
Moar shimz and rox.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
Rox = teh east coast gnar that nobody from california could possibly ride evarr! In all reality its just a term that is supposed to describe how un ride-able the east coast is on a low BB bike, because of how flat it is compared to how rocky it is.

Moar shimz is an avalanche parody, for a huge fork flamefest that ended with the solution, being to add moar shimz to the shim stack to change how it rides, avalanche has significantly moar shimz than anything else, and thus is reigned superior

Banshee Rider

Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2003
Moar Shimz - Gained popularity when ridemoneky discovered their suspension had shimstacks. The phrase was coined to poke fun at the elevated urgency to fiddle with said shimstack despite not knowing what the shims did, or where to find them.

Rox - The definitive variable for a proper race course by most waterheads. Apparently they are hard to ride over with slack as s*** 8" downhill bikes in a straight line. Diablo has them, and they're better than yours.

Both seem to be exclusive to this website, and are undeniably annoying as hell.


Oct 23, 2008
rain rain go away
Lifdik,My drivers license is impervious to all attempts on it's life.When you have the personality and charisma I do,cops from stereotypical, arrogant,a holes into kind and humble,happy-go-lucky people before your eyes.
well tripdik you can prove that next saturday / sunday at sun****