
Memorial day.


Nam I am
Here in teh US it is Memorial Day , a Day Dedicated to those who have fallen while serving.

and Around my Little town there is a group who Put up Signs on all the poles on the main roads dedicated to that person who has fallen in Iraq It includes the Persons Name , Rank , Age , where they were from and a Flag of there country.

It is very hard not to be moved when you drive by all these signs.

I do not want this to turn into a Pro/con war thread , this is Dedicated to those who have fallen.

May they rest In peace.

This is a Grouping on some fence posts

and it is not Just US solderis who are remebered.



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
All who served should be remembered. My friend Jo was visiting yesterday because he flies out next week to serve in Afghanistan.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Very nice gesture. There's a house near us with a yellow flag/marker in their field and a tally of the number of soldiers killed in Iraq thus far. Really reminds everyone as they drive by. I remember when there were only a handful of flags and now the entire field is pretty much covered. :(


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
jdcamb said:
For me it is a recovery day. I rode with splat yesterday. :D
Does he ever stop riding? I bet he peddles in his sleep.


Nam I am
TreeSaw said:
Very nice gesture. There's a house near us with a yellow flag/marker in their field and a tally of the number of soldiers killed in Iraq thus far. Really reminds everyone as they drive by. I remember when there were only a handful of flags and now the entire field is pretty much covered. :(
yeah he does this every year and Up till last year he tried to put up every one's name who has died in Iraq , and last year it spread over to 4 other towns. this year he only did the poles in our town. and I I don't know how he made the decision as to what names to post.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
I saw that on the way down Thursday. There was a sign on every telephone pole. Sort of puts things in perspective when you drive by hundreds of telephone poles and realize that each one represents a person who lost their life.


Aug 1, 2002
Southeast MA
Splat, did you happen to get a picture of the front lawn of some building(maybe town hall?) in the center of town? There are flags planted, I assume one flag per casualty.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Very moving.

Waterloo (right next door to the town I'm in) is the "Birthplace of Memorial Day" or so they claim. They had a setup by the US Army in a field just inside town limits. They filled an entire huge field with flags. Full sized flags, each with a yellow ribbon tied around the pole, to symbolize each soldier killed in duty in Iraq. Most flags I think I've ever seen in one place in my life.


This song made me think of your thread, splat. He's one that made it back, but these guys seem to matter a lot to him.

American By God's Amazing Grace Luke Stricklin lyrics
Artist: Luke Stricklin
Album: Other Songs Lyrics
Title: American By God's Amazing Grace Print

Bottom of my boots sure are gettin' worn
there's a lot of holes in this faded uniform
My hands are black with dirt and so is my face
I aint never been to hell
but it couldn't be any worse than this place.
Tell my wife don't worry 'cause I know what to do
it makes you feel better sometimes, but don't know if it's true.
I know if I die it's just my time to go
but I pray to God every day that I may get back home.

Well when you've seen what I've seen
things don't seem so bad
quit worrying 'bout what you aint got, thank God for what you have
'Cause I could be raising my family in this place
but I was born an American
by Gods Amazing Grace.

For the last twelve months I've had a new address
the neighborhood smells like sewerage and the streets are lined with trash.
You never know what's gonna be the next thing to explode
but unlike these people, I have another home.
It breaks my heart to see these kids out on the streets
walking barefoot through the trash, diggin' for something to eat.
I give them what I got, just to let them know I care
and I thank God it's not my son that's standing there.

Well when you've seen what I've seen
things don't seem so bad
quit worrying 'bout what you aint got, thank God for what you have
'Cause I could be raising my family in this place
but I was born an American
by Gods Amazing Grace.

You want to talk about it, you better keep it short
cause I got a lot of lost time I gotta make up for.
Really don't care why Bush went in to Iraq
I know what I done there and I'm damn sure proud of that.
You got somethin' bad to say about the USA
you better save it for different ears 'less you want to crawl away.
And I laugh in your face when you say you've got it bad
until you've spent some time on the streets of Baghdad

Well when you've seen what I've seen
things don't seem so bad
quit worrying 'bout what you aint got, thank God for what you have
'Cause you could be raising your family in this place
but you were born in America, By God's Amazing Grace!!!!


That song made me listen to this one.

Singin' The Vietnam Talkin' Blues
Recorded by: Johnny Cash
Written by: Johnny R. Cash
Recorded: April 13, 1971

The entire song is spoken

One mornin' at breakfast I said to my wife
We've been everywhere once and some places twice
As I had another helpin' of country ham
she said "We haven't never been to Vietnam
there's a bunch of our boys over there"
So we went

Well we got a big welcome when we drove in
Through the gates of a placed named Long Ben
We checked in and everything got kinda quite
But a soldier boy said "Just wait til' tonight
Things get noisy things start happening'
Big bad firecrackers"

Well that night we did about four shows for the boys
And they were livin' it up with a whole lot of noise
We did our last song for the night
Then we crawled into bed for some peace and quite
But things weren't peaceful things weren't quite
Things were scary

Well for a few minutes June hadn't spoken a word
Then I thought at first she hadn't heard
Then a shell exploded not two miles away
She sat up in bed and I heard her say
"What was that" I said "That was a shell or a bomb"
She said "John I'm scared" I said "Me too"

Well all night long that noise kept on
And the noise would chill you right to the bone
The bullets and the shells and the atomic bombs
shook our bed and finally fell and it never let up
It was gonna get worse before it got any better

Well, the sun came up the noise died down
We got a few minutes sleep and we were sleepin' sound
Then a soldier knocked on the door and said
"Last night we brought in seven dead and fourteen wounded!"
We were goin' down to the base hospital
To see the boys Yeah

So we to the hospital day by day
And of the night we were singin' away
Then the shells and the bombs again til' dawn
And the helicopter brought in a wounded man
night after night day after day
comin' and a goin'

So we sadly sang for them our last song
And reluctantly we said so long
We did our best to let them know that we cared
for every last one of them over there
Whether we belonged over there or not &#202;
somebody loves them and needs them

Well now that's about all there is to tell
about our little trip and the livin' hell
and if I ever go back over there again
I hope there's none of our boys to sing for
I hope this ol' war's over with and they're all back home
To stay in peace