
>>> Mid Fvckitall gee em tee<<<


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
first round of poblanos are dried. will remember to wear gloves for the second round, and especially the jalapenos that are going to be pickled. today is stacked with meetings, currently on a call to present to upper management (boss's boss's boss).

first frost did occur last night, glad i took the time to harvest stuff. lots of poblanos, jalapenos, a surprising number of bell peppers, more tomatoes than i was expecting, and some mocha swirl peppers - which i haven't grown before.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
first round of poblanos are dried. will remember to wear gloves for the second round, and especially the jalapenos that are going to be pickled. today is stacked with meetings, currently on a call to present to upper management (boss's boss's boss).

first frost did occur last night, glad i took the time to harvest stuff. lots of poblanos, jalapenos, a surprising number of bell peppers, more tomatoes than i was expecting, and some mocha swirl peppers - which i haven't grown before.
Pro tip: You can soak your hands in a mixing bowl full of milk to neutralize the chemical burn from capsicum. Was SOP when I brewed Habanero hot sauce.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Pro tip: You can soak your hands in a mixing bowl full of milk to neutralize the chemical burn from capsicum. Was SOP when I brewed Habanero hot sauce.
that's what i wound up doing after trying to neutralize the capsaicin with vinegar (with little affect). it helped, but i just had to ride it out. thankfully it subsided before i went to bed.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
28* here when i got up. hopefully it killed off the last of the 'skeeters. gotta do a lot of writing today, then introduce a speaker at a program tonight. hrmph, i say.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hi bruvvers. Had a good 2800 yard swim this morning. Got an hour of hard running on the post-work schedule. 50 degrees...nice day for it.

I am currently listening to the "Freaky 50" Halloween playlist on the SiriusXM. If Monster Mash isn't #1, I will lose all hope.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
So my private healthcare provider can eat a dick. Had to wait 6 days for Xray comments from the doctor to see "Possible Fracture?" in my backbone xray. Now I want to take my backbone pics from those morons and go to a different hospital but it takes 2 days for them to burn a CD with Xray files. So yaay for a possible backbone crack, possible lung damage and possible rib damage... All of them with question marks because reasons.

Then again I feel good, just cant laugh really. No loss of motor functions, no huge pain.
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Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Hannah woke up at 2 and 4am because her blanket was off and she lost her stuffy. Given It's a hotel, we all woke up. Time for some breakfast while everyone sleeps.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Had this recurring dream where I miss my flight and then tried to catch another flight I also missed. I have no idea why I it happens. Only missed flight once due to heavy traffic around London and I do not fly much.

Beautiful mild sunny day so to forget the dream I did some gardening moving come conifers and perennials. I think it turned out pretty good. I like moving and planting its therapeutic.

Then hit the woods for some solo riding. Little tired legs from yesterday so did not full energy and lost some steam on lap 2 but nice day out.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Today is already back on the bullshit. At like 9am too, not cool. :rant:

At least I didn't get pulled over last night hauling the playset home. Guess the LED lantern dangling from the end of the 14' beam was good enough.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Personal? If I were to not do business with company’s that were fuck sticks, I would walk everywhere and not buy any store bought food, but that’s the shit world we’re in.
there's overlap. they have the ability to better screen hosts, they just choose not to because they are a bunch of fucking tech bros who care more about money.

last time i stayed in an airbnb it was a very misleading ad. turned out to be down an alley in the ghetto by a bunch of vacant lots, was sketch even by my standards, one of my friends found blood on the wall inside a closet, about half of it was in very poor condition which wasn't shown at all in the ad, and there was no parking other than street - which coincidentally one of my friend's cars got broken into. when we explained what happened to airbnb, they not only delisted that rental, but kicked the host off the platform. we got a full refund for the rental, but they refused to cover the damage to my friends car.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
there's overlap. they have the ability to better screen hosts, they just choose not to because they are a bunch of fucking tech bros who care more about money.

last time i stayed in an airbnb it was a very misleading ad. turned out to be down an alley in the ghetto by a bunch of vacant lots, was sketch even by my standards, one of my friends found blood on the wall inside a closet, about half of it was in very poor condition which wasn't shown at all in the ad, and there was no parking other than street - which coincidentally one of my friend's cars got broken into. when we explained what happened to airbnb, they not only delisted that rental, but kicked the host off the platform. we got a full refund for the rental, but they refused to cover the damage to my friends car.
Jesus. . .
I found cameras inside a VRBO at snowshoe. I dismantled them all and placed the pieces in random spots in the rental. Granted it was a guys trip, but pretty shitty. Similar response from VRBO, removed and got a refund.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Been seeing way more bookings with VRBO, Agoda, Sonder and plum guide since Airbnb went crazy with absorbent fees.
anytime i have tried airbnb....the price they quote on the calendar never matches the price at checkout...

from now on as far as glacier national park is concerned...just going to stay at the belton chalet...right across from the entrance...quiet as shit...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Jesus. . .
I found cameras inside a VRBO at snowshoe. I dismantled them all and placed the pieces in random spots in the rental. Granted it was a guys trip, but pretty shitty. Similar response from VRBO, removed and got a refund.
hidden cameras or just like a general security camera?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
We use Air B&B and VRBO quite a bit. I've heard of this crap so I always look but haven't found anything, but man, if I did....to say I'd raise hell about it would be an understatement.
i've found VRBO to be much more reliable in general, since a lot of them have 1 week minimum rentals and issues are handled by property management companies.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
hidden cameras or just like a general security camera?
They were stashed far enough back that a non Wookie would not have seen them. Kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. Wi-Fi connected.

Through that I found out that cameras cannot be in the living space at all. Outside the living space is cool though, so no pepper pickling on the deck or porch.