:
Man, sounds like a double edged sword. How come you are paying child support if you have custody? I think you need a better lawyer :(
joint legal custody, but the boys spend the majority of their time a their Mom's house.

You see when we separated, she moved into a house with her boyfriend, I couldn't afford a house on my own at the time, so it was decided taht the boyswould live in her town and go to schools in her town.

She since broke up with that boyfriend, sold that house and bought a new smaller one on her own using the money they made from the sale of the other house as her downpayment $$.

They now live in Bolton, CT and go to school there. I see them on Monday nights and also on Tuesdays and Thursdays usually when they have hockey. I have them with me every other weekend and I also go to their sporting events on the weekends even when it is not my "weekend" with them.

I get to see them a lot, but they only sleep over at my apartment on the weekends they are with me or when I'm on vacation or take time off to care for them during school breaks and stuff like that.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
MtnBikerChk said:
why do you have to wait so long? that kinds sucks. but at least you have a date.

don't worry, this summer IAB and I are gonna cut back too. after we ride, just come to our house for burgers and beer.

You have to wait 90 days in CT MBC

I've been struggling like crazy about what to do about my dogs - but now I may be forced to have to give them up. :( I'm really not sure how I'm going to manage all of this, but I'm thankful that I have good friends, good family and people that love me - so I'll figure it all out I guess.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
According to my sister, her ex doesn't pay a cent in alimony, his wages are garnished, but they only take out like $30 and she still gets a check for a few hundred each month. It takes a lot of persistance and you have to be an all around jerkoff but if you don't want to pay there are ways to not pay, or at least not pay the full amount. They didn't have any kids though, I wouldn't want to put my kids through that.


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
I think May 18 would be a fine day for us to blow off work and do an epic group ride. :)
I'm in!

Mark, any time you're around for a beer, I'm buying...


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Kornphlake said:
According to my sister, her ex doesn't pay a cent in alimony, his wages are garnished, but they only take out like $30 and she still gets a check for a few hundred each month. It takes a lot of persistance and you have to be an all around jerkoff but if you don't want to pay there are ways to not pay, or at least not pay the full amount. They didn't have any kids though, I wouldn't want to put my kids through that.
My wife had an affair on me with a co-worker. I tried to forgive and resolve the marriage, she wanted no part of it.

we were separated for two years. Now finally getting the divorce.

No alimony, just child support. the thing is, I wish I could be certain that my child support payments were going exclusively to support the kids and not her and her personal expenses and shiznit like that.

I gotta pay what I gotta pay - it's a court order type of thing, so I have to suck it up and figure out a way to make it all work.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
MMcG said:
My wife had an affair on me with a co-worker. I tried to forgive and resolve the marriage, she wanted no part of it.

we were separated for two years. Now finally getting the divorce.

No alimony, just child support. the thing is, I wish I could be certain that my child support payments were going exclusively to support the kids and not her and her personal expenses and shiznit like that.

I gotta pay what I gotta pay - it's a court order type of thing, so I have to suck it up and figure out a way to make it all work.
That sucks man! That's definitely no fun that she was the one that screwed up your relationship and you have to bite the bullet for it. :( My parents are divorced and we do something similar to what you're doing, I go to my dad's Tuesday or Thursday each week and then every other weekend, the nice thing is that he's only a few miles away so going there isn't that hard of a thing to do. Good luck going through everything.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
MMcG said:
My wife had an affair on me with a co-worker. I tried to forgive and resolve the marriage, she wanted no part of it.

we were separated for two years. Now finally getting the divorce.

No alimony, just child support. the thing is, I wish I could be certain that my child support payments were going exclusively to support the kids and not her and her personal expenses and shiznit like that.

I gotta pay what I gotta pay - it's a court order type of thing, so I have to suck it up and figure out a way to make it all work.
That's just it, you don't gotta pay, the court will garnish your wages and then the state will make up for the rest. If you do that you're a slime ball though and my sister will talk about you the way she talks about her ex.

Sucks about your situation, I sure wouldn't want to be single again. I've got a sister that really wants to get married (not the bitter divorcee) I could hook ya up if you're into 23 year old blond mormons.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Kornphlake said:
That's just it, you don't gotta pay, the court will garnish your wages and then the state will make up for the rest. If you do that you're a slime ball though and my sister will talk about you the way she talks about her ex.

Sucks about your situation, I sure wouldn't want to be single again. I've got a sister that really wants to get married (not the bitter divorcee) I could hook ya up if you're into 23 year old blond mormons.

Did I ever infer that I wasn't going to pay? :confused:

YOu aren't adding much to this thread dude.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Echo said:
I think you should make it your goal to get custody. Make HER pay child support.

I don't want to go there Echo - my sons are doing really well in school and they are making good friends where they are now.

They are most important and I'll figure out a way to do this. I just wish I could get some kind of guarantee that all my child support money will go for things related to the children - you know what I mean?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
MMcG said:
No alimony, just child support. the thing is, I wish I could be certain that my child support payments were going exclusively to support the kids and not her and her personal expenses and shiznit like that.
I know too many people (kids) that has happened to. it's a pretty sh!tty thing to do. best of luck, mark!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
MMcG said:
I don't want to go there Echo - my sons are doing really well in school and they are making good friends where they are now.

They are most important and I'll figure out a way to do this. I just wish I could get some kind of guarantee that all my child support money will go for things related to the children - you know what I mean?
Mark - you really are one of the good guys :thumb: I SO respect the fact that you put the boys first. I truly hope that your ex learns something from you and doesn't squander the $ on herself! Best of luck and know that you are always welcome to ride and stay here!


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
MMcGI said:
now have to figure out a way to live in order to make my child support payments. :dead:
been there..
still there...

and I know exactly what you mean about hoping the $$ is going towards your kid and not here. But there isn't much you can do about that unfortunately. :(


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
MMcG said:
I don't want to go there Echo - my sons are doing really well in school and they are making good friends where they are now.

They are most important and I'll figure out a way to do this. I just wish I could get some kind of guarantee that all my child support money will go for things related to the children - you know what I mean?
That's cool man, at least you have your priorities straight. Hopefully your ex does too.


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
Although we only met at Dalton and talk on here, It was obvious from the first time we talked that you are a stand up guy. I hope that you can figure things out.
You have many RM friends including me that believe in you and you have are support.



Jan 15, 2005
at my own freeride trail
Hey MMcG, that's great that you have a good attitude about your situation. Sure, the child support will suck but atleast you still get to see your children.

I'm married and my step daughter's father doesn't pay sh**, plus he moved away so he wouldn't have any responsibility raising her. He uses his part-time minimum wage job to justify being so far away. And jobs here are hard to find...yeah whatever. So who gets to pay for her? I do and I already have 3 of my own. Yay. As you know kids are expensive so even if your child support doesn't go directly to buying your kids clothing, food, health insurance, etc. just remember that you are still helping your kids out financially somehow. And you're still going to spend time with them when you can... You are a real man and a great dad! Not a deadbeat.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
MMcG said:
you guys rock - thanks for the support! It really goes a long way and helps me out a lot.

So who's down for this May 18th ride then???? :thumb:

hmm, does the person who drives the furthest to make this get the biggest after ride burger?? :D


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
douglas said:
hmm, does the person who drives the furthest to make this get the biggest after ride burger?? :D
Mmmm burger!

We might make it then... ;)

Good luck with everything Mark!