
'Mickey Mouse' Preaches Militancy


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I never trusted that Mouse in the first place. A giant talking mouse? Bad trip all around...

Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' Preaches Militancy
Associated Press | May 09, 2007
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas militants have enlisted a figure bearing a strong resemblance to Mickey Mouse to broadcast their message of Islamic domination and armed resistance to their most impressionable audience - children.

A giant black-and-white rodent - named "Farfour," or "butterfly," but unmistakably a rip-off of the Disney character - does his high-pitched preaching against the U.S. and Israel on a children's show each Friday on Al-Aqsa TV, a station run by Hamas. The militant group, sworn to Israel's destruction, shares power in the Palestinian government.

"You and I are laying the foundation for a world led by Islamists," Farfour squeaked on a recent episode of the show, which is called "Tomorrow's Pioneers."

Watch a video of Hamas 'Mickey' in action
"We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers."

Children call in to the show, many singing Hamas anthems about fighting Israel.

Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli organization that monitors Palestinian media, said the Mickey Mouse lookalike takes "every opportunity to indoctrinate young viewers with teachings of Islamic supremacy, hatred of Israel and the U.S., and support of 'resistance,' the Palestinian euphemism for terror."

Israeli officials denounced the program Tuesday.

David Baker, an official in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office, said "there is nothing comic about inciting young generations of Palestinians to hate Israelis."

A spokeswoman from Walt Disney Co.'s headquarters in Burbank, Calif., did not immediately return messages asking for comment about the use of the Disney-like character.

Yehia Moussa, a Hamas leader in the movement's Gaza Strip base, denied inciting children against Jews. "Our problem is not with the Jews. Our problem is with the (Israeli) occupation and the occupiers," he said.

The television station would not comment.

A Gaza-based psychologist said the program proved that the culture of glorifying violence had penetrated mainstream society in the Palestinian territories, where dreams of Islamic dominion and animosity toward the U.S. and Israel are widespread.

"It's the fault of both (Israel and the Palestinians)," said Samir Zakkout, of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program. "There's been a collapse of values. If I can kill my enemy, I can kill my brother."

The program is opposed by the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp., which is controlled by Hamas' political rival - the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

"I don't think it's professional or even humane to use children in such harsh political programs," said Basem Abu Sumaya, head of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp. "Children's nationalist spirit must be developed differently."

Hamas loyalists launched the Al Aqsa satellite channel last year. Bearded young men read the news and Islamic music is layered over footage of masked militants firing rockets into Israel. The channel also broadcasts talk shows, programs about the disabled and cartoons.

In addition, Hamas loyalists run at least five news Web sites, one newspaper - launched just last week - and a radio station.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli organization that monitors Palestinian media, said the Mickey Mouse lookalike takes "every opportunity to indoctrinate young viewers with teachings of Islamic supremacy, hatred of Israel and the U.S., and support of 'resistance,' the Palestinian euphemism for terror."
Anybody find that to be Orwellian New Speak?


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Not too surprising as the guy behind PMW.org is a noted Israeli govenment consultant of the "Anne Coulter" type.
Interesting to note in his articles that he consistently in his transcripts of Palestinian interviews puts forth that and other assertations which are at odds with the litteral translation. For a supposed media comentator he isn't to fussed about journalistic rules in regard to balance and accuracy (inflamatory opinions presented as facts etc etc).


I just saw that show on the news. Clever I guess...brain wash the young into your cause. I think they instill these beliefs regardless of that show.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Not too surprising as the guy behind PMW.org is a noted Israeli govenment consultant of the "Anne Coulter" type.
Interesting to note in his articles that he consistently in his transcripts of Palestinian interviews puts forth that and other assertations which are at odds with the litteral translation. For a supposed media comentator he isn't to fussed about journalistic rules in regard to balance and accuracy (inflamatory opinions presented as facts etc etc).
So you are saying that Evil Mickey was really intro-ing the next cartoon, not exhorting kids to become martyrs?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
I just saw that show on the news. Clever I guess...brain wash the young into your cause. I think they instill these beliefs regardless of that show.
Yeh, what they should have Mickey Mouse lie to the young and tell them that the future is all theirs, that their schools and universities aren't bombed and that there's no martial law that porhibits them to go there.

They should have him tell them that they will have all the food they need and an income as their arable lands aren't stolen, tell them that there's no apartheid wall being built around their village that's cutting them of their relatives in their own country.

Have Mickey tell them that that is what you get if you exterminate 6 million Jews and loose the 2WW. Lucky them they're Palestinians.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Seems there have been a few translation errors (yet again) from Memri, the "research institute" which specialises in translating portions of the Arabic media into English.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Seems there have been a few translation errors (yet again) from Memri, the "research institute" which specialises in translating portions of the Arabic media into English.
Again, you are saying that Evil Mickey was really pimping the next cartoon, not exhorting kids to become human bomb vests? You speak Arabic?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
From the link provided by Anders-

* nqāwim, "we will resist", is rendered as "we will fight";
* biṭuxxūnā l-yahūd "the Jews shoot us", is rendered as "we will kill the Jews" (!);
* 'astašhid "I will be a martyr" as "I will commit martyrdom" (I don't think that's even an English expression, but never mind);
* 'ustāđiyyat al-`ālam, literally "professorship of the world" (in context, they clearly mean being at the intellectual forefront of the world), is rendered as "masters of the world".

Not a whole lot of difference in the overall intent, 'specially in the third one...

So Memri puts a slant on something that is already slanted against them. Go figure-


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
From the link provided by Anders-
* biṭuxxūnā l-yahūd "the Jews shoot us", is rendered as "we will kill the Jews" (!);
* 'astašhid "I will be a martyr" as "I will commit martyrdom" (I don't think that's even an English expression, but never mind);
Not a whole lot of difference in the overall intent, 'specially in the third one...

So Memri puts a slant on something that is already slanted against them. Go figure-
I'd say those two were almost exact opposites in regard to intent. :clue: :plthumbsdown:


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
"I will be a drunk"
"I will get drunk"
If they were saying "I will be martyred" I would agree with you Dave.
Needless to say, its all f*cked up there, and has been for thousands of years. I wonder if we could fix it by jumping in? You know, to help...(SARCASM FONT:ON)


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
update: farfour has been martyred (spoiler alert: the jews did it)
Host, Saraa, a young girl: Yes, my dear children, we have lost our dearest friend, Farfour. Farfour was martyred while defending his land, the land of his fathers and his forefathers. He was martyred at the hand of the criminals, the murderers, the murderers of innocent children, who killed Iman Hijo, Muhammad Al-Dura, and many others.
video at http://memritv.org/default.asp (#1497)