If I were in Iraq, I'd avoid the markets. Everyone seems to get blown up in markets. Discuss.
H8R Cranky Pants Nov 10, 2004 13,959 35 May 22, 2007 #1 If I were in Iraq, I'd avoid the markets. Everyone seems to get blown up in markets. Discuss.
DaveW Space Monkey Jul 2, 2001 11,760 3,244 The bunker at parliament May 22, 2007 #2 So starvation is good?
valve bouncer Master Dildoist Feb 11, 2002 7,843 114 Japan May 22, 2007 #3 H8R said: If I were in Iraq, I'd avoid the markets. Everyone seems to get blown up in markets. Discuss. Click to expand... Have you been reading DHBuilder's blog?
H8R said: If I were in Iraq, I'd avoid the markets. Everyone seems to get blown up in markets. Discuss. Click to expand... Have you been reading DHBuilder's blog?
Secret Squirrel There is no Justice! Dec 21, 2004 8,150 1 Up sh*t creek, without a paddle May 22, 2007 #5 It's just you.
H8R Cranky Pants Nov 10, 2004 13,959 35 May 22, 2007 #6 Secret Squirrel said: It's just you. Click to expand... Ok. http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/16/news/iraq.php http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070522/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSIBO13141920070506?feedType=RSS http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?art_id=nw20070513135040342C914491 http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/08/africa/08iraq.php
Secret Squirrel said: It's just you. Click to expand... Ok. http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/16/news/iraq.php http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070522/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSIBO13141920070506?feedType=RSS http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?art_id=nw20070513135040342C914491 http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/08/africa/08iraq.php
Secret Squirrel There is no Justice! Dec 21, 2004 8,150 1 Up sh*t creek, without a paddle May 22, 2007 #7 Why do you hate freedom?
jimmydean The Official Meat of Ridemonkey Sep 10, 2001 43,590 15,823 Portland, OR May 22, 2007 #8 They need one of these in Iraq! http://www.mylackey.com Pay some dude to fetch your gear. If he doesn't make it back, you don't pay!
They need one of these in Iraq! http://www.mylackey.com Pay some dude to fetch your gear. If he doesn't make it back, you don't pay!
MMike A fowl peckerwood. Sep 5, 2001 18,207 105 just sittin' here drinkin' scotch May 22, 2007 #9 Are suggesting that they should at least specify whether the market is "exploding" or "non-exploding"?
Are suggesting that they should at least specify whether the market is "exploding" or "non-exploding"?
H8R Cranky Pants Nov 10, 2004 13,959 35 May 22, 2007 #10 Secret Squirrel said: Why do you hate freedom? Click to expand... I don't. I just noticed that every time I read about a suicide bomb going off in Iraq, it's at or near a market.
Secret Squirrel said: Why do you hate freedom? Click to expand... I don't. I just noticed that every time I read about a suicide bomb going off in Iraq, it's at or near a market.
Secret Squirrel There is no Justice! Dec 21, 2004 8,150 1 Up sh*t creek, without a paddle May 22, 2007 #11 H8R said: I don't. I just noticed that every time I read about a suicide bomb going off in Iraq, it's at or near a market. Click to expand... That's cause you're readin' those damned commie-facist rags... I just feel like stirring the pot today...must be the clouds...they're messing with mah tin foil hat...
H8R said: I don't. I just noticed that every time I read about a suicide bomb going off in Iraq, it's at or near a market. Click to expand... That's cause you're readin' those damned commie-facist rags... I just feel like stirring the pot today...must be the clouds...they're messing with mah tin foil hat...
Secret Squirrel There is no Justice! Dec 21, 2004 8,150 1 Up sh*t creek, without a paddle May 22, 2007 #12 MMike said: Are suggesting that they should at least specify whether the market is "exploding" or "non-exploding"? Click to expand... That would be one way of doing it, yes.
MMike said: Are suggesting that they should at least specify whether the market is "exploding" or "non-exploding"? Click to expand... That would be one way of doing it, yes.
jimmydean The Official Meat of Ridemonkey Sep 10, 2001 43,590 15,823 Portland, OR May 22, 2007 #13 They need to open a new "Mall of Iraq" with exploding and non-exploding zones for parking and foot traffic. The prices in the exploding areas would be great, but is the savings worth dying for?
They need to open a new "Mall of Iraq" with exploding and non-exploding zones for parking and foot traffic. The prices in the exploding areas would be great, but is the savings worth dying for?
LordOpie MOTHER HEN Oct 17, 2002 21,022 3 Denver May 22, 2007 #14 Wal-Mart greeters make me wanna suicide bomb.
Echo crooked smile Jul 10, 2002 11,819 15 Slacking at work May 22, 2007 #15 Thread title sounds like a pirate who just farted: "Arr, something stinks in 'ere. Maybe it's just me but..." irate2:
Thread title sounds like a pirate who just farted: "Arr, something stinks in 'ere. Maybe it's just me but..." irate2:
stevew resident influencer Sep 21, 2001 41,381 10,314 May 22, 2007 #17 ^ ^ How much for the slightly used birkenstock?