
Miles Rockwell BUSTED for growing weed....

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Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by Damn True

BTW, I have never known a regular weed smoker that has not experienced negative effects of doing so. Of course you couldn't convince them that smoking dope had been part of the problem anymore than I could convince my grandfather that alcohol was part of his problems before he quit drinking.
I'm sorry about your grandfather. I'll say it again.
While pot may fill a void for some people and become a phsycological dependancy it's different than the physical dependancy that alcohol can become for people. A physical depenancy is more often that not a serious health issue. While you talked yesterday of phsycological dependancy I would like to remind you that people can have a phsycological dependany on anything even soap.

Yes it can cause future respiratory issues. I'm with you there, if that's your argument i would like to point out to you the good it can do for cancer patients. If you would like i can get deeper into that issue. :)


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Originally posted by Damn True
That's beautiful. I'm a surfer, ergo I must know people that smoke dope... blah blah blah harmfull blah... Of course you couldn't convince them that smoking dope had been part of the problem anymore than I could convince my grandfather that alcohol was part of his problems before he quit drinking.
Oh get off it... I use to surf and hang around people who lived to surf and tons them smoke herb, peofessionals and amatures alike... the same held true when I went to Hawaii. So you dont know any surfers that smoke gras :rolleyes:

I also had a grandfather that had addiction problems... he smoked 2 packs a day... he was so addicted that after his 1st bypass he could only cut down to 1 pack a day. after his 2nd and 3rd... he finally quit (you dont hear this kind of sad 'self inflicted physically harm' stuff about people that smoke pot). He also drinks a lot, he turns into a loud, obnoxious, violent, jerk. These things are legal even though they cause more harmful personality changes and more ill effects to ones health, the gov't is cool with them. The question I asked you above that you didnt answer is...

"do you agree with the govmt's stand on this? Do you think that it is right?"
Again: This is the issue that most herb smokers/growers have.

You keep arguing about issues that are pointless... Bodily harm WILL come from smoking anything, pot WILL make you stoned but that is not justification enough for making it illegal, especially when other far more harmful substances are available at any corner store.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by zod

All that being said this dude knew the laws he was living under and he broke them. I hope he spends a good 25 years or so in prison rethinking his life decisions.

exactly...if you live in the U.S then you should abide by it's rules...if you don't like the rules then work to change them....instead of just b!tching about how unfair the rules are....D

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
First off, I don't have a strong opinion on this issue either way.
There are definitely worse things out there than pot. I could care less if it is legal or not. I took my share of tokes back in high school (always other peoples;) ), and I have not touched it since.
But one thing that I am surprised that nobody mentioned in this tread, is the mental/emotional effects of a long term pot abuser.
Notice I did not say user, I am talking about the dude who has to hit it first thing in the morning and then throughout the rest of the day. And we all know people out there that are like that.
The reason I bring it up, is not because I read a biased article on it or saw a biased survey or any BS like that.
This is stuff that I have seen with my own eyes.
These abusers are seriously screwed up mentally.
Depressed, super moody, and extremely irrational. I have seen the same symptoms in different people, and how they get worse over time. I watched one of my friends personality totally change over the course of a couple of years.
Who knows, some of these people may be self-medicating, and if it was not pot, it would probaly be something else. I also realize that if you abuse anything, it is a bad thing. But either way, it seems anything but harmless.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Your 100% correct on the problem with abuse thing. I think it has alot to do with self medicating, I've done it. The problem with anything is when you look to it for help. No substance is going to fix your problem. It may go away for a short time but thats it.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Originally posted by Jeremy R
First off, I don't have a strong opinion on this issue either way.
There are definitely worse things out there than pot. I could care less if it is legal or not. I took my share of tokes back in high school (always other peoples;) ), and I have not touched it since.
But one thing that I am surprised that nobody mentioned in this tread, is the mental/emotional effects of a long term pot abuser.
Notice I did not say user, I am talking about the dude who has to hit it first thing in the morning and then throughout the rest of the day. And we all know people out there that are like that.
The reason I bring it up, is not because I read a biased article on it or saw a biased survey or any BS like that.
This is stuff that I have seen with my own eyes.
These abusers are seriously screwed up mentally.
Depressed, super moody, and extremely irrational. I have seen the same symptoms in different people, and how they get worse over time. I watched one of my friends personality totally change over the course of a couple of years.
Who knows, some of these people may be self-medicating, and if it was not pot, it would probaly be something else. I also realize that if you abuse anything, it is a bad thing. But either way, it seems anything but harmless.
Yeah abuse is a bad thing... no matter what you are abusing. Becomming obsessed with a substance or an activity especially when it is at the exclusion of more truly important things.


