It will be interesting to see if this bites Hillary in the ass. Seeing how her "sweeping victory" last Mediocre Tuesday got he a heaping 12 delegates and all.
I am waiting to see if Obama will go after her the way she has gone after him now.
It will be interesting to see if this bites Hillary in the ass. Seeing how her "sweeping victory" last Mediocre Tuesday got he a heaping 12 delegates and all.
I am waiting to see if Obama will go after her the way she has gone after him now.
at best it's a split, with HRC taking FL and Obama taking MI. 40% of the voters in MI voted "uncommitted," and the only two people on the ballot were HRC and Kucinich. of course, if the state/party decides to save money and have caucuses, Obama will probably win both!
Would have thought that not counting votes from 2 big states like that, in such a close race, is a recipe for in-fighting that can only help the Republicans. If they are clever Hillary and Obama and their minions need to sit down and hash out a plan.
It's pretty cut and dry to me. Both states knew the consequences of moving up their dates prior to elections being held. The fact that their actions effected the general election doesn't change the fact they are short sighted f-tards who deserve to be marginalized for their stupidity. To change the ruling would just reinforce the lack of accountability that forms the core of this country's mentality.
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