
Medical Records aren't so secret (in Kansas)


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

The Kansas attorney general is demanding abortion clinics turn over the complete medical records of nearly 90 women and girls, saying he needs the material for an investigation into underage sex and illegal late-term abortions.

Two clinics are fighting the request in Kansas Supreme Court, saying the state has no right to such personal information.

But Attorney General Phill Kline, an abortion opponent, insisted Thursday: "I have the duty to investigate and prosecute child rape and other crimes in order to protect Kansas children."
Talk about a pandora's box.

Kline began pushing in 2003 to require health care professionals to report underage sexual activity. Kline contends state law requires such reporting, but a federal judge blocked him. The case has yet to be resolved.
Personal privacy my butt.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
wow. kline seems like a true modern day patriot by neocon standards eh


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Is it illegal to have sex if your under 18? And your having sex with some one who is also under the age of 18?


Dec 6, 2004
its a fear tactic... its for chrisitian conservatives to legislate the morality of pre marital sex by scaring girls into not getting abortions because their info will be public.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
This guy isn't (necessarily) a neo-con. The neo-cons are steering right now, but the Christian right is riding shotgun...he could be one of those.

If he's a neo-con, this is a brilliant bone to throw the Christian right...


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Silver said:
This guy isn't (necessarily) a neo-con. The neo-cons are steering right now, but the Christian right is riding shotgun...he could be one of those.

If he's a neo-con, this is a brilliant bone to throw the Christian right...
Don't much like them 'christians' either...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ah, true. this does smack more of misguided christianity. the fascist undertone i attribute to the neocon movement.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
mack said:
Is it illegal to have sex if your under 18? And your having sex with some one who is also under the age of 18?

Still waiting for a answer on this one...

I hate when people assosiate neo-cons with christian ****s. I am neo-cons, or at least consider myself one. I believe in low spending and very small government. But nowadays all the neo-cons are the idiotic screwups supporting christian adgendas (Bush, cough Bush). I dont even really consider Bush to be a conservative at all, just look at all the ****ing money he spends.

I really hate religion in general, as well as the deep south...

BTW: "nazi punks **** off" is a good song. :thumb:


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
mack said:
Is it illegal to have sex if your under 18? And your having sex with some one who is also under the age of 18?

in the US, in some states it may be. i think there are some states with consent age of 17 and 18....

specially that part of having sex with someone under 18 you being over 18. anal and oral sex are also illegal in some places as far as i know. :eek:


Nov 15, 2003
mack said:
I hate when people assosiate neo-cons with christian ****s. I am neo-cons, or at least consider myself one. I believe in low spending and very small government. But nowadays all the neo-cons are the idiotic screwups supporting christian adgendas (Bush, cough Bush). I dont even really consider Bush to be a conservative at all, just look at all the ****ing money he spends.
Mack you should take Silver's advice, I think you're misguided as to what it means to be a 'neo-con'. I've said this before so I'll just leave you with a quote from a previous thread on wmd's.
Discostu said:
I may be completely wrong, but I've always thought Neocon referred to someone who followed the political philosopher Leo Strauss. Examples would be Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and to a lesser degree Rumsfeld.

I think people that support neocons like these really need to look into Straussian teachings to understand exactly what it means to be a neocon. Strauss stated that in order for a nation to survive it had to control its people by keeping them occupied with a common, united battle against some evil in the world. Whether that evil is real or fabricated is irrelevant according to Strauss, because it is required to maintain social order. According to Strauss it is the duty of the elite to ensure the people believe in the cause.

With that in mind, I don't understand how anyone could possibly support the neocons given that their entire philosophy is based on promoting to the public what is possibly (and almost certainly given the current evidence) a lie.

I don't believe that Bush is a Neoconservative, his father certainly was not. I think that following September 11, the neocons began to gain power in his administration, claiming that their assertion of some evil force out to destroy us had been right all along. I think to be safe Bush is doing whatever the Neocons tell him to, and that involves one by one crossing names off the list of nations in the 'axis of evil'.

What does this have to do with the search for WMD's? Well I think its pretty good evidence the neocons are trying to do the same thing they did in the cold war, find a threat to the United States, no matter how small, then fabricate some extensive evil organization behind it all that will keep the people afraid. People that are afraid will be loyal to a group that promises them protection. As long as these neocons are in power, I think they will always find ways to keep us afraid, whether a threat exists or not.


Dec 6, 2004
I think the unfortunate misunderstanding he may be trying to allude to is that the largely left leaning demographic of this site unfortunately cannot distinguish between "neocon" and "conservative" or "republican" or "bush supporter" and assumes that the latter three don't really exist because its easier to use something derogatory.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
So label me. I and pro-choice, believe in a free government completely and free speech, dont like presidents that spend allot and in gereral believe in as little government as possible. I belive that social security should be downsized and taxes reduced to minial opertating standards. Would i be a "libertarian" ?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
mack said:
So label me. I and pro-choice, believe in a free government completely and free speech, dont like presidents that spend allot and in gereral believe in as little government as possible. I belive that social security should be downsized and taxes reduced to minial opertating standards. Would i be a "libertarian" ?
What are you, 16 or something? You don't know what you are yet. My tip- less talking, more listening.