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
Originally posted by SkaredShtles
I'm not sure that I've ever seen any studies linking BBQ to increased risks of colon cancer....... but I haven't looked very hard. :)

dude tons of people die from colen cancer caused by the charcol sut form on meat. chemicaly its fairly similar, just a non finished combustion.

i would like to comment however on the weed causing lung cancer or ehysimma (i wont even try to spell it). it is not the carsonigenic chemicals and gases that make cannibis illigel, its the chemical THC. so the agument of that because you need to burn THC to get its effects should make it illigal, then this law should be applied to every form of smoking.

i understand that driving while intoxicated regardless of the intoxicant to ****ing lame.

cannibis should be treated like alcahole for example there should be a bars (cafes;) ) and its illigal to do it in the street like you cant just walk around with a 40 of scotch totaly pissed. and it should be illigal while driving or working and in schools.

i do belive that ALL drugs should be legalised. opiets, cocain, mescilin etc. but i'm just not a fan of drawing lines every where. like you can **** yourself up on DXM (dymatap dry cough) or benidril (antihistamine) so where do we draw the line. many experts belive that all drugs should be made legal just because its not really the substance that creats the problems its the way they are treated.

arguments that i think are BS are:
1. weed causes cancer (carsonigens do that not the illical THC)
2. people crash cars when there ****ed (thats the persons stupid fault for being so god damn dumb and iresponible)
3. ... well because its illigal. (that does not prove anything)


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by Lexx D
Your 100% correct on the problem with abuse thing. I think it has alot to do with self medicating, I've done it. The problem with anything is when you look to it for help. No substance is going to fix your problem. It may go away for a short time but thats it.
ah...now were getting somewhere....D


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I find it very ironic that we live in a society that demonizes certain drugs yet you can't open a magazine or watch TV without being bombarded by ads for drugs. Most of these ads don't even tell you what they are for, they just tell you to ask your doctor about them. Why wouldn't we, everyone knows that drugs are supposed to make you feel good. Pot dealers do hard time while Pharmaceudical execs and doctors make billions selling drugs to healthy people who think they have problems because their hair is falling out, their dicks are too limp or because they feel sad. Now there are a lot of drugs out there that are needed but IMO once you start having to advertise drugs you are targeting people who don't NEED it.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
Originally posted by Westy
I find it very ironic that we live in a society that demonizes certain drugs yet you can't open a magazine or watch TV without being bombarded by ads for drugs. Most of these ads don't even tell you what they are for, they just tell you to ask your doctor about them. Why wouldn't we, everyone knows that drugs are supposed to make you feel good. Pot dealers do hard time while Pharmaceudical execs and doctors make billions selling drugs to healthy people who think they have problems because their hair is falling out, their dicks are too limp or because they feel sad. Now there are a lot of drugs out there that are needed but IMO once you start having to advertise drugs you are targeting people who don't NEED it.

Very good point and very well stated Westy :thumb: they're just legalized dealers

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by Westy
I find it very ironic that we live in a society that demonizes certain drugs yet you can't open a magazine or watch TV without being bombarded by ads for drugs. Most of these ads don't even tell you what they are for, they just tell you to ask your doctor about them. Why wouldn't we, everyone knows that drugs are supposed to make you feel good. Pot dealers do hard time while Pharmaceudical execs and doctors make billions selling drugs to healthy people who think they have problems because their hair is falling out, their dicks are too limp or because they feel sad. Now there are a lot of drugs out there that are needed but IMO once you start having to advertise drugs you are targeting people who don't NEED it.
I worked in a pharmacy for 8 years, i've seen to much of it. People take a pill for one problem and need three others to deal with the side effects of one another.
My good friend was just on paxil, her doctor said she needed it:angry: After taking it for a few weeks she would have dizzy spells and brief blackouts(not remembering the last hour at all). But that's FDA approved:thumb: I told her to stop taking it and she fels 100% better.
People need to understand how bad some of these drugs are for you. Sometimes the risks are not worth the reward. "but the doctor told me to take it" in no way makes it good for you. Hell i don't take asprin, but yes i loves me bong, loves me bong.


Sep 13, 2001
Nelson, BC
The way I see it, Myles was just doing his part as a Patriot. By growing it himself, there's that much less coming from the hands of terrorists and organized crime. Hell, give that boy a medal - not time in the big house.

For what it's worth, I've never seen someone toke up and start picking fights or beat their spouse or significant other. Hang outside any bar at closing time and say the same about alcohol...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Originally posted by Lexx D
I worked in a pharmacy for 8 years....

My good friend was just on paxil, her doctor said she needed it:angry:
So you worked in a Pharmacy for 8 years..... And then told your friend to stop taking a prescribed medication for a serious problem..... Hmmm You may have told her to see/talk to her doctor instead. There can be some serious medical problems with just stopping taking Paxil or any other depressant. I think you can see where I am going here......jdcamb

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by jdcamb
So you worked in a Pharmacy for 8 years..... And then told your friend to stop taking a prescribed medication for a serious problem..... Hmmm You may have told her to see/talk to her doctor instead. There can be some serious medical problems with just stopping taking Paxil or any other depressant. I think you can see where I am going here......jdcamb
Yes but the high dose low dose system her doctor gave her was disputed by a pharmacist.:eviltongu. I'm not sure what system she used to get off the med. but she took my "advice" and is no longer taking the madication.:D and feels much better. I'm sorry I should have been more clear.:D


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
My life as a monkey would not be complete with chiming in.

