
Mileage Goals?


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
I finished out the year with 956 miles logged. It might have been a bit more, I didn't start keeping track until about April. It's not an amazing number of miles but better than none. :) I've decided to set a goal of 1500 miles for 2005. Anybody else set mileage or number of days on the bike type goals?


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
douglas said:
I'd either have to get rid of a few bikes or buy a few cyclometers to keep track
Yeah - I had to put a computer on my Enduro last year. I sold the Enduro though and haven't decided if I'm going to put the computer on my Bullit. I may end up consulting trail maps and guessing......rounding up of course. :sneaky:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
My computer on my Blur stopped working at some point. And I never installed one on my singlespeed. But I did put about 700 miles on the road bike :p


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
um for 2 months straight every (may/june)
EARLY saturday morning ride. 97-117miles each saturday. Road bike.
then i don;t own a car and ride my DH bike everywhere else. so atleast 10-30miles a day.
gotta start doing the tuna ride again. but will have to skip outta work early.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
04 was a decent year for me, despite only being able to ride for about five months. First time out on a road bike(doing it to recover my knee) and I was putting 150+ miles on it a week for two months, fastest I've ever worn out a tire. I recovered from my torn ACL and was "ok'ed" to mountain bike, so my road mileage dropped to about 90-110 a week until June, but I was riding 30 or 40 miles a week on my Chute....mostly DH and riding out to the dirtjumps every other day or so. My riding stopped in July though when I went to Australia, but started riding some bmx in December when I got back.

So ya, I went from barely being able to walk in October of '03 to throwing no footers over large gaps and riding centuries on my single speed in '04.....it was a great year, if short, for biking.

This year i'm hoping to race a bit.

The Ito

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
i finished 04 with 4,587 miles and 320 hours in the saddle.
i hope to pump the hours up to 400 and seein's how i've been pretty much off since sept i can get that pretty easy. My training log says i should be up to 450 hours this year but i think that's a little much


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
The Toninator said:
i finished 04 with 4,587 miles and 320 hours in the saddle.
i hope to pump the hours up to 400 and seein's how i've been pretty much off since sept i can get that pretty easy. My training log says i should be up to 450 hours this year but i think that's a little much
Dayam.....I wish I had that much time in the saddle. Good Job!

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Morryjg said:
Dayam.....I wish I had that much time in the saddle. Good Job!
Thanks, set a goal shoot for it but be flexable. Sometimes it’s work but most of the time it’s not. I like riding my bike. I have even (mostly) been able to resign myself to the fact that if I wana be a better rider/race I HAVE to do the ‘have to do’ miles no matter how boring they are. Just makes you stronger. I do try to make it interesting though to brake up the monotony by listing to music (on a non-traffic course, seeing how long I can stand in the 53/11, how many times I can lap someone, how fast can I spin (180rpms) etc) games ease the boredom.
This time of year because there is no sun I usually just do an hour mon thru thru and do at least a 2 hour ride on the weekend but usually get at least 4 for the weekend. During the summer I can get 8 during the week and up to 8 on the weekend but usually avg 10/12.


I had to reset my computer this past week to get it to work. I am sure I rode 1,000 mtn miles and around 1,500 road miles. Maybe a few less mtn miles. It was not enough.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
loco said:
I had to reset my computer this past week to get it to work. I am sure I rode 1,000 mtn miles and around 1,500 road miles. Maybe a few less mtn miles. It was not enough.
I know when and where you can get your first centry in of the year...


The Toninator said:
I know when and where you can get your first centry in of the year...
I'm gonna just go help my homies out. I will see you there, no???


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
manziman said:

Thanks, Manzi.

I just don't keep track.
Maybe I should this year?

Rack up a whole 'nother 40? Woo Hoo! (I did WAY more than that)

Seriously, though, what would be an appropriate number to shoot for?
Should I even bother with goals if I just like to ride?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I far exceeded all my goals. I rode my ass of this year. I had fun too. I rode all year long and tried not to make excuses. I feel good out there and want to keep it a lifestyle thing. This year should be a little different for me. I don't have a road bike. I am pretty sure it helped get the ball rolling this year. I live right next to the trails so maybe this year not having a road bike will be a big deal.....jdcamb


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Goals are for soccer.... i've put in around 15 miles or so, so far this year. If it doesn't snow i'll put in 20 more on Saturday and perhaps 10 to 12 Sunday.
Cycling helped out my recovery time significantly this summer when i broke my leg. What a great recreation we have in mt. biking.