
Monday at SST - are you riding or hiding?


Turbo Monkey
I'll be riding.
Intentions are to get there MID-morning (9-10am) and put in a few hours on the bike and a few with the tools.
Hope to see some Monkey-folk buzzing around there as well.

Thanks again to Norm and his folks for donating that stamper for the cause. The jumps and berms should get real solid real soon.:cool:
Sep 8, 2004
If I didn't have to work, I'd be there.
I'll probably head out wed/thurs, as long as I don't get called in.

Norm and his family donated a stomper? Thats awesome! That'll really help with the building of the newer sections, and fixing up the slightly worn down spots.



Turbo Monkey
I'll be sure to save you some trail for later this week, James. I'm sure I'll be down there on Wed. or Thurs. as well - if not both days.

What newer sections?;)
Actually, the middle line that is getting cleared at the very bottom is eventually going to be 2 or 3 rows of doubles. A few of us kind of brainstormed alot of it out yesterday. It's a loooooong section, so it will take most of the winter to get done...unless we get a day or two with a larger crew and just tear it up like the ancient Egyptians. I'll post info if/when a crew may be needed and we can have a dj-building-party or something.

I've got ideas about the line that will be to the right of the doubles line (road side), but can't really say much about it as of yet.
If I reveal relevant info, I'd get beat down hard.


Turbo Monkey
alpentalic said:
andy when AREN'T you there? your probably there on lap top with satelite internet right now!!!!
I'm working on that, as well as an underground bunker for which I can shack up for the night and still be soundproof enough to not hear the planes overhead. Also working on a mile-long extension cord so we can set up a sound system along the runs there after we 'borrow' someone's electricity.;)


Turbo Monkey
mserko1 said:
I might be there next weekend. :thumb:
That won't do you any good for tomorrow;)
I haven't looked that far ahead as of yet, but it's likely I'll be in the area at some point over the weekend as well.

I do know I won't be out there this Tuesday...at least to ride.
Last two Tuesday seshes have resulted in me hitting the ground at speed. Nothing broken as far as my bike & I go, but the next one could be a doozy. I guess I'm just not a Tuesday rider.:(
Sep 8, 2004
My days off will be few and far between the closer it gets to christmas, but I'm still up for helping build.

I think I'll be getting at least one of my days of this week though, so I'll be out there.

I've heard a few of the ideas for the new lines at the bottom, but last I heard, nothing was final yet. There were ideas of having some low-to-the-ground skinnies out there, which would be nice, except I heard that the XC guy that kinda runs the area doesn't want stunts.



Turbo Monkey
He also didn't want us building any gaps, but I think we have four of those as of last week.
I could see his objections if we were to build some 27-style stuff down there...our goals are not so 'lofty' so I think he'll be ok w/ what we do.
If not, we'll flog him to death and use him for fill on one of the bigger doubles.:sneaky:

Time for me to motivate - hope to see some folks out there...it's Columbus Day, so there should be a few folks off from work that want to get some rips w/o the congestion that the weekend usually provides.
If not at SST, then I hope folks are riding somewhere if they don't have to work.

I woke up just in time to see an awesome sunrise this morning!!:)


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Hey, I'm up for helping with the trail on wed and/or thurs. Sounds like there might be a few of us out, so is there any type of tools I should bring to help out? I've got both types of shovels, bow saw, etc.
Looks like the weather is going to be sweeeet. A few of us were out there last friday, and holy sheez, don't think I've ever been sooooo soaked. Had a good time though. Nice new gaps :love:


Turbo Monkey
radjockette said:
Hey, I'm up for helping with the trail on wed and/or thurs. Sounds like there might be a few of us out, so is there any type of tools I should bring to help out? I've got both types of shovels, bow saw, etc.
Looks like the weather is going to be sweeeet. A few of us were out there last friday, and holy sheez, don't think I've ever been sooooo soaked. Had a good time though. Nice new gaps :love:
Hahaha - yeah, must have just missed you on Friday. I was there from just past noon until it got dark out - pissed rain the entire time...never seen it rain that hard for that long around here. That was a good thing since I was beginning work on drainage.
I can't take any credit for the 25-30ft. gap after the drops - Pip built the smaller one a while back.
You will notice some changes to that area next time out there. Same lines, but the berm after the left drop is sharper and now there's a berm after you roll past the gap takeoffs before the drop on the right that leads to the stepup.
Thanks for the help, Hucker AJ!! I was pretty much cooked by the time you arrived and offered a hand without me even asking for one.:cool:
Not one person was out there riding from 11:30-3pm, so I broke out the tools for fear of wrecking with nobody around. I confirmed my fears when AJ, Travis, Jesse and Frank rolled in and I finally rode. Did a nice digger landing in soft sand...too bad nobody caught that one on video.:o:
I think if we do any work on Wed. or Thurs., it will just be touch-up stuff. No major ambitions for new things right now. I think it would be best to get work-parties rolling on weekend days over late-fall/early-spring. I doubt a few people will get very far on new stuff. We shall see.:)

I'm hitting the shower now. :thumb:
Sep 8, 2004
Sounds like you guys had fun out there! Unfortunately, I don't think I'll make it out there wed. I'll be going thursday no matter what though, even if I have to leave at 4pm to get to work, I'll still be there.
Probably noon/1pm-4pm, or later if I DO get the day off.

Sep 8, 2004
Ha! If I could only call in sick! Because of my new promotion, I can't miss work for like, 90 days. Which just happens to be our busiest season. So I've been at work with a sinus infection for two days in a row already.
I work nights, so I can still go and rip before work, which I will be doing on thursday. Looks like jesse and his friends are gonna show up around 4pm on thurs, so there should be a decent amount of riders out there.
