
Michael Jackson Jury Reaches Verdicts


Mar 14, 2005
I could have sweared he would be in Jail now.......I guess the jury saw it differently there was probably so much we as the public never heard. oh well, we'll see what happens in a year or two


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
hooples3 said:
there was probably so much we as the public never heard.
exactly...people automatically assume he's guilty because of all the press...but from what I watched and read there was just not enough evidence to convict....D


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
What did Michael Jackson do when he was accused of child molesting?

Just Beat It.

[Someone had to do it.]

I think there was enough evidence to convict but there was also enough evidence that this particular accuser was a scammer, so the prosecution lost because of the "beyond reasonable doubt" standard. Might be a different result in a civil trial where the standard is lower, but of course MJ can settle civil suits out of court. He's like $200 Million in debt. How many pajama parties is that?

Seriously , it's easy to joke but the whole thing is pretty sad. The guy's childhood was robbed and he seems desperate to get it back. Just more evidence that all the money in the world will not buy happiness.


Jun 10, 2002
BMXman said:
exactly...people automatically assume he's guilty because of all the press...but from what I watched and read there was just not enough evidence to convict....D
bmxman, the voice of reason


BMXman said:
exactly...people automatically assume he's guilty because of all the press...but from what I watched and read there was just not enough evidence to convict....D
:stupid: but the arm chair legal analysts were soooo sure.


May 14, 2003
Santa Barbara county
OK...I'll go against the grain here. How about this?

Wow- we really have some judgemental people here! Either that or a whole bunch of psychics. How are some of you so sure he is guilty? Because the TV tells you? Because some kid said so? Because he is a creepy dude? You don't have any kind of inside knowledge- you only know what the box tells you. The fact is, he is a creepy dude with deep pockets. That doesn't necessarily make him guilty, but it does make him a perfect target for golddiggers.

The judicial system has worked. Our system is set up to protect the innocent. For arguments sake, lets say he is guilty. Maybe he is- who knows (certainly not anybody on this forum). However, it is better to let a hundred guilty men go than inprison one innocent.

Also, I live in Santa Maria. This is a pretty conservative area of California, so don't get too hung up on some "weird liberal Californian jury" or something like that.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
BMXman said:
exactly...people automatically assume he's guilty because of all the press...but from what I watched and read there was just not enough evidence to convict....D
Yah but do you think he's innocent or not guilty.

i say where there's smoke there's fire, the disclosure of the jury was very telling in how the outcome of the trial developed. Right or wrong it's done now, and so people can continue to tell their kids that if they're bad, you'll send them to visit "Uncle Micheal" at Neverland Ranch.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
OGRipper said:
Seriously , it's easy to joke but the whole thing is pretty sad. The guy's childhood was robbed and he seems desperate to get it back. Just more evidence that all the money in the world will not buy happiness.
:stupid: kinda makes you wonder just how many childhood celebrities grow up to be f'd up. truly sad...


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
I just think it's funny. Back when he had a Monkey he was a monkey F'er. Then he started to hang with Brooke Sheilds and nobody has a god damn thing to say about that. After Brooke he started hanging with the kid who played Webster. When that happened the world cried that he likes little boys. I think the Media screws with things too much these days. Always trying to get an angle on a story that no other network has. Like this girl missing in Aruba. I hear a different story per channel, but they are all covering the same story. People go missing EVERY day so why does this girl get the media. White, hot, blue eyes, come from a well to do family... that's why. I think if they spent more time looking and less time talking they would have found her by now. One way or the other. The most amusing comment so far was the lawyer from the prosecution when asked if he thought his clients were honest people. He said he didn't take a case where the clients past mattered. WTF... If I were a lawyer that would be my first question. How many other celebs have you conned in the past. Which is what sank their ship. That lawyer saw $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and went for it.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
dhtahoe said:
I just think it's funny. Back when he had a Monkey he was a monkey F'er. Then he started to hang with Brooke Sheilds and nobody has a god damn thing to say about that. After Brooke he started hanging with the kid who played Webster. When that happened the world cried that he likes little boys. I think the Media screws with things too much these days. Always trying to get an angle on a story that no other network has. Like this girl missing in Aruba. I hear a different story per channel, but they are all covering the same story. People go missing EVERY day so why does this girl get the media. White, hot, blue eyes, come from a well to do family... that's why. I think if they spent more time looking and less time talking they would have found her by now. One way or the other. The most amusing comment so far was the lawyer from the prosecution when asked if he thought his clients were honest people. He said he didn't take a case where the clients past mattered. WTF... If I were a lawyer that would be my first question. How many other celebs have you conned in the past. Which is what sank their ship. That lawyer saw $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and went for it.

