
%$% Middle GMT%$%


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I think they are just swinging for the fences, even digging into their old stash of people who had applied. I've had a few recruiters/head hunters reach out to me over the last few months, amusingly all for positions at Fidelity. Every single position was for a semi-entry level position and balked when I told them what I make and my current benefits. I haven't applied at Fido for over 5 years.

You're in financial planning right? That's gotta be one of the weirdest industries for hiring, along with life insurance. I get emailed by recruiters every week about openings in those two industries, pretty sure it's a pyramid scheme at that level. I have nothing on my resume anywhere that would indicate that I'd be a good fit for anything in that sector, but I get emails that start with "I came across your resume, and I think you'd be a great fit for an opening I have at..." constantly.

My insurance agent was telling me that, at least on the insurance side of it, they hire anybody with a pulse, get you to burn through your contacts list selling as many policies as you can to your friends and family, then fire you when you stop selling, whoever brought you in keeps your commissions as long as the policy is paid. Basically LulaRoe for life insurance.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Second real ride on new to me bike. Rocker pivot bolt snapped and cracked front triangle.

I'm fucking done with bikes. Try again in 2021.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
LOL the Inspector from ALCO was supposed to be at our office at noon...He was working at a site less than 5 miles from us. He messed up and went to his office 30 miles away , figured it out called and made it to us at 1pm. Fastest easiest Ambulance inspection ever. I think he was too embarrassed to go though with a fine tooth comb. 5 minutes per rig. sign here at the x and here is your 2 year permit to continue to operate in our county ( we had already gone through the reams of paperwork of the process. This was the final step)

Best part was rewarding the EMT that had prepped the rigs and gotten everything right. I gave her a promotion as a thank you after all was said and done. Big smile on her face, nice pay bump too. She actually gives a crap about doing things right. The kind of employee I want to retain.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
You're in financial planning right? That's gotta be one of the weirdest industries for hiring, along with life insurance. I get emailed by recruiters every week about openings in those two industries, pretty sure it's a pyramid scheme at that level. I have nothing on my resume anywhere that would indicate that I'd be a good fit for anything in that sector, but I get emails that start with "I came across your resume, and I think you'd be a great fit for an opening I have at..." constantly.

My insurance agent was telling me that, at least on the insurance side of it, they hire anybody with a pulse, get you to burn through your contacts list selling as many policies as you can to your friends and family, then fire you when you stop selling, whoever brought you in keeps your commissions as long as the policy is paid. Basically LulaRoe for life insurance.
Pretty much. Edward Jones, Raymond James, etc. are all like that. My position is a bit different in that I'm attached directly to specific employer retirement plans (ie your 401k) and not on a commission platform.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
You talk to any recruiters/staffing agencies? Sent about a million apps through every website there was, and the only places I made any headway was through recruiters. They agreed with my assumption that tons of companies are just fishing right now, they're not actively looking, just stockpiling resumes to see who may be available, but not actively trying to fill a role. Other companies are trying to fill positions, but don't have any urgency so they're listing ridiculous pay just to see if they can score a deal.
My experience is that recruiters work for hiring companies. If you somehow get them to pay attention to you as a job seeker, they check their current clients and if there is not a match, they'll drop you like a hot potato. I've checked with my friends lately and asked how they got their jobs (in my line of business) - 95% is networking and luck.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
My experience is that recruiters work for hiring companies. If you somehow get them to pay attention to you as a job seeker, they check their current clients and if there is not a match, they'll drop you like a hot potato. I've checked with my friends lately and asked how they got their jobs (in my line of business) - 95% is networking and luck.
I had a decent amount of luck through Michael Page (Woburn or Burlington). Got me two interviews, one of which resulted in an offer. May be worth reaching out to them, I think they deal in your skills.

Ironically, my current job was the first I've had without any networking or connections involved.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
you need to go to your trader joes, whole foods, etc. i guarantee it's a different scene.
I might have to make a trip to those two, but they are quite a ways from the store that is closest to my parents house.

Even the employees will not give you six goddamn feet, nor a good chunk of the other shoppers. Currently there is nothing that stresses me out more than grocery shopping among these idiot rednecks.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I might have to make a trip to those two, but they are quite a ways from the store that is closest to my parents house.

Even the employees will not give you six goddamn feet, nor a good chunk of the other shoppers. Currently there is nothing that stresses me out more than grocery shopping among these idiot rednecks.
Don't they do curb-side at the store??


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Hauled a few beers to the top of a mountain. Had the place to myself. Was pretty fucking awesome. It was also a lot of fucking work. Everything hurts, but totally worth it.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Plan for poke' bowls tonight failed miserably. The tuna I pulled out to defrost on Saturday defrosted at very different paces and two of the filets were bad. Made a run to Whole Foods to get tuna and when I got home, popped it open and holy shit was that bad. Even worse than the stuff we had. So... deviled eggs and ice cream (Enlightened Keto for @Toshi) for dinner.