from Brattleboro...anyone have any bad experiences with their bottled beer? While coming back from Mt. Snow last weekend, I picked up a few of their seasonal bomber bottles. Thus far, it has been total crap. The summer Wheat was vinegar/sour and the seasonal IPA was borderline going bad. A brewer friend (from Evan's Ale/The Albany Pump Station) had previously stated that McNeil doesn't clean his tanks enough and that they may be infected.
Am I playing Russian Roulette with the remaining 4 bomber bottles? Any other McNeil's experiences? (I have had GOOD luck, though at his pub/Bratteboro brewery, though!) - Jim
Am I playing Russian Roulette with the remaining 4 bomber bottles? Any other McNeil's experiences? (I have had GOOD luck, though at his pub/Bratteboro brewery, though!) - Jim