
Mick Hannah on Mongoose


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
I am only saying that because I thought similar things about the bb as you, before I rode with Romo on his new Boot'r over here in Switzerland. It moved way less than I thought and was not a problem that your feet are moving independently from the hands. It is just enough to fine tune pedal kickback/pedaling.

I say this because I thought bad things and now I don't. The only issue for me, with this design, is rear end stiffness.

The high single pivot seemed to gobble sh!t up.


Feb 24, 2006
This is totally useless, but what the heck. Transcend, feel free to delete this post if it's too much.

The points I'm arguing are valid whether I've ridden the bike or not.

You haven't got a piss in the wind at a to counter anything I've said except "you have never rode (ridden?) the bike". If you're going to come back with a counter argument to my points then do, otherwise don't give me all this 'you haven't ridden the bike' crap.
1. What you mean to say is that whether or not you have ridden the bike in question has no impact on the potential validity of your "points." The actual validity of your points is another matter entirely.

2. Nice grammar work. See #5 below.

Yes you're right the design will 'combat chain growth'. If that was a priority of the designer then it was a success. However, it was ONLY a success if chain growth was more important than isolating the rider from the movement of the suspension. I would have thought that isolating the rider from the terrain they are riding over would be the priority or main design criteria of any bicycle suspension designer ? Especially with DH bikes.

Yes I haven't ridden the bike but I have ridden URT's in the past. I even knew some people who actually liked them. At the time it was claimed by the proponents of URT designs that you shouldn't criticise them until you had ridden them. However, a widespread increase in the knowledge of the consumer and marketing by other companies offering other designs caused the URT to become almost extinct. Using your reasoning, even if on paper a URT design appears flawed, riders who are newer to the sport who perhaps encounter a proponent of URT's (maybe even a highly respected member of this forum) should ride a URT before formulating an opinion that on paper the design is totally flawed ?

If that were the case then there would be no such thing as progressional theoretical in the bike industry. Every new bike company would have to make prototypes of every type of suspension design that's come and gone. As real world testing of a product would be the only indication of performance.
3. As others have pointed out, the most logical main goal in long travel suspension bicycle design would be to make a fun, efficient platform that the rider can control. Delivering control and efficiency is not the same as "isolating the rider from terrain".

4. Poorly formed sentence (see #2 and #5). Also, you have repeatedly implied that you are of the opinion that the bike design is not only "totally flawed" on paper, but that it is, in fact, inferior in execution.

5. Yeah. I hope the bike industry hasn't added "progressional theoretical" to its nonsense jargon vocabulary. But it being the bike industry and all...wait, was that a grammatical mistake or a typo? Maybe someone should point it out. Done. :brows:

6. WTF? The results from real world testing are usually considered the meaningful metric in the success of a real world application.

Seriously, if you want to discuss engineering concepts in a civilized way, ask some questions. There are a good number of of very smart people here who are often very helpful. If you'd rather go nutty with a bit of incomplete knowledge and the idea that you know better than everyone, TITPB. g'luck


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Uh we do know that. Needles has had better results on his mongoose than he did before on his DHR, wildly different bikes. It is also clear that he is much more confident on it as well from watching him ride.
Neethling won a National in 2005 on a Turner...a national with a lot of big dogs there (Mick, Greg Minnaar, Kirkaldie, etc...) He has not WON a major race on the mongoose. He has more consistent results on a mongoose, but perhaps that is maturity AND the fact Goose pays for ALL his expenses to EVERY race and a nice salary vs his Turner HONDA days that were on a shoestring budget. Plus Needles has moved on to another team.

Just sayin....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Neethling IS consistent on 'Goose...but perhaps he's NOT getting better and perhaps thinks a new steed will change that...? It's all speculation and it's none of our concern. We have NO IDEA and should just let it be.

I love being able to click on every single Mongoose thread and there's ALWAYS that one stupid tool who hasn't ridden the bike, but has done all the doodles on paper and claims it doesn't work. ALWAYS.
We can't argue with these guys. There is no winning. And to these people I would like to apologize, we can not change your mind for you, you will have to do that yourself. And obviously you would like it to be changed or you wouldn't be fighting it so diligently. You're hoping to be proven wrong.

You will find no "fanboys" here. I like to think of most Mongoose riders as those who've tried many, many other bikes and have finally landed here. I'm on my 3rd Mongoose now and I'm going nowhere. I feel the company's customer support needs a little work, but the bikes make that less of an issue as I don't have parts falling off them. In fact...I don't think I've EVER had a problem with them. A few quickly-remedied soft pivot bolts in the early bikes, that was about it.

