
mmmmm...poison oak


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
Last night at the ER:

One hour ago:

I was exposed to it Sunday, started seeing it on my face yesterday. Went to the ER last night, because I could tell it was getting weird and it was starting to spread on my body. They just gave me some Benadryl and said see how it is tomorrow. Well, as you can see it is horrible. Just got back from the doc who gave me some steroids to take.

Anything other recommendations?



Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Zack said:
Last night at the ER:
I was exposed to it Sunday, started seeing it on my face yesterday. Went to the ER last night, because I could tell it was getting weird and it was starting to spread on my body. They just gave me some Benadryl and said see how it is tomorrow. Well, as you can see it is horrible. Just got back from the doc who gave me some steroids to take.

Anything other recommendations?

DANG!!! What did you face plant into!??


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
I work in Frederick, MD but live 10 minutes from Gettysburg, PA. DC and Baltimore are both about 45 minutes away now.
What do you think of the area?

My parents are looking in that area. My sis lives by Baltimore and my parent's are looking to move by Harrisburgh/Gettysburg.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
stosh said:
No doping in cycling!!
funny you mention that, i used to ride with a guy who was diagnosed with anemia. his doctor prescribed epo so that he could continue cycling and racing. the best part about it was when he'd wear the epo manufacturer's hat and shirt to races--classic.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
stosh said:
What do you think of the area?

My parents are looking in that area. My sis lives by Baltimore and my parent's are looking to move by Harrisburgh/Gettysburg.
I like it. I live just this side of the MD/PA line amidst farmland. When I wanna do something cultural, Baltimore and DC are reasonably close...when I want to ride, Gambrill Park, the Frederick Watershed and Patapsco are reasonably close...traffic is minimal...cost of living is pretty cheap...no crime...plenty of places to shoot my guns...great fishing...outlet malls to keep the womenfolk occupied...what's not to like? :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
reflux said:
funny you mention that, i used to ride with a guy who was diagnosed with anemia. his doctor prescribed epo so that he could continue cycling and racing. the best part about it was when he'd wear the epo manufacturer's hat and shirt to races--classic.

I heard a great interview with Lance Armstong last night on NPR. He was talking about being accused of doping and what-not. He's one of thoes people I can listen to him talk for hours!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
I like it. I live just this side of the MD/PA line amidst farmland. When I wanna do something cultural, Baltimore and DC are reasonably close...when I want to ride, Gambrill Park, the Frederick Watershed and Patapsco are reasonably close...traffic is minimal...cost of living is pretty cheap...no crime...plenty of places to shoot my guns...great fishing...outlet malls to keep the womenfolk occupied...what's not to like? :thumb:
Hrmmmmmmm how is the housing market?

Thats kind of the area I'm looking for. We're going to look at NC in the spring, I keep getting the feeling it's to "The South" for me but of course I have no idea.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
stosh said:
Hrmmmmmmm how is the housing market?

Thats kind of the area I'm looking for. We're going to look at NC in the spring, I keep getting the feeling it's to "The South" for me but of course I have no idea.

This'll give you a general idea. Basically, we sold our townhouse in Frederick for as much as our single family cost...and Frederick is cheap by NE standards. For investment value, Frederick is a better option(because of MAD, MAD appreciation), but I wanted to get out of the "city". Whatever you pay for a decent place in Frederick, you will pretty much double within 5 years. People like being equidistant from Baltimore & DC b/c of the job market and the comparative lack of associated "urban" problems.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:

This'll give you a general idea. Basically, we sold our townhouse in Frederick for as much as our single family cost...and Frederick is cheap by NE standards. For investment value, Frederick is a better option(because of MAD, MAD appreciation), but I wanted to get out of the "city". Whatever you pay for a decent place in Frederick, you will pretty much double within 5 years. People like being equidistant from Baltimore & DC b/c of the job market and the comparative lack of associated "urban" problems.
Which is more your area?

Baltimore Area
Cumberland Area
DC Area
Eastern Maryland

I've been around in that area. I hate the traffic and I hate that you have to take a highway to get anywhere. Although I like it better than VA. Kind of a nice North South mix.


Nov 6, 2004
Okinawa, Japan
Echo said:
Days like this I thank my lucky stars I'm not allergic to Poison Ivy or Poison Oak :dead:

I knew a guy who said that once...and to "prove" it to me, he rubbed some all over his body. 2 days later he's in the hospital. He has it all in his eyes and mouth and "down below" hehe


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
stosh said:
Which is more your area?

Baltimore Area
Cumberland Area
DC Area
Eastern Maryland

I've been around in that area. I hate the traffic and I hate that you have to take a highway to get anywhere. Although I like it better than VA. Kind of a nice North South mix.
None of the above, really. It's the Frederick area...SW of Baltimore but NW of DC. I guess if I had to choose one of those options, it would be the 1st one.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
None of the above, really. It's the Frederick area...SW of Baltimore but NW of DC. I guess if I had to choose one of those options, it would be the 1st one.
My sister used to live in Ellicott City with her boyfriend family. Now she lives in Odenton.


Dec 6, 2004
O the steriods will work. I have had two bad cases of poison. It spread like wildfire and pusses like an overflowing soda. It is absolutely disgusting.....and my classmates loved it. haha They had to witness the infectious disease taking over my body. I had it around my knee so it hurt to even move my leg. Only thing that helps is steriods.

If you are looking for a place between Harrisburg and Gettysbury, your not going to find alot. I have some family in New Bloomfield and that place is out in the middle of no where. Its a nice town though. Check out Mechanicsburg.


