
Milk Fraiche


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
According to those guys (and my mother, who insists I drank raw/fresh milk until I was 4) - pasturizing kills the flavor, and (in addition to killing off harmful bacterias) also kills off helpful bacterias that aid in the digestion of milk - called lactase, which is why so many people struggle with lactose intolerance. It also, apparently, boils out helpful additives and vitamins, a few of which they add back in (like Vitamin D) post pasturization.

In the US, industrial milk comes from cows that are fed additional hormones to increase their production of milk beyond what 'nature' allows, those hormones then re-appear in your pasturized milk (I've read this before - but the cost of Organic milk versus regular is still too high for me to jump on that bandwagon)

This is a rather detailed reply on the 'safety of raw milk'

I believe the point is, people want raw milk to be widely available. There's certainly nothing 'wrong' with pasturized milk, as far as I can see - considering the dramatic drop in food/drink borne pathogens after its implementation back in the 30s.

Anywho - I'm not arguing for or against the stuff. On a foodie level though, I try to make sure that our table is stocked with fresh ingredients, as locally produced as I can afford and find, and we avoid as many unnatural chemicals in our diet as I can justify on my monthly budget...so articles like this catch my eye and are thought provoking. Thought you all might enjoy the perspective as well.