JCL...Don't be THAT guy, dude. Since you like paper so much, do this: Sit down and design your perfect bike. Write down all your angles, heights, degrees, etc. Also look for the little details, the things that make it obvious that the bike you're looking for was built by someone who's actually ridden a bike. Things like cable routing, shock access, choice of components, whatever. Now go shopping. Make sure you swing by the Mongoose site and compare some numbers.
You're in a 7 page thread with no allies...doesn't that say ANYTHING to you?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Yeah, I remember hearing that Mick was on Banshee and was thinking "WTF!?" Not to take away from Banshee, I just don't think they're a race-oriented company yet.
Mongoose is a MUCH more suitable home for him. Now we can all just sit back and see what the boy will do!
And I agree with getting his sister on board! Turn her loose!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
JLC you are getting owned by everyone including EC and people who are very picky about what bikes they like. I personally have ridden VPP's, DW links, FSR's, 4 bars, and single pivots and owned a fsr and 4 bar and a single pivot and the mongoose was my favorite. Get out there and ride one, then come bitch about how it doesn't work if you still don't like it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
JLC you are getting owned by everyone including EC and people who are very picky about what bikes they like. I personally have ridden VPP's, DW links, FSR's, 4 bars, and single pivots and owned a fsr and 4 bar and a single pivot and the mongoose was my favorite. Get out there and ride one, then come bitch about how it doesn't work if you still don't like it.
I can't wait to hear your first crash report from your new bike.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
I can't wait to hear your first crash report from your new bike.
My crash reports are epic. Hopefully there will be less of those next year. Let's say complete 10 races with out crashing. That would be amazing. I only completed one with out something going wrong this year. Damn tree's.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 12, 2008
I'd ride a goose. BUt i'm one of those people that will ride anything if the price is right. I'd even ride a llama downhill since it's probably cheaper to get it new shoes instead of DH tires.
I usually can't afford the newest and coolest bike out for the season. So i just get whatever i can afford and get used to it. I think most people on this forum are good enough riders that they can adapt to certain things when they ride.

i had a teocali comp as a trail bike before. I never noticed the pedals kicking up at all. Probably just because i didn't see a fancy diagram of it working before my eyes. The bike just worked and i loved it. Sometimes it's better when you don't know all of the technical mumbo jumbo because you don't think about it so much. You just ride it. I'm pretty sure i could get used to riding the DH version if i had to.

EC. Beeson says "hi".


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Sometimes it's better when you don't know all of the technical mumbo jumbo because you don't think about it so much. You just ride it.
And the choir goes wild....
I've even noticed that since I got back into building trucks and my own dezert racer that suddenly my bike is exactly even more perfect for me. Perhaps if I can stay off the intraweb I can stop needing a new bike every spring. Wonder what it's like not having to get accustomed to a new bike for the first half of every season...?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 12, 2008
haha. Yeah. I'm don't have an engineering mind. Not even close. Most of the time when i get a new bike, i don't even ask friends about them. I just try to find out how reliable they are. Then i decide if it's a good enough deal or not. Hell. I ride a Kona Stab Deluxe just because i couldn't pass up the deal. It works fine for me since i don't know how the bike is "supposed" to work or feel. I just have it set up how i like it and i ride it (the fork feels great and the rear shock is PUSHED).

But then again, i'm not much of a racer either. I'm not trying to be the fastest guy on the mountain. Too many pinners out here that make sure i won't be the fastest. :monkey:

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
that bike isn't a whole lot different from an i-drive, and it's widely accepted that the original dh-i was one of the best platforms to come along in the short history of dh racing.
Correct, if my old-style DHi died today I'd go and buy a Mongoose (since the carbon GT won't be available till at least April).


Mar 15, 2007
It's far more likely that this is a mongoose shill drumming up support for the ECD. Just look at the effects. A few negative comments, and a fleet of knowledgeable posters come to the frame's defense. This couldn't happen of course without a solid design, and though I've never ridden one, I think these cheaper highish end, high volume bikes are great for the sport.
Sorry but i dont know if someone has commented on this all ready but I agree! the Boot'r build is amazing most people would be stoked to get that nice of a build, w/o frame, for that price. You are getting a WC race proven bike for that price. Its is super sweet to see Mongoose doing this, it is really great for our sport.


Jun 16, 2008
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
My mate just got the boot'r and he rates new, they probably about R32000($3300), although he got it at cost as a team rider. That may be a little more than it actually is as most stuff over here is a little more than you can get it in the states.