
~~~Monday GMT~~~


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Ahhh, sweet Monday! I embrace you and your challenges. Let us endeavour to kick some serious ass this week.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Happy Monday, monkeys! HOORAY MONDAY MORNING!! It's the best time of the week, knowing you've got a full week of work ahead! :weee:

Check in, people. Anyone out there have a good weekend? Wife and I did a very hill 65 mile charity road ride Saturday. The first 10 miles were friggin brutal and had me worried that I wouldn't be able to finish the ride. Fortunately things got more tolerable after those first 10 miles. The rest stops were all at churches manned by old ladies who made baked goods. Good stuff! I think calorie-wise, the ride was a wash. :D Speaking of being a wash, yesterday was a wash out due to heavy rain all day. We need the rain though so I didn't mind too much. Wife and I spent the day entertaining her mom.

Guess I'll think about doing some work. Have a lovely Monday.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
Morning y'all! Summer vacation is officially over now. Work starts this morning. The weekend was great ... rode at Highland on Friday, bought a bike and then went to a wedding on Saturday, saw Despicable Me on Sunday.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Good morning all! Had a good weekend, got in a couple of rides but spent the rest of the time lazy'ing in the house doing some cleaning and organization. Managed to go down doing maybe 15mph or so in the rocks during yesterdays ride, corner was more slippery the second time around due to the rain. Nursing a few little cuts and bruises thanks to that...


Jul 21, 2008
HOW are all you crazy people up at 4:30 in the morning? 6:20 is a stretch for me & I just barely make it into the office for 7:30... you are all nuts! :rant:

Anyway, now that I've gotten that off my chest...

I had a nice ride with BadDNA & Mark at Sutton Saturday. Bought a new helmet & shoes yesterday. Still looking for new shinguards that will fit my little girlie legs, though. Hoping that I'll be able to squeeze in a little local ride between raindrops today or tomorrow - but it's really not looking good for that.

Happy Monday!


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Good morning.
I had my Mom visiting over the weekend, all to briefly. After taking her to the airport Sunday morning I headed up to Winter Park and got in a solid 1/2 day of DH riding. Came home, ate all the leftovers we made and didn't sleep a wink.

I have to hold the same 1 hour meeting at 7 different sites today. Jealous? Yea.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Had a Cousin's reunion this weekend at our house. Made some delicious bean soup over the fire!



Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all. Very busy weekend and I am officially tired! Bought and installed our new dishwasher and over the range microwave, which lead to new cabinet hardware new pan rack/light fixture and re-organizing the kitchen on Thursday evening. Spent Friday moving about 5 tons of stone into and around the landscaping, then I split about 2 face cords of firewood and stacked most of it before heading to our Friday night ride. Saturday, more firewood and then we headed to our friend's wedding. Yesterday was my birthday so I whooped it up with the family at home and spent some quality time with the hot tub. Today, Syd & I are heading to the DMV to renew my license, which will no doubt include a stop at Dunkin' Donuts (she's addicted to that place lately), the bank and then grocery shopping--need anything?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning. Did a short ride with a friend who is battling Colon cancer on Saturday. He did well and rode for an hour solid - not bad IMHO. In fact, really good. There were three of us on the ride,Todd, Patty and me. Patty and I went out and did another 45 minutes or so after we rode back to the cars to say "have a good weekend" to Todd.

Sunday was a big rainout, but I did manage to do some bike work. Sears Hadware = Good. Home Depot = The suckage.




Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
good weekend here. went to a buddies patty called wingfest, ate lots of wings, drink lots of ****ty beer & irish wiskey, fun times. vegged out yesterday after working in the garden.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
got back from vacation, cat wasn't acting well (didn't poop the week we were gone). took her to the vet, they squeezed a hard poop out, thought all was good. she still wasn't eating/drinking/moving around well, and looked to have a hard time breathing. the next vet visit meant x-rays, and that's when the massive cancer was found. we had to put her down yesterday.


goodbye, Smithers


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Monday sucks! I'm up 2hrs earlier then normal and am about to leave for the first day of school.
Then again, I'm the idiot that has been going to a city college for 5 years. Stupid ASE program, photography and now business. WHY CAN'T I MAKE UP MY MIND!!!


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Morning all,

Went out on the mtb early saturday and got some time in before getting back and getting cleaned up and went to work. Aside from doing some sprint work, I did nothing yesterday.

Sorry to hear narlus.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Morning. I did lots of mountain biking this weekend. I'm strugglilng to get all the trails ridden this year. So much to ride! I've been doing different stuff every time I go out but still probably won't get everything in. Yikes. Yesterday I thought I was going to kill someone climbing up the trail. It was one of those oh sh!t moments.

Our new house is supposed to close this week - we'll see. We are waiting on a lot line adjustment from the city.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
friend texted me yesterday morning....had to put her 13.5 year old pug to sleep.....seizure....her daughter said it best...."now she gets to eat all the toilet paper and dog poop she wants"....if there's a better place.....she's there.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Weekend sucked.

Friday I inadvertently got involved in an attempted suicide while hiking at Bash Bish Falls. Girl swallowed a bottle of pills and a bottle of liquor and tried to kill herself. Found her lying on the edge of the overlook.

Fun times. Monday stinks as usual. Is it 6 yet?


Jan 11, 2010
Upper Newport Bay
got back from vacation, cat wasn't acting well (didn't poop the week we were gone). took her to the vet, they squeezed a hard poop out, thought all was good. she still wasn't eating/drinking/moving around well, and looked to have a hard time breathing. the next vet visit meant x-rays, and that's when the massive cancer was found. we had to put her down yesterday.


goodbye, Smithers
Ah man, I'm really sorry to hear that. :(

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Late reply for me this morning. But this weekend I went to Mammoth Lakes CA to ride the legendary Mammoth mountain (home of the Kamikaze race). It was a Troy Lee Designs ride weekend. We headed out from Santa Cruz on Friday, it took about 8 hours to get there with traffic (should have only taken 5 1/2). Our condo was full of riders included Cam Zink and JD Swanguan. We rode the mountain all day on Saturday and then did some raging at the ski towns bars with some of the higher ups at the resort. Good times. All photos were taken with my phone.

Our ride out (yeah, that is a lot of bird **** on the truck. I hate where I have to park.

Our condo's dining room (/bike storage):

My buddy Ben (left) and I at the top of the mountain (still some snow up there):

Some wall ride/berm action:

Me hitting one of the jumps on their jump trail:

Ben jumping (taken a little early on his whip):