
>Middle derp GMT<

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

So far, I hate 2015.

Monday, my phone blows up because BigT's family couldn't get a hold of her. Finally do, and we make a lightning trip to Worcester where her mother is in hospital. Her sister from Houston is flying in with her family, and her 2 other brothers that are scattered around the country are flying in also. When we arrive, her mother is unresponsive, but no longer in pain. Her family is trickling in, slowly. At 0105 Tuesday, my mother in law passes. Shortly after, her brother and sister arrive at the hospital. BigT and I leave around 0230, and arrive home shortly after 0400. 4 hours of sleep later, I'm calling work and saying I'm may not be in. BigT packs up to return to Leominster to help with final arrangements. I have some things to take care of before I can make the return trip.

Wake is Friday evening, funeral Saturday.

Be safe out there.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Morning monkeys!

So far, I hate 2015.

Monday, my phone blows up because BigT's family couldn't get a hold of her. Finally do, and we make a lightning trip to Worcester where her mother is in hospital. Her sister from Houston is flying in with her family, and her 2 other brothers that are scattered around the country are flying in also. When we arrive, her mother is unresponsive, but no longer in pain. Her family is trickling in, slowly. At 0105 Tuesday, my mother in law passes. Shortly after, her brother and sister arrive at the hospital. BigT and I leave around 0230, and arrive home shortly after 0400. 4 hours of sleep later, I'm calling work and saying I'm may not be in. BigT packs up to return to Leominster to help with final arrangements. I have some things to take care of before I can make the return trip.

Wake is Friday evening, funeral Saturday.

Be safe out there.
sorry for your loss man.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Second day in a row of long restful sleep means tonight will be terrible night of thrashing and thinking of important things like taxes and dying in a ditch. Hovering around freezing, hope things stay frozen until I can get a run on some frozen trails at lunch.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada

Fuck this frozen wasteland. Why would anyone live here? :confused:
If all goes well we should wrap up our airplane and be on our way back to DEN at 1630 local. Then I can never,ever come back here again.
It's -36°F over there with the windchill... -15°F before the wind. Sounds like fun.

My kid has been dragging a cough around since before Christmas. The past three nights he's been waking himself up with coughing fits that last close to an hour... time to go see the doctor.

Quo Fan, sorry to hear. Good luck with all the preparations. I went through that 5 years ago with my father and I'm not looking forward to going through that again. It's a shitty job, but it's so much better when you have your partner's full support.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

So this just cracked me up, so I have to share. My company shin dig is this Saturday, it's been in the works for about 5 months. We finally get the final layout from the event company with a bill for $45k 2 days after Christmas. It is in the budget, so all good. Then on Monday they send over a bill for $15k of "lighting and electrical" that will be provided by the venue holding the event. Nowhere in the original proposal was there even a mention of it.

So did you forget about this? WTF. So spent lunch yesterday with the folks at the venue cutting $10k out of the lighting and $5k out of the party. Nobody touches the beer!!!! Beer and video games are my role in this planning process. :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Reflecting upon some recent events it appears my wife was, in fact, correct when she declared me an idiot.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Ooh, Cosby double entendre.

I called in sick today, day 2 since July. Kid woke at 5:30 inconsolable and febrile so she didn't go to preschool, so I went to work only briefly to present at a 7 am conference and then jetted back afterwards. I tried "calling in" via email but resorted to a few actual calls because people apparently don't check the former. This allowed my wife to go in for her routine obstetric visit.

Thing 2 still is kicking away, on the upside. :thumb:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
On the way home, the intake temperature on my car (after the turboz right?) was reading 0F. Holy balls its cold.

Stay warm out there. Pumping gas in dress pants in this temperature really sucks.