
Mean Cuisine


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Okay, so the belt's getting a little tight again. It's time to start counting "points" and head down to Safeway to pick up some weight conscious frozen entrees.

I stand in the frozen food aisle contemplating all wonderful choices. Plump slabs of chicken and beef nestled in thick pasta with rich, colorful vegetables. Enchiladas drenched in cheese and sour cream with fluffy rice. This is where I always get sucked in. What looks good in the picture on the package almost never bears any resemblance to what is lurking beneath the frosted film in the little plastic tray inside.

But suddenly, my mood brightens in the grip of an acid flashback or senior moment (I can't differentiate anymore). I manage an optimistic view stemming from the tantilizing pictures on the packages, select a few of the frozen treasures and head to the checkout before the thaw.

Today's selection at work consisted of


Umm, looks good doesn't it? Thick chicken breasts in a mountain of pasta. The website even featured the following review of the product. "This is my absolute favorite! I like almost all of the frozen entrees, but this is...Lisa R. Oviedo, Florida" But this is... what Lisa? After sampling this culinary abomination I think you may well have some issues here ma'am. And possibly a taste for sh*t. I can only hope they didn't comp you a freezer full of this crap for that endorsement.

Let me say it is probably safe to assume that no chickens were harmed in the making of this meal. I have personally lost more meat to a paper cut. I initially thought there was only one chicken slice(?) but after stirring around I found the other hiding in an eighth of an inch deep gelatinous mass with green specs (basil cream sauce). I've had band-aids that were thicker than these chicken particles and they were pretty much the same color too.

My line of work seldom affords one to eat a whole meal in one sitting. I have found that with these entrees the longer they sit, the more "true" flavor seeps through. It's one thing to eat it at 190 degrees when the flesh is seared from the roof of your mouth and taste buds are cauterized, but after it cools for a period of time and the molecular structure changes... I shudder to even think or can begin to describe. I feel like I have stumbled into a "Steve, Don't Eat It!" episode from The Sneeze.

So this was my horrid lunch, it went quite well with my horrid day at work. Just as the Fixx lyrics say "One thing leads to another". But hey! Hold on a minute! What's this in the freezer? Ummm... portabello with beef tips in a rich burgundy sauce. Wooooaaaa- and look at the package with all the colors. ALL THE PRETTY COLORS! This looks great! Oh man- I can hardly wait until lunch tomorrow.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Here is a nice little recipe for you.

cook up a chicken breast the day before work.
bring chopped up veggies (broccoli, carrots, bell peppers)
throw veggies in a microwave safe bowl with a bit of water and some salt and pepper, heat until al dente
throw together with chicken and you got a healthy meal

Add to it as you please, but the chicken breast and veggies is a great way to start. Slice the chicken thin, grab a tub of hummus and a pita and you got a sandwich. Throw in some spinach leaves and balsamic vinegar. At some cheese or ceaser dressing to the veggies for some fats and extra flavor

Also, frozen ravioli is awesome. Add in some non-frozen red pasta sauce and you can eat happy.

F*** the frozen "healthy" crap. Eat fresh foods, so much better for you.

The Ito


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
ito said:
F*** the frozen "healthy" crap. Eat fresh foods, so much better for you.

I have a frozen or pre-packaged meal (indian food, dry soup, Amy's burritos, Thai Bowls, Annie Chun's) once a week (it saves me some time)....

the rest of the time I am eating sandwiches, salads, soups (which I put together the night before)

but all of my stuff is vegetarian....and unless I am eating peanut butter and twizzlers it is definitely healthier than a lot of other things.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
MudGrrl said:
but all of my stuff is vegetarian....and unless I am eating peanut butter and twizzlers it is definitely healthier than a lot of other things.

Have you tried anything from this company? My roommate served the "chicken nuggets" at the super bowl party we had this year. No one actually noticed they weren't chicken. These things are scary good!

The Ito


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
SkaredShtles said:
What are scary good? Fake chicken nuggets? $hit - even the *real* nuggets taste like a$$. :p
Mmm, throw some ketchup and bbq sauce on them.....perfect compliment to too much beer. Actually, they probably tasted better than real chicken nuggets.

The Ito


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Great rant there. Stop believing in miracle food, skip that genetically mutuated processed crap, eat real food, and ride your bike more. Eventually you won't crave the chemicals.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I eat Banquet BBQ Chicken Meals for lunch. Each is only 280 calories and it tastes good enough.

When I take the time, I make my own TV dinners to bring to work. I am trying to watch my intake as well as save a few bucks. But when you look at the "diet" dinners, most are just as bad or worse than the normal stuff. The Banquet meals I get are $.88 each and worth every penny. :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
ito said:
Mmm, throw some ketchup and bbq sauce on them.....perfect compliment to too much beer. Actually, they probably tasted better than real chicken nuggets.

The Ito
You throw some ketchup or BBQ sauce on a deep fried cat turd and it'll taste the same................ especially with too much beer. :thumb: