
MBA & 'Black Diamond Riding'


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
My problem with these guys is whenever I pick up an issue in a book store every couple months (not to buy, but to look at the pictures), it always seems like they're reviewing the same damn XC bikes: Specialized, Cannondale, Trek.
Got to remember at that age it becomes way easy to forget things, which explains the re-occuring reviews.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
All posts withdrawn because of someone that has a serious reading comprehension problem and major attitude.

Huck Banzai

Turbo Monkey
May 8, 2005
Because I read all of your first post except for the last few words of the first sentence which mention downhill.

Because at the time it seemed pretty stupid to have a thread about hucking in the DH forum when there is a Freeride forum.
The thread was good for 3 pages of on topic posts before you decided it wasnt up to snuff, and was about relevant nomenclature. The freeride and DH threads are long overude to be merged with 95% of the content in DH being 'freeride' should you choose to be that narrow minded. Freeriding is not hucking, hucking is hucking - hate not...

You have no point, you have nothing to add, dont bother - next time infer it, it was implied.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
If we're going to talk about what's appropriate for the DH forum, then I vote for not seeing a single picture/thread/topic about bikes that don't have:

-A dc fork
-At least 8" of travel (Commencal excepted)
-DH geometry. The Giant Faith doesn't count.

Huck Banzai

Turbo Monkey
May 8, 2005
Dude it was simple ****ing question. I admitted I didn't read EVERY word in the first post. AND you badger me for being narrow minded when you are acting like the asshat. How ironic!!!
There's nothing ironic at all. Did you truly believe you would have any impact other than being insulting by adding nothing other than criticism, and a moot point at that? If so then you truly are a moron. You admit to responding without reading, post a derisive and pointless comment, then try to put it back on me framing it as a legitimate question? Why shouldnt it be in the DH forum? WHat is DH? Are you a moderator? Isn't it funny that they're not chiming in?

Maybe if I lash out at your glaring, sophomoric pinnacle of stupidity, I might be lucky enough to get banned versus be assaulted by all the self-congratulating fools who can't help but attack everything, offer nothing, and generally be completely useless.

Next time have the decency and self-respect to keep your mouth shut.