Wait a second...

...are you suggesting that the media lacks credibility? Blasphemy!!!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
towelie said:
However, it is better to let a hundred guilty men go than inprison one innocent.
Poor logic.

One of those guilty men, who went free because they couldn't afford to imprison an innocent person, goes out the next night, and kills someone. How much was that victim's life worth? More, or less than the one innocent person who was imprisoned?

But you're right, that is how our judicial system is set up. For better or worse.

Frankly, I think the guy is guilty as hell. Do I have evidence for that? Of course not. But that's what I think. I also think that he's very, very sick and needs a tremendous amount of help and therapy, not jail time.


binary visions said:
Frankly, I think the guy is guilty as hell. Do I have evidence for that? Of course not. But that's what I think. I also think that he's very, very sick and needs a tremendous amount of help and therapy, not jail time.
This is not reasonable. That is me assuming that you don't KNOW him personally, meaning you shouldn't judge him.

*heck - I don't judge you. :D

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
loco said:
This is not reasonable. That is me assuming that you don't KNOW him personally, meaning you shouldn't judge him.
That's fine. I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm just being honest and stated what I thought.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
At bare minimum he should have a court order to stay away from children.......

I was suprised...not hugely but some.

Like MMike posted in the link. A juror thinks he does fondle little kids....but there was not any "proof" in this case. :think: Pretty f'd up.

I guess if you fondle unpriviliaged kids from broken homes with parents that are distressed you can always say the parent are out to get money and get off scott free. :think: That is exactly what Jackson does! :rolleyes: I hope Micheal stays away from kids (If he is indeed "innocent") so this doesn't happen again.

I guess a police man must have a warrant and walk in and find Jacko beating off a child. :rolleyes: sad, sad, sad..... Then we might have "proof" beyond a "reasonable doubt." *cough* BS *cough*


May 14, 2003
Santa Barbara county
Yeah- you guys are right. We should prosecute based on what we think and what our hunches tell us rather than based on evidence. Maybe we should just get rid of trials all together and go straight from accusation to prosecution?

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
OK then,
the only thing I will judge him on is what came out of his own mouth.

He has said repeatedly that he thinks it is ok for little boys to sleep in his bed with his 45+ year old azz, and that the rest of the world is "ignorant" for thinking it is wrong.

That does not prove that he is molesting children, but it does prove that he is facked up in the head and needs some serious help.

But then again, I don't even really feel sorry for the boy here either.
It's just common sense. You can bet your arse when I was 13, I knew better than to share a bed with "the gloved one."
And don't even get me started on his Mom, who should be locked up simply for allowing her child to spend a night with the freak.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Obvious that he’s guilty
No matter how many discrepancies in witnesses stories it is undeniable that Jackson did what he has been accused of. It is a sad statement about our society that we no longer hold people — especially stars —accountable for their behavior. I am disgusted with the verdict. —Sandy J.,Edmonton, Alberta
This quote is from MSNBC. I can't believe that someone can say something like this and feel good about it. "No Matter how many Discrepancies in witness stories..."
WHAT!!? I say we charge this lady with something rediculous and bring this quote back at her. It amazes me that someone could even think this.

That being said, I dont think MJ is some angel, I would guess that he has had some inappropriate contact along the way with some children. However I don't think that he did with this family and that is what he was on trial for.

