
***Monday GMT***


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

Just got done with a meeting. Had to tell our regular employees that we're cutting a hour out of each day to try and help stop the financial bleeding. They weren't happy, but once they learned I took as big --if not bigger hit myself, they came around to a better understanding. Yuck....it's awful out there.

I spent the weekend either scouring the job websites or digging in the dirt. The upshot of all of this is that the dirt jumps have never looked better. :biggrin:

Sunday was spent watching the Panthers pull one off against Da Bears. My wife is from Illinois, so it was definately a competitive household for a day. We all headed to bed kinda early, so naturally I woke up sometime around 2am. I watched an episode of "LOST" and some news and that was enough to get me sleepy again.
Jan 21, 2006
Boone, NC
Morning RM
I scored 11 CD's at our marching band's fundraising yardsale for $6 on Saturday, along with the 2 cd's I bought from the store Friday night. Got some Yes, Queensryche, Deep Purple, Smashing Pumpkins, and quite a bit of other 80's metal.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Morning. Crappy weekend for us, lost a house in Crystal Beach, Texas and my brother-in-law had a tree go through his house and injure my nephew as Ike passed their town. Terrible devastation and a lot of folks affected. Keep them all in your thoughts please.

Monday, eh.:disgust:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning, monkeys. Hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a group ride planned for yesterday but cancelled on account of rain. It's just as good for me though since I spent most of the weekend nursing a cold and would have been miserable on a ride. Meh. I'm still feeling BLAH today.

Some pretty good NFL action yesterday. Highly entertaining. And go Red Sox.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
X3pilot- Very sorry to hear your news, hope everything turns out well in the long run.

I was more fortunate, got in two decent rides this weekend. Saturday at Prescott, rode Granite Basin. We started from a different trail head and rode some areas I had not been on before. The stuff we had been on we rode in reverse of normal and it made for a great ride. Beautiful area. Post ride consisted of blackened catfish at the Iron Springs Cafe. Sunday just did my usual loop on Trail 100. Morning temps are finally dropping and it was perfect for riding.

Have a good day.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Good morning everybody.

Poured rain all weekend, which sucked. Instead of riding I decided to practice overeating and excessive drinking. I did hit the stationary bike after my workout yesterday but I just can't put any real time on those things. Those saddles are designed for big wide asses, which I won't have again until well into the Winter. :disgust:


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Sorry to hear about all your bad luck X3pilot. I hope it all gets sorted and everyone is alright. Positive & healing vibes your way.

I just received some cool photos from a magazine of me and another kiwi lad riding here in Morzine. A while back a reporter came to do an article on us on kiwis basing themselves in the town for the summer. Me, the ex-kiwi living here year-round, and Craig coming out each summer to train & race.
I'm not allowed to show any of the pics on the web until the magazine comes out.

Sunny here, but very very cold. I'm going to mow the lawns this arvo, hopefully for the last time before they get covered in snow. The lawns are too steep for a lawn mower, so I have to use a strimmer for the whole damn thing.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
morning all,

G-hound that sucks, and I wish you luck finding a new Jobby Job! Good to hear the DJ's are looking good though!

X3, I am sorry to hear about the carnage and injury! The freaking winds here in Pittsburgh last night were AMAZING... so I could not imagine what it would have been like before the storm degraded! My thoughts go out to all in the line of fire of IKE! That was one bad mamba jamba! I will be spending some intimate time with a chainsaw for the next few evenings... and not doing fun cutting :disgust:

Damo, that is pretty sweet! can't wait to see the pics!

Have a good one all!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Morning. Crappy weekend for us, lost a house in Crystal Beach, Texas and my brother-in-law had a tree go through his house and injure my nephew as Ike passed their town. Terrible devastation and a lot of folks affected. Keep them all in your thoughts please.

Monday, eh.:disgust:
That sucks man! Glad your nephew is ok.

What do you mean "lost a house" do you own a house down there?


