
***moanderp GMT***


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I had a super chill weekend. Family drove to a birthday party which I skipped and just enjoyed Copenhagen and my own company and some amazing weather all weekend. Did some gardening and got some good naps too. I really should have ridden my bike but I just enjoyed a relaxed weekend sitting in the sun and doing nothing. Rainy week in sight so will be more gym than outside riding.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Hello peoples

working 1-5ish from home today but I shall do a leaf peepin’ hike in the morning before that, after dropping my Baby Aya off at preschool.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

At le work.

Attempted to work from home today, but the girlfriend put the kibosh to that idea. She has the day off and wants it a lone to clean the house and do some trainer biking and whatnot. Fair enough. Its a good thing too, because I checked my calendar this morning and apparently today is the monthly management meeting that I need to join and report some bogus numbers to.

Accidentally a bunch of maintenance related bike stuff last night, man that stuff adds up quick.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Well, I did it. I'm officially a triathlete. Even though I didn't pee on myself, I swam, biked, and ran until they told me to stop.

No pictures of me yet because I'm not a selfie queen and my family didn't bother to come out. Hopefully there's a picture out there of me to prove that I exist soon.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Yard work yesterday, got a pile of brush cleared, a few bushes pruned, and the old garden torn down. Got the wife a new vacuum too. What can I say, I set the bar high.

Now to get the new bow dialed in. I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a new sight here soon...


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Still in bed, current camping spot is at 11500ft. Milky way was pretty spiffy last night.

3rd day of high altitude riding coming up.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
that's not the spirit of triathlons

also, that's a good amount of neon for your first tri.
I didn't even wear any neon! #sad. I was mostly in black, my tri-romper was black with blue, a black wetsuit, black and gold helmet. I had black and yellow gloves though. Thought about rocking the neon yellow jacket and 100% briskers though.


free wieners
Advised a young couple just yesterday that the trail they were starting on universally required a locker, winch, and 35" tires by minimal standards and they should consider turning around since it was all downhill, out, and back trail.

Seen them while getting coffee this morning and they recognized my jeep after a discussion and found out that the car is with no oil pan and was still on the trail as they had to walk out last night.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Advised a young couple just yesterday that the trail they were starting on universally required a locker, winch, and 35" tires by minimal standards and they should consider turning around since it was all downhill, out, and back trail.

Seen them while getting coffee this morning and they recognized my jeep after a discussion and found out that the car is with no oil pan and was still on the trail as they had to walk out last night.
What were they driving?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
Advised a young couple just yesterday that the trail they were starting on universally required a locker, winch, and 35" tires by minimal standards and they should consider turning around since it was all downhill, out, and back trail.

Seen them while getting coffee this morning and they recognized my jeep after a discussion and found out that the car is with no oil pan and was still on the trail as they had to walk out last night.
But at least they had a spill kit ready, right? :rolleyes:


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001


there are some funky old liquor store/bars on the strip that are interesting...


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
220 bucks for a tire that isnt even mine...

trying not to get a third flat in the next 9 days....


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
You did awesome, sir. I stalked your results. You finished in the top third. Nicely done!
Thanks! The run was...humbling. I was loaned a wetsuit at the last minute and it very much came in handy. Water temp was 68 they said. When I dove in, my goggles filled with water and I had to try and do breaststroke in order to empty them....breaststroke made breathing a challenge in the wetsuit. I probably only freestyled for 70% of the swim, yet I still somehow came in the top 25% of all racers. Yikes.

The run though...lots of hills and I was admittedly pretty gassed when I started. At least I finished!


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Did a proper epic on Saturday, which was great. Went for a more reasonable ride yesterday and got stung by yellow jackets ~30 times, which was less great. Had to lie down for a while, was pretty woozy and seeing stars for a bit. Doing okay now, but feeling pretty wiped out by the whole ordeal.