I just hope that he is limited with his interactions with kids from this point forward.
he pulled doen my billy jeans , then took out my thiller and began to beat it! Im sueing next then Im going after Tullys for getting me addicted to frapacionos...

I hope Jacko stays away from kids, the chapelle sjow had the best skit aobut htis, when daev wa being questioned for jury...


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
bibs said:
he pulled doen my billy jeans , then took out my thiller and began to beat it! Im sueing next then Im going after Tullys for getting me addicted to frapacionos...

I hope Jacko stays away from kids, the chapelle sjow had the best skit aobut htis, when daev wa being questioned for jury...
Man HE DID THRILLER! He is Innocent!

Would you leave your kids with him?



binary visions said:
That's fine. I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm just being honest and stated what I thought.
Wow - you really are the voice of reason. :think:


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
As a santa barbara resident I am glad that it's over so it doesn't ruin any more of our local news/stations with this. I've heard enough about MJ to last a lifetime living in this town.

Back in his first charge, in the earley 90's, he paid something like $25 million to the kid who was accusing him of the molestations. That all happened pretty quickly. He was advised by his legal people to pay it off. I dunno about you and me, but to pay someone $25 million for something that you didn't do seems odd. It did go away though after that. There were probably a half dozen more child cases that just didn't make the news like the last one all which ended in some sub $2-4 million dollar payoff. This last one was so big because of the news story done on him. It is very distrubing to see a 46 year old man holding hands with children 15 years and younger. Granted these kids are all sick/poor and they do probably see Jacko as a god, but still........kinda odd in today's society. Everyone watched the first run of that interview and was amazed. It was funny though as the replays of it clouded out the kids face and parts were missing. If the kids family wasn't so messed up it might have went the other way. To put it this way........Jacko could have really gotten away with it this time and the kid's the victim. His family from what I can gather was a nut case but still......nut cases kids can still be molested like anyone elses kids.

The guy's just plain weird. Not all weirdo's are child molesters but you get the point. If you have enough money and fame in the world you can get away with ANYTHING. Kobe nailed some 19 year old.......paid her some $$$, bought his wife a $4 million dollar Tiffany's ring, and is ok now. Even after he said he did it, all is fine legal wise now. OJ ran which isn't common of people that are innocent, the glove fit, shoes fit, not guilty. Robert Blake.......not guilty. The list grows with stars and their legal woes.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
He might not be innocent, but I think the system worked here. In a criminal case there is a very high standard to convict. That's because a criminal conviction is a very serious thing. Here, there were enough problems with the testimony of the accuser and his mother to create reasonable doubt as to their motives. (Just about every juror seems to be saying that.) And while it's true they wouldn't get any money from a criminal conviction, a guilty verdict would go a long way if they followed up with a civil suit, where they could collect big money. Now they will have a much harder time winning a civil suit, but still, the standard is much lower if they go the civil route. Even though he's "not guilty" in this case, he could still lose the civil suit.

Like I said before, the whole thing is sad. From the time he was very young he has had to question the motives of the people that surround him, even his own family. Because he can't trust the people around him, he tries to surround himself with young kids who he expects are not yet tainted by greed, etc. It's a sick irony that he may be tainting them himself. It's either kids, animals (that whole monkey thing), or other freaky, rich celebrities (Liz Taylor). Add in the whole plastic surgery/skin bleaching thing and it's clear the dude needs help.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Spunger said:
The guy's just plain weird. Not all weirdo's are child molesters but you get the point. If you have enough money and fame in the world you can get away with ANYTHING. Kobe nailed some 19 year old.......paid her some $$$, bought his wife a $4 million dollar Tiffany's ring, and is ok now. Even after he said he did it, all is fine legal wise now. OJ ran which isn't common of people that are innocent, the glove fit, shoes fit, not guilty. Robert Blake.......not guilty. The list grows with stars and their legal woes.
Seems to be the trend..... Nobody can argue that there is not a pattern here.