
>>>Mittwocken Gee EM Tee<<<

somewhat true, unless the questions are along the lines of "are you having an affair / is that a new bike / does this make me look fat / have you been drinking / is that a dead crack baby in the basement / etc..."
H and I have had some interesting conversations regarding some of my female riding companions. "Are you fucking x?" "No, we're riding buddies." "It's OK if you fuck her." I have never tried the obvious experiment.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Boss man told me to leave work early two times. Ok sir, can do.

Got to our group spot an hour early. I might, if I may, partake in a pre-ride ride and beer.

Skies are blue and not a single cloud out there.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I ran. 8 miles which included 4 x 10 minutes hard. It was 90 degrees and my legs are not recovered from my race this past Sunday. That run was rough going. :dead:

Bikey the next three days! :weee:


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I put some bolts I needed for a Bike Job on my friend Bills dashboard. His Son had to move his truck to cut the lawn. The Bolts fell into the vents and now rattle inside as he angrily drove me home. Man it was loud. I have to buy new bolts now also.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
From Nikko to Tokyo today. No more public nudity (at the onsen). Mariko got the Hello Kitty doll house she was pining for and the baby is napping peacefully so all is right with the world.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Hmm I may salvage my one man tent after all. I only used it once then packed it away a few years ago ( it was nice and dry). I pulled it out last week and the urethane coating on the fly had turned into a sticky mess, a wad of stuck together nylon as it were. Using google I found someone had had a similar issue and had soaked the fly in a 4:1 mixture of hot water and ammonia which dissolved the goo, they proceeded to use the tent for many seasons thereafter. I did that in a big bucket then ran it through the wash to rinse the ammonia. Yes the seam tape also came off but no more sticky mess and the nylon seems no worse for wear.. I will use aqua seal to re install the plastic window and McNett tent seal to re waterproof the fly followed using seam seal on all the seams. Kind of a fun project, which if it works will give me back my sub 5 pound wind rated for 65mph tent for use this summer.

Thank you but no fundraising is needed. The race sold out in 10 minutes but I was lucky to complete my registration quickly enough to make it.
First, good on you for signing up. I have done this torture fest a number of times and it's worth it.

Second, the race is a benefit for Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports, which helps folks who manage to Trash themselves while chasing adventure sports. I highly recommend taking a deep breath and doing some fund raising. I'll kick in - I didn't for my first race, then became shameless about buttonholing coworkers, friends, and monkeys.