
****Memorial Day GMT****


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. 24hrs+ off the Oxy, just running a tight schedule of anti-inflammatories. Stiff this morning, but not in real pain anymore. Shoulder is starting to get a consistent hurt, which is making me think that I re-dislocated (more so shifted my permanently dislocated) my clavicle in my crash.

Buying a Full-sized loft bed for Haley today. We've been looking at getting one/having me make one for a while and a really nice ($3600) Pottery Barn one came up on Craigslist yesterday for $750. It's about an hour away and up in the mtns, which is probably why it's going for so cheap. Size also demands either 2 large suvs, long-bed truck (but it's raining), or a van, and you need to break it down on your own, so those also might help limit down the purchasing group. I'm going to get a U-Haul van, so add $100, but still super cheap. Who knows?

Either way, it's forcing a whole bunch of downstream movements around the house. Hannah will get Haley's bedroom set and move up to the larger bedroom, that is currently the guest room, which will be transitioned to the smaller room. Hannah's bed frame converts for a full-sized bed, so that will be relocating downstairs to sit behind me in the office/bedroom in the basement. There will be corresponding room painting around all of these moves, which Wifey is really not looking forward to either.

I'm just not looking forward to moving the actual stuff. It's probably going to hurt. A lot.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
if you have ig....watch this....Gaza



year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Basement renovation still ongoing.

Summer has arrived and the beach by the house is packed.

Want to ride my bike today but not sure it's going to happen.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all

Ate some salmon, pork belly, and beef for breakfast

An auspicious start

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
I’m not dead.

Me either, though I had a close call yesterday.

I was walking our DSO down to the Lazy River (2 drink minimum ™) when a mangy moose charged out of the bushed a scant 10' away.

I turned to DSO to tell him to sit, which the moose didn't appreciate one iota.

Thank the FSM winter had knocked over some nearby fenceposts, so I took refuge behind a broke down section.

As the moose was snorting and charging me, I noticed (1) she had a telemetry collar which is unusual for our swamp donkies, (2) her brand new calf who must've just been born since it was literally the same size as my DSO was quite curious who / what I was, and (3) my DSO was long gone.

After about a 2 minute standoff the moose snorted one more time and ambled on, I went home and DSO looked up as if to say what took you so long.

Score one for the tablets because if my kiddos had been walking with me I suspect one of us would have gotten a hoove to the head...

Of course the duo were still there after our float / 2 drink minimum and had amassed a crowd of onlookers.

When I went down later that night with the car to grab our boats I watched the baby clumsily frolic and play for a few minutes (from the comfort of my driver's seat...)

And that my "friends" is how I came very close to dying/soiling my pants yesterday morning...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Bed acquired and unloaded into garage. It's big. I'm going to be wicked sore tomorrow. I'm already wicked sore. Ribs and shoulder both hurt.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Finally planted veggie seedlings into the raised beds today.

Cue massive t-storms any minute I'm sure...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Wifey's phone just took a shit. Google is sending her a new one. Glad it happened after the weekend and not Friday or Saturday when it could have shipped already.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Wifey's phone just took a shit. Google is sending her a new one. Glad it happened after the weekend and not Friday or Saturday when it could have shipped already.
What's she got?

S is considering a new phone.