Nam I am

Spent all day on Saturday Up in our Portsmouth , NH office changing out a router, then after that was done down to our Framingham office to see why My Copies ( copying of 1.3 TB of data ) failed , and I restared those with a little more error correcting.

was suppose to ride sunday but it got rained out , so I abay sat my copies that were still copying

now I'm here

really nice ride in this morning , almost HOT! I love it .

now I sit here in the office cooking the AC Is not working for some reason and it is 80+ degrees


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
'morning, all. had a whirlwind trip to idaho for a classmate's wedding, and was back at it on night float last night. two more nights and then on to a different service, burns and plastic surgery. i can't wait to be off nights. unfortunately this upcoming month will have a week of nights as part of the deal as well, but still an improvement.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all!

G-hound -- Good luck to you!!! Sounds like a crappy situation to be in for sure.
X3pilot -- Yikes! Hope everything works out for your nephew & his family!

We had a nice weekend. Friday night ride was WET, but good fun. Sq-Earl has been working on my bike for me (it's nice to have my mechanic) so I had a new drivetrain, new grips and new pedals to test out in the slick conditions and everything worked great. After our ride we hit the local watering hole for a quick beverage before heading home.

Saturday, I pulled a double-header. Our LUNA Team lead a ride for a local club event (we were supposed to lead 2 but no one really came so we didn't have anyone for our second ride) and then I headed back home to get Sq-Earl and head down to SMBA for a twilight ride and demo-ed some Princeton Tec lights while Sq-Earl demo-ed some Sigma LEDs. We both had good rides and walked home with some schwag.

Sunday we picked-up Syd from the grandparents and I helped my sister with some wedding stuff before doing some school work and hitting the pillow hard. Syd's catching a little cold so we're being vigilent about getting her bath & bedtime routine down packed!

Not much on deck for tonight either!


Nov 13, 2007
Good weekend of surfing, vineyards, and seeing old friends...though I'm still tired from it all.

Today marks the start of my fall-craziness. People over from Taiwan, which means lots of meetings, and no social life. At the very least I get taken out to eat twice a day for five days straight...


May 24, 2006
Weekend went pretty fast for being mostly uneventful. Saturday morning I ran the Waterfront 15k and then hung out at the post-race till 11 or so. The rest of Saturday was pretty much nada, some shopping and dinner. Nothing other than pure disappointment in my 'Hawks yesterday.

I got some big news on Friday. I've been looking for a new job, really more for additional cash so that my wife can continue to stay home with our kid(s) than out of dissatisfaction. Friday I met with my boss, who knows I've been looking, and he had the paperwork for our annual raises. He managed to get me a promotion to the next step up the ladder (a year before I'm eligible) and a 22% increase in pay - I guess he wants me to stick around.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
I got some big news on Friday. I've been looking for a new job, really more for additional cash so that my wife can continue to stay home with our kid(s) than out of dissatisfaction. Friday I met with my boss, who knows I've been looking, and he had the paperwork for our annual raises. He managed to get me a promotion to the next step up the ladder (a year before I'm eligible) and a 22% increase in pay - I guess he wants me to stick around.
Ouch.....just rubbing my nose in it now, aren't ya? :biggrin:


May 24, 2006
Ouch.....just rubbing my nose in it now, aren't ya? :biggrin:
Sorry dude. I know it's frustrating, but you'll find something. Have you considered using RM as a professional reference?

GH interview response said:
'I go by Greyhound on this mountain biking board, you should check out my work over there - pure quality I tell ya'


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
That sucks man! Glad your nephew is ok.

What do you mean "lost a house" do you own a house down there?
Yep, my wife and I along with other family members had houses along the intercoastal on Bolivar Penisula. In context, the official eastern eye wall passed with 1/4 mile of our properties. Estimated 17 or more feet of water. Judging by few aerial photos and footage, it's all pretty much wiped.

Further north where everyone spends the week, they had 75-90 mph winds.

Nephew is fine, just scratched and was scared.

Thanks to all for the kind thoughts, there are those way worse off than most and that area will take some weeks to recover.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911

Raced downhill this weekend at Woodward West, in Tehachapi. Got 6th after some mistakes in my first race run. I secured 5th in the overall for the Calstate series in Sport.