
Misjudged speed.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Well some of you may know Steve Wentz from the NORBA nationals. He is kinda known for "Wentz Lines" Lines that Steve will do because he can that many others won't do, cause they don't think it is worth the risk.
Amazingly Steve pulls these lines off ALL THE FREAKIN TIME!

The other morning I get a call to come on down to a local spot that has been building up with the instructions..."bring your camera"

I brought my camera and a shovel, I got there and Steve is working on a new line. As I stand on the top of the lip I made him point to where he wanted to land because there were several options. He pointed to the furthest option.

We never got a chance to clear the run up to it, so I figured this would be a jump for another day, steve had other plans. He pedaled into it through weeds, and bumps and even a Prarie dog mound and hit this brand new jump built only minutes before.

This jump is about 50+ft stepping down about 15-20ft. Unfortunately he didn't make it, but I know if we had smoothed the run up he would have.

He came away with some bruised ribs a broken seat and a seperated shoulder, but still made it to work only 3 hours later.


Jul 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
he's lucky that he only came away with those injuries...not clearing a gap that is that big, has alot of potential to hurt someone worse

did he ride it out? or get tossed over the bars? guessing from the seperated shoulder he got tossed?


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
He cased it as you can see, then got bounced over. He looked as though he may be able to pull it off if all the stars aligned... They didn't.
About 15ft down the tranny his front wheel dug in. About 15 more feet past that he landed. The bike flew out pretty far and I ran down to see if he was ok.
At first he was reeling on the ground and wheezing for air. He knocked the wind out of himself. But when I got there he gave me the thumbs up. Told him not to move and unbuckled his helmet. A few minutes later he was on his feet. I was pretty scared at first. It was a massive fall!

I am sure he is reading all your comments. He mentions stuff that I post on here from time to time :)


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Thats a killer gap/jump. I dont understand the mentality of, oh we havent finished it yet, but what the hell!

But hey man, he went for it, and thats what its about!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

That's nuts. Glad to hear he's not badly hurt... Best of luck on the next attempt ! :thumb:

Great picture, MB2... I think the camera work got lost in the sickness of the jump :D


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
binary visions said:

That's nuts. Glad to hear he's not badly hurt... Best of luck on the next attempt ! :thumb:

Great picture, MB2... I think the camera work got lost in the sickness of the jump :D
LOL, the sicker the jump the easier it is to take a picture of it! Guys like Steve make me not have to work nearly as hard :p


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
bad-ass sequence. i like the frame where his back wheel is rubbing his seatpost. its amazing the dude isnt in a body cast.


Aug 4, 2004
Better luck next time.

And I don't really see how that's a 15-20ft stepdown but awsome photograpgy/editing.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
The picture is a little Deceptive, since it is on an angle. I didn't take a tape measure out or anything, but there is an obvious step in the land and everything tapers down to where I was standing as well. So since this jump goes on a diaganal to the step in the land, when I stood on top I estimated 15-20ft. It could be more it could be less, but I feel that is close.
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
nobody works harder
nobody is smarter
he is the next big thing for the US

all he's ever lacked was that crazy inner voice which he (overly)developed this season.

but what the hell do i know...i'm just some fool trying to catch him.