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
Well, it's been over three hours since I took the steroids and the swelling hasn't gone down in my face. Some of the patches on my arms and etc. might possibly be a little bit better, but not much. I was told you can see results over 2 hours. :confused:. I am seriously in some of the most discomfort I think I have ever been in.

Here is a normal picture:



Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
rpk1988 how long did the steroids take to begin working? I just called my doc and she said they don't kick in for about 8 hours and that I may not see results for up to 48 hours, but Daniel (The Kadvang) told me he saw improvement in 2 hours. I guess it varies from person to person?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Zack said:
Well, it's been over three hours since I took the steroids and the swelling hasn't gone down in my face. Some of the patches on my arms and etc. might possibly be a little bit better, but not much. I was told you can see results over 2 hours. :confused:. I am seriously in some of the most discomfort I think I have ever been in.

Here is a normal picture:
To rerail my derail, I know what you're going through...and it was even bike-related. A few years back, A buddy and I were racing each other down a huge, steep, grassy, weedy hill that had a swath cut down the middle with an industrial brush mower. Well, neither of us was willing to give an inch and we ended up colliding at Mach 4, sending us both rag-dolling into the underbrush. Guess what that underbrush was? FRESH CUT POISON OAK & IVY!!! This was right before the 4th of July and I had parties to go to, so I applied a little calamine to the obvious spots and went to the party. Well, sweating profusely at an outside BBQ in 95 degree heat does NOT help one get rid of the poison. After the party(& fireworks), I had to sit in traffic for 2 hours in my black '96 pickup- without air conditioning- on a vinyl bench seat. By the time I got home, I was covered in weepy, bloody patches and having trouble breathing, as the poison had gone systemic. I had to go to the ER where they gave me shots of steroids and some balms/salves that had to be applied after I showered in Tecnu. I ended up missing a week of work and was so hatefully miserable that I prayed for the kind deliverance of death almost daily. I now NEVER ride w/o Tecnu in my camelback.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Zack said:
rpk1988 how long did the steroids take to begin working? I just called my doc and she said they don't kick in for about 8 hours and that I may not see results for up to 48 hours, but Daniel (The Kadvang) told me he saw improvement in 2 hours. I guess it varies from person to person?
**** dude that sounds awful... when I had it on my arms, legs, chest and back, I got visible results after 1-2 hours... must vary.

Heal up, you look ugly now :love:


Aug 16, 2002
Santa Barbara, CA
you should ask your Doctor about the steroid/tecnu combo. Definitely keep it 1" away from the eyes just in case.

I know from use that tecnu takes the itch out, even if the oak is just starting or flaking away.
Sep 29, 2004
stosh said:

I heard a great interview with Lance Armstong last night on NPR. He was talking about being accused of doping and what-not. He's one of thoes people I can listen to him talk for hours!!
oh lance how dreammyyyy :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Dec 6, 2004
Zack said:
rpk1988 how long did the steroids take to begin working? I just called my doc and she said they don't kick in for about 8 hours and that I may not see results for up to 48 hours, but Daniel (The Kadvang) told me he saw improvement in 2 hours. I guess it varies from person to person?
You should start seeing improvement after a day usually. There are different types of steriods you can take. Are you taking the ones that come in a pack or the ones that are in a bottle. The first ones i took were in a pack that went 7 for the first day, 6 for the second...etc. Then since my second case was worse, also in your case, they gave me the bottle which had more milligrams in each pill and was stronger and would take affect faster. What you will notice greatly is that it will stop itching as much and will start to become very dry. That is a good sign, but take care of it. Once it becomes dry it should disappear off you skin within 2 to 3 days. The steriods just stop the itching by blocking the things that cause it to itch. You should be fine in 48 hours, keep us posted.


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
I was given Prednisone in the bottle. For three days I am going to be taking 60mg a day, and then it is going to taper down to 10mg a day. All of this will be over a 2 week period to wean me off of it. I was also warned about some side-effects, such as appetite and mood swings..Fun...

I am actually beginning to see improvement already from 10:45 this morning when I took the first 60mg. My face figure has become smaller and more normal, and the patches on my arms, wrists, and hip are significantly less. However, the eyes are still very red, and so is another area that I'd rather not discuss.:eek:

I just hope I am happy with what I see when I wake up tomorrow and look in the mirror, because I definitely wasn't this morning....

Thanks for the help guys.


Dec 6, 2004
Yea, I liked the mood swing part, my last dose was on the day of my driving test...i could have taking a turn for the worse on that lady if i failed. haha And the Doc said that i might eat more which is fine with me.

Good to see you got the pills early because it would be a hell of a mess if you went to sleep and were rubbing around alot. It would be pretty.


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
I woke up today and it was even worse. I could barely open my eyes at all. Went to urgent care and they gave me a shot of an even stronger steroid. It's supposed to kick in in 6-8 hours. I honestly don't even know what to do right now. I just want to go to sleep and wake up in a week. :( :( :dead:


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
Yeah that's where I got it. There is like crap on my face now...But they say that water could irritate it so I shouldn't use wate to wash my facer....Oh my god this is like a living nightmare.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Zack said:
Yeah that's where I got it. There is like crap on my face now...But they say that water could irritate it so I shouldn't use wate to wash my facer....Oh my god this is like a living nightmare.
When I got that for my poison ivy once it helped a lot.

Apparently I had weed wacked a bed of poison ivy with shorts and a tank top on.... :)