Wife just went to work for a small local office but it is only 2-3 days a week vs 4, so her checks are smaller. But she was pulling 4 10+ hour days and that is too damn long to be hunched over someones nasty mouth.pretty much. wife and i live within are means, are still paying off student loans and some cc debt. but w/ the stress of our jobs we're having a bit of a dilemma trying to decide if its really worth it. having our first kid put things in a bit of a different perspective.
The plan is next year we sell the 4 bed monster house (its just the 2 of us and my daughter every other weekend), likely rent until bubble, then buy something small. Trying to pay off as much as possible and downsize as much as possible. I try not to point out what we give up because she always comes back with "Yet you still have your car". I just remind her my car was less than her closet full of handbags she doesn't carry anywhere ever and it takes me to work every day.