I just read almost 15 pages of "debate."

If feel like I would have given my brain cells a better farewell if I had just fired up a big doobie and drank two 40oz Old English malt liquors.

I think I'm addicted to Ridemonkey.

At least I'm not selling it to children.


Aug 9, 2002
sunny Gresham
Myles Rockwell...whatever.

Name the Colorado-convicted rapist or murderer you want set free to make room for him. Also, get ready for the pigs to break down your door in the midst of your next blowjob, you repulsive sodomites.


Jan 12, 2002
Good to see another pothead junkie hopefully off to jail.

ANY narcotics use other than medical subscribtions support drug barons. And i dont give a damn if its for "personal use" or whatever lame excuse a person may have. a pothead is still a pothead.

the simple fact you need substances, be it alcohol or narcotics is lame, but narcotics is worse, since it supports the destruction of so many inocent peoples lives. From those who are forced to grow/produce the crap to people around those who choose to use it. I dont feel pity when a junkie dies, but i pity his junkfree friends and family.


Jan 12, 2002
Dirt Merchant said:
"ANY narcotics use other than medical subscribtions support drug barons."

Pffffttttt. You owe me a sip of coffee. Moron.

since when is caffein narcotics? Leave the personal attacks out of it..


Aug 9, 2002
sunny Gresham
You know it all, so tell us all about narcotics. Tell us about how marijuana is a narcotic. Do it without making an ass of yourself. Impossible? Yes. But I have faith in you. You will make it true. Nothng I, or anything any reasonable person says after you show up and work your fake-ass line-o-crap will be true anymore.

Tell us about your experiences with Oxycotin. You're so unforgiving--tell us why. Don't feel pity when a junkie dies? Ever know a junkie?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
grimm said:
Good to see another pothead junkie hopefully off to jail.
ANY narcotics use other than medical subscribtions support drug barons. And i dont give a damn if its for "personal use" or whatever lame excuse a person may have. a pothead is still a pothead.

the simple fact you need substances, be it alcohol or narcotics is lame, but narcotics is worse, since it supports the destruction of so many inocent peoples lives. From those who are forced to grow/produce the crap to people around those who choose to use it. I dont feel pity when a junkie dies, but i pity his junkfree friends and family.
1) A pothead and a junkie are two different things; cannabis is NOT heroin. :rolleyes:
2) Since high school, I have never bought commercial weed and neither do any of the people I know. It's all very small batch WV homegrown. No barons involved, be they red, robber or drug. :rolleyes:
3) A pothead = a pothead. No additional insights needed here. :rolleyes:
4) It is lame when someone needs alcohol or narcotics, but I don't know anybody like that. Hell- some people are even born with or contract diseases or endure injuries! With cannabis, you just take it or leave it as it is available or not w/o scurrying to seedy neighborhoods downtown in search of a dopeman to blow for a fix. :rolleyes:
5) The destruction of innocent persons lives? A hermit-like single guy who's really into weed grows a couple dozen plants in an outbuilding and sells it to only a half dozen trusted friends? Nobody forces him to grow it! I can almost hear the lamentation of countless mistreated wives and children in the distance... :rolleyes:
6) See "1)" above another time for good measure. :rolleyes:

BTW, your capacity for free thought is so malnourished I shudder to think what might happen if you ever actually took a puff off a joint. You'd probably freak like a repressed catholic school girl during rush week of her freshman year and go from PMRC bake sales to methadone lines inside of six weeks. And one more for the road...:rolleyes:


Jan 12, 2002
fun to see so many people knowing what im all about.. :D

enjoy your assumptions of me, i have better things to do than indulge myself with narcotics or narcotics users. like riding bikes


Jan 12, 2002
edo-chan said:
Ever know a junkie?

this however i will reply to, yes i do "know" a junkie, and she is my gf's sister. i feel no pity as she chose herself to begin taking narcotics like everyone else.

she has done it for over 20 years and ive never wanted to even meet her.

If that makes me narrowminded or whatever i can only say this in reply, i dont need drugs to help me enjoy myself or make myself feel good. i can do that without banned or legal substances. :rolleyes:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
grimm said:
this however i will reply to, yes i do "know" a junkie, and she is my gf's sister. i feel no pity as she chose herself to begin taking narcotics like everyone else.

she has done it for over 20 years and ive never wanted to even meet her.

If that makes me narrowminded or whatever i can only say this in reply, i dont need drugs to help me enjoy myself or make myself feel good. i can do that without banned or legal substances. :rolleyes:
Here's a newsflash- I don't know any junkies either. For that matter, I also don't associate with thieves, crackheads, militants, neo-nazis, pedaphiles or Washington Redskins fans. Your ignore list can be as big as you want.

I don't need drugs or alcohol either. I have gone years w/o them for no other reason than I chose not to indulge. That didn't suddenly confer upon me some lofty status of Body Purist Extraordinaire, though. I feel good with or without weed- they each have their time and place.

Why are you so in the dark about cannabis? How do you not know the simplest things about it, yet feel perfectly comfortable looking down on those who might occasionally use it. :think:
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