
meanwhile in san diego.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
these things have been popping up all over my neighborhood. i really think it would be cool if they could find a way to keep them up. its harmless and i havent met anyone who doesnt like them. the rest of the article and a video are at the link.


A public art controversy is blooming in San Diego thanks to a mysterious man who has turned 100 stop signs into flowers using yarn and wire.

Back in March, the computer programmer who only identifies himself as "Bryan" started a "yarn bombing" project in which he and a dozen others knitted and crocheted green stems and leaves onto 100 stop signs in his neighborhood.

"I went out at night and wrapped scarves that I had already knitted around the signposts and stitched them to the poles and added leaves that I made with yarn and wire," Bryan told The Huffington Post. "At first, people ignored me, wanting to avoid that guy standing on a step-ladder near a stop sign, but as I got up to 50, 60 signs, people started to stick their heads out of their cars and tell me they loved what I was doing."

But that love hasn't bloomed in all corners. Recently, San Diego City official Bill Harris contacted Bryan through his website and told him to stop turning signs into trees.

"The City is forced to announce that the Stop Sign Flowers must come down. Even with the great community spirit this effort has generated, there are just too many restrictions to overcome," Harris wrote in a letter that was excerpted in San Diego Citybeat. "City staff looked through state law and local policies trying to find some way of allowing the flowers to remain in place. Unfortunately, particularly with traffic control signs and including all other City assets, there is just no way to retain the works where they now are."

Bryan has 10 days to remove them before city employees do so, and he is currently weighing his options.