
***Moanderp GMT***


May 2, 2006
Asheville, NC
Wedding this weekend was fun. Many trips to the bong shed occurred and much eating of smoked meats. A bike ride was actually had in between festivities. Coffee is brewing a bit on the strong side this morning.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
back on the short bus again...

only EMT action this weekend was when the snack bar cook lacerated her finger chopping veggies. Man that sucker bled. nice inch long deep cut. two dressing changes, direct pressure, and finally a sterile pad and tape once I got the bleeding stopped. i got in some nice runs after work each day


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
About to leave to go overnight camping with Haley. The original plan was to go yesterday, but the hangover from the beer fest started my Sunday off at 10am instead of my normal 6am. That four hour was enough delay that after painting the fence, we weren't able to head out last night. Oh well. Fishing poles, bikes, and hiking boots are in the car. We'll be back tomorrow night.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Had a recurring dream last night that I absentmindedly went to a porn website on my work computer. Followed that up with a spear battle with a group of foe which I, of course, won. No idea of their significance in my Monday, but I'll be vigilant anyway.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Random vacation day today. I will go riding if the still-coughing wife doesn't decide to go to the urgent care this afternoon in lieu of getting a primary care appointment on Thursday.


Feb 24, 2011
Spent the weekend in the southern part of Maine. My wife and Daughter had a 5k they were running on Sunday, so we went and camped out at a State park that was close. We planned on sleeping in the back of the truck, but 3 people don't fit as well as 2, so I used the picnic table as a bed. I haven't slept under the stars in a few years. Should do it more. Now more work....


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

I had an epic fail shooting the kids bike. I ended up sanding half of it back off and reshooting. I had to stop myself because I knew he wanted to ride it. So I left it under the heater for 3 hours to bake and put it together. I got a Mongoose sticker kit and flame seat on order along with new Oury grips. I need to get a shot of him riding because he has a Minion helmet that is epic. Seriously stoked kid, my heart almost exploded.

Total build was $45, so worth it. He couldn't wait to go for a ride with me around the block.

And Lil Man is seriously ready for pedals. He would race all the kids down the hill, it was awesome because they would let him win a few.

<edit> I also ditched the front reflector. I told him when he gets a little more comfortable we will add the rear hand brake and might toss the coaster.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I had an epic fail shooting the kids bike. I ended up sanding half of it back off and reshooting.
Some time ago I painted up a bike that was handed down to us for my daughter. What a giant pain in the dick that turned out to be. I don't know how they do it on a large scale but it was damn near impossible to not get a run somewhere on the frame. Too many curved surfaces make it almost impossible to apply paint evenly. Thank the FSM for wet sanding and clear coats.



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Some time ago I painted up a bike that was handed down to us for my daughter. What a giant pain in the dick that turned out to be. I don't know how they do it on a large scale but it was damn near impossible to not get a run somewhere on the frame. Too many curved surfaces make it almost impossible to apply paint evenly. Thank the FSM for wet sanding and clear coats.

Back in the day when I had a powdercoat setup, I could go from remove old to finished in about 4-5 hours. Rattle can is a bitch, at least you had somewhat clean environment. Mine is more "shade tree mechanic" :rofl:

The clear said to apply within an hour, so I did. But I think the color was too heavy in spots and when I put the clear over, it shifted. I had what looked like saggy skin on the seat stay, down tube, and top tube. I just sanded flush, light color, then light clear. It was scratched up within the hour.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Some time ago I painted up a bike that was handed down to us for my daughter. What a giant pain in the dick that turned out to be. I don't know how they do it on a large scale but it was damn near impossible to not get a run somewhere on the frame. Too many curved surfaces make it almost impossible to apply paint evenly. Thank the FSM for wet sanding and clear coats.

last time i painted a frame was an old bmx frame. sanded down, primer coat, then paint coat. turned out really well, no drips. wasn't as nice a finish but worked.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Legs are tired from all the riding I did this past week--if I keep it up I might actually get fast(er). No doubt the job/kids/weather will get me back where I belong soon.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I labored away in the burning sun for about 3 hours assembling a climber for the kids. Chinese people either have 3 hands or the designers don't give a shit about how difficult things are to assemble. Or both.

Skipping riding today--don't feel like grinding up Belcher under the broiler. We're picking up a kitten this afternoon, though, so at least I have something to look forward to before returning to work tomorrow.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
In motel 6 in silver city. I think I am sleeping in my clothes tonight. :fie:
Ill repeat my statement from yesterday:
Also, I realized during a gas stop on the way down how much NM breaks my heart. My first memories are of NM and Santa Fe, my brother was born there. So much of it is so beautiful and I love it, but it is also quite a lesson in human misery and societal failure. New Mexico is a Cormac McCarthy novel in real time.
Though to be fair, your situation may have more to do with Motel 6, than any issues NM may have. At least you're not in Alamogordo or T&C.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Went out to the OG spot to dig for a while and discovered that some asshole had removed the barricade in front of the jump I have been building and hit it. It wasn't finished and still wet from the unrelenting rain. I've spent countless hours hauling dirt and rocks building this section since the winter. And it infuriates me that some douchebag, who didn't lift one shovel full of dirt, hit MY JUMP before I got to. I seriously hope they endoed and smashed their fucking face into the ground. No respect...


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Went out to the OG spot to dig for a while and discovered that some asshole had removed the barricade in front of the jump I have been building and hit it. It wasn't finished and still wet from the unrelenting rain. I've spent countless hours hauling dirt and rocks building this section since the winter. And it infuriates me that some douchebag, who didn't lift one shovel full of dirt, hit MY JUMP before I got to. I seriously hope they endoed and smashed their fucking face into the ground. No respect...
this happened to me on a big creek gap step up/step down i'd been working on for almost a year. i just thought props to whoever did it and wished i'd been able to be out there more often to work on it. i put in a lot of hours digging, but its for everyone as much as it is for me...isn't that why we dig? (unless someone blows up a secret spot and it gets shut down)

speaking of, i need to get some more shovel time in during my free days...


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
this happened to me on a big creek gap step up/step down i'd been working on for almost a year. i just thought props to whoever did it and wished i'd been able to be out there more often to work on it. i put in a lot of hours digging, but its for everyone as much as it is for me...isn't that why we dig? (unless someone blows up a secret spot and it gets shut down)

speaking of, i need to get some more shovel time in during my free days...
Nah, I get it, it's cool that people wanna ride my stuff. But for fuck's sake, they shouldn't mess with what they didn't build, especially when it's not finished and the trail is soggy.