
~!!!~ Meh Monday GMT ~!!!~


Sep 8, 2009
Morning monkeys.

Another work week begins... blah.

Friday was my 5yr wedding anniversary so we dropped the kid off with my dad & step mom. The wife and I spent the day hitting up some wineries and breweries around Seneca Lake. Then fancy dinner and a hotel room overlooking the lake.

Other than that... the rest of weekend was spend cleaning up around the house.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I am aboard an express train with pretty good services, doing almost two hundred miles in two hours; business class ticket cost me less than $25. Nope, I am not in the US.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Been living on the cheap for the past week. As expensive as Japan is, it is pretty easy to eat well cheaper than what I probably could in the states. I made up for it tonight, he doesn't know it yet, but my boss just bought me an exorbitantly expensive Kobe steak. It was as tasty as it was tiny, very in both respects. I actually would have preferred a big old slab of mediocre 'Merican steak.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Had a good ride yesterday, though it kind of kicked my ass. Short but gobs of climbing. I guess it's good to get one of those kind of rides in every now and again.

My gas light went on last night as I was pulling into the parking lot of my apartment complex. No big deal, I'll get gas on the way to work. The first TWO gas stations I went to didn't have gas. I pulled into the third one on fumes and was consequently late to work. Hell of a way to begin the day. Poop time.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Rudely awoken by the woman child @ 7 this morning, I am still le tired. Wife went back to work today. She preps this week then all the kids start next Wednesday. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't eagerly anticipating have the house to myself again for a couple days a week.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
cool. i'm still on the fence about going, as it's 4+ hours for me, and i'm trying to squirrel away money for an upcoming vacation and another upcoming house project.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

Rudely awoken by the woman child @ 7 this morning, I am still le tired. Wife went back to work today. She preps this week then all the kids start next Wednesday. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't eagerly anticipating have the house to myself again for a couple days a week.
Your wife is a teacher? I did not know that.

Here is my kid yesterday, the occasion being that she turned 18 months old a week or two ago:



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
50 mile ride yesterday. I had an 'incident' with a buzzing and horm blast while doing ~40mph in full tuck. Scared the isht out of me, especially given it's a super rough road and your don't have any run off room from the potholes. Caught up to him at the light just ahead and lost my isht. It is in a very popular tourist town and the death stares the guy was getting from everybody was amazing. He went from full asshole to 'please calm down' in about 5 seconds flat. Apparently when enraged, my wookie self can be intimidating. Even while wearing lycra.

Otherwise, work.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Had a wonderful weekend with a really cool fundraising concert on Saturday. I don't know if anyone here has ever seen or met Junki Yoshida, but damn he is funny when hammered. This is an article from last years event.


We left right after the last band started because the guys before them were amazing. They ran a beer filed party bus from downtown Portland to the venue out in Troutdale. It was totally worth it.

Did a whole lot of nothing Sunday and it was everything I hoped it would be.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Checked out Coast Gravity Park yesterday. It was a bit of an unexpected turn of events.

Worth checking out, but I'm just not very good at Norbsing.

Crashed more yesterday than I have in 2 years.

POC elbows do not work on my elbows.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
Went to the races and after preriding their loop was hacked from hikers. I past two trail runners and wish I snagged them. The tree with marking arrows was turned wrong and the tape was retied loser. Glad I wasn't racing, I complained enough. Out of Stinger bars, tomorrow I'll visit the local bike shop and get some. The MRI of my brain is normal. Fixed gear riding feels wonderful after the forest any day. Anyway now I am thinking about going with gears on my bicycle after strictly disciplining myself into riding the single speed.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Good afternoon. Back in the office after a stellar weekend riding in Crested Butte... got some new-to-me trail aka S.T.R.A.N.G.E. (Teocalli/Strand) as well as knocked out an old favorite (Reno/Flag/Bear/Docs) with some folks who had never been. Freaking rad to introduce people to fun rides, and watch their stoke meter red-line. Camped a ways out of town and the stars and the milky way were going OFF... even moar so than the trip with SS last weekend. Which, BTW, I'll get some pictures up from sooner or later. No pictures from this past weekend to share yet, they're on the camera which I left at home in a weak attempt at minimizing distractions here at work today.