
Mid life crisis thread


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
My odometer is about to roll over. What should I expect? Share your war stories, geezers.

I've been fighting depression and disenchantment for years now. The paralysis was a good reboot and distraction. Now, I find it creeping back. 25 years to retirement. Divorced. Single. Again. Spending my time in the gym, at the job, and trying to play bass. Is that all there is? My retired mom says she retired so she had enough time to go to the doctor. Her older brother just keeps working weird hours and wearing out, though he seems to be having fun. WTF?

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
58 years of playing, never worried too much about stuff. I have had a blast adventuring my entire life. I could have had better careers but I would not have had nearly the ride. Find something that you enjoy doing for work and gives you the freedom to go play. My body won't let me rock climb anymore so I found Kayaking and redisovered fishing. Coulda shoulda woulda is a load of looserville. just go do stuff that makes you happy every day

I have very few regrets but my sum total of experiences are what makes me who I am. Luck would have it that I like that person.

As my friend Les put it many years ago. There will come a time in your life when all you can do is sit on the front porch. Don't be the guy moaning about what you wish you had done. Be the guy telling anyone that will listen the tales of all your adventures


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Once over forty, stop counting.

Other than saggy balls that stick to my thighs on hot days, the only real difference is how time seems to move. Four years, six years, a year, who can tell ? When I was in school, five years felt like an eternity, now it's a blink of the eye.

I suspect the second half of the feature presentation goes by much quicker than the first part.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
You think there’s still hope… the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to function.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
58 years of playing, never worried too much about stuff. I have had a blast adventuring my entire life. I could have had better careers but I would not have had nearly the ride. Find something that you enjoy doing for work and gives you the freedom to go play. My body won't let me rock climb anymore so I found Kayaking and redisovered fishing. Coulda shoulda woulda is a load of looserville. just go do stuff that makes you happy every day

I have very few regrets but my sum total of experiences are what makes me who I am. Luck would have it that I like that person.

As my friend Les put it many years ago. There will come a time in your life when all you can do is sit on the front porch. Don't be the guy moaning about what you wish you had done. Be the guy telling anyone that will listen the tales of all your adventures
I've accumulated plenty of tales.

In fact, that seems like part if the problem. Too much "been there, done that" in my head. Makes for a stark contrast when I look at what I have a hard time doing now, thanks to age and my injury.

I've thought about doing something more "fun" for a job, but I can't shake the idea that a job will be a job in my current field if choice, and the economics of a career change at this point seem less than optimal. I'm sure there's a tipping point where the money vs. unhealthy thoughts ratio makes any amount of money meaningless.
  1. The acceleration of the passing of time will continue to increase.
  2. If you have any inclination whatsoever to seek adventure, figure out how to do it now. You can still do it later, but why waste time?
  3. Discard anything you're not using. Unused toys simply get in the way of living.
  4. Fuck the gym, get outside in the real world to get your exercise and mental refreshment.
I had all sorts of "reasons" to keep working until I was almost 70. They were bullshit. Somehow, Ridemonkey, and in particular Monkeyfest, helped me to break the pattern. The Kokopelli ride in 2012 cracked it and taking a quarter off in 2014 flipped the switch.

Figure out what you really want to do, how you want to spend your time, and do it.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
once you've hung from the ceiling by meat hooks.....there isn't much left...


hang from hooks from a hot air ballon.....release.....parachute to the ground.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 3, 2008
with the voices in my head
You had the mental and physical strength to get through the accident you had....it must have been very difficult To get through all that

Now you need a find something difficult to accomplish, a challenge

Sounds like your bored with life

I've felt like you do I have 3 kids 2 grand children my 2 sons and I never seem to see eye to eye. Divorced 48 same shit different day. WTF is it all for.

But I've lived a pretty good life done a lot of shit good and bad from jail time to spring band concerts at school when my kids were little. And as Eric said above " luck would have it I like that person" and I feel the same......plenty don't like me but i don't care.....I'm the only person I'm stuck with


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Honestly, in where I was 7 years ago. The accident was a great distraction.

I like what JBP said. I'm getting rid of a bunch of extra stuff I don't use/need. It's part of what makes expanding into buying a house a hard decision. Just more stuff I don't need.

I wish I liked travel more. I've done some and it was fun but it never flipped my switch the way it does for some. My injury has made it more annoying to go, so I really need to be motivated. Going with someone makes it much better, but I have a hard time finding friends with the time and money to join me.

I do really enjoy the gym. It's one of my favorite things. However, I do need to get out into the wild a bit more and climb around. Sometimes it's great. Other times it's a tough reminder of my limits.

Still curious about mid life monkey shenanigans. Gotta be some good stories here.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I would say if that is the case the last thing you want to do is buy a house. Set yourself some goals the crazy thing is a lot of time they will come through if you work on them.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Adam, have you considered a change of scenery? might be time to relocate out of Hell-A.
had a plan to move to Seattle, but that fell through. still an option. finding a good location with weather is a big factor for my injury. heat and cold do numbers on my system. i've also got mom-guilt to deal with; i'm an only child and moving away would be tough on her.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
had a plan to move to Seattle, but that fell through. still an option. finding a good location with weather is a big factor for my injury. heat and cold do numbers on my system. i've also got mom-guilt to deal with; i'm an only child and moving away would be tough on her.
understand. everyone's circumstances are different. have you considered trying to talk her into relocating with you? might be good for you both.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Don't buy a house. Don't beat yourself up over your limitations. If you like getting out in the wild, get out there and go hiking or bouldering instead of lamenting you can't do that 5.9 line any more.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
Still curious about mid life monkey shenanigans. Gotta be some good stories here.
I'm too old for shenanigans. Get off my lawn.

Sometimes when I ride it occurs to me that I still have as much fun doing it as when I was 12. Given more time and money, I would do more of it, in more exotic locations.

It sounds like you need to get out of a rut. You should figure out what you would most like to do and take a sabbatical.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'm too old for shenanigans. Get off my lawn.

Sometimes when I ride it occurs to me that I still have as much fun doing it as when I was 12. Given more time and money, I would do more of it, in more exotic locations.

It sounds like you need to get out of a rut. You should figure out what you would most like to do and take a sabbatical.
nothing gets you out of a rut like peyote.