
Middle of January and...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Yesterday was like 70s here but rained some so did not get out to ride but the day before was like 75 when i started riding out. Oh i love it.

But today is rainy and 40 degrees out.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
schwaaa31 said:
60 here at 7 AM. Rain. Washed all the snow away. Now (1:30PM) its 35 with rain/snow/sleet. Craziness I tell ya. Worst snowmbiling season EVER.
I am totally with you on that one. Boy am I glad I didn't bite the bullit and buy a new Rev -- $9600 down the drain!
We went to bare ground overnight, with 3/4 inch of rain, then two inches or snow this morning. Silly slippery driving, then stayed moderately warm today and has now fallen to 25 or so.

Supposed to be twentyish tomorrow, still warm enough for riding, not sure what the underlying surface will be like.

dh girlie

Echo said:
...it was 60 degrees and sunny out today! So I'm at work, and Gee Spot calls me and says "can you leave work for a couple hours for a road ride?" and I was like, you know what, hell yeah! Now I'm back at work with a nice 25 miler under my belt for the day, happy I took advantage of a rare summer day in January :)
Wow...that's like a typical mid-winter California day...however, the last couple of days here have been downright bonechilling...this am...it was THIRTY SIX degrees...mind you this is not the snowy part of Nor Cal either! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!