
###Monday GMT###

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Ran a 10K race yesterday. Finished in 42:52 (6:50 pace). Not as fast as I had hoped but still a 24 second personal best at the distance. It's a tough distance. Finished 67/615 overall. Wicked fast field thanks to it being a Connecticut 10K championship race. Last year I finished 20th overall with a slower time.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Back from vacation in Denmark. Up at 3.30am this morning as my son was not interested in sleeping anymore. Good trip lots of good food, beer and mountain biking.

Had tons of people I never met borrow me their mountain just by asking on Facebook. One guy just handed me his brand new Bronson with Enve wheelset really amazing how nice people were.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

BigT was finally medically cleared for mountain biking, so we did a nice ease loop close to home. The "down side" now is she is complaining that her Rush doesn't have enough travel.

Office time for me today. Try to contain your envy.

Be safe out there.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Good morning! Enjoying my morning coffee while guessing what drama is going to happen in the office today. In other news, we have a mini heat wave coming so after work rides are going to be sweaty this week.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Happy Monday!

5 days including today until my current contract is up. Looks like there is a high possibility of having a week or two off before I get the new one. Totally not going to complain about that...

Coffee :)


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Put in 30 miles yesterday on the MTB and damn did it feel good. Just what I needed. Trying on my quality engineer hat for the week, it'll be interesting to see how that goes...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Academic time today. Unfortunately, tunneled VNC over SSH into my desktop at home (which has Matlab) is not working today: worked very briefly but without mouse input this morning, and now I can't even reconnect to just the shell.

Gah. Things are just supposed to work, yet they don't. I still don't have the statistics toolbox I need, anyway, so I suppose it's just as well.

I guess I'll write some JavaScript and maybe an abstract or two for future meetings instead.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Academic time today. Unfortunately, tunneled VNC over SSH into my desktop at home (which has Matlab) is not working today: worked very briefly but without mouse input this morning, and now I can't even reconnect to just the shell.

Gah. Things are just supposed to work, yet they don't. I still don't have the statistics toolbox I need, anyway, so I suppose it's just as well.

I guess I'll write some JavaScript and maybe an abstract or two for future meetings instead.
Always have a plan B :tinfoil:

If you can SSH to your machine, then install Xming on your Windows machine and use Putty with X11 forwarding turned on. Connect via SSH and then open whatever you want. :D


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
10 mile run Saturday at 9:58 pace. Not IAB speed, but good for me. 52 mile roadie yesterday. Weighed in this am and have held <220# for a week now. I call that a mark at 220lbs, so down 30lbs in 3 months. I'm still targeting around 210lbs for race weight, which is 7 weeks away. This race is coming up fast!

Moab trip this weekend with my college friends. Should be fun, but it is my second mtb ride in 3 months, so it could be sloppy. Either way, a rocking good time will be had.

Haley has been a full terror this last week. She's been waking up from naps screaming like the world is ending. She says that she 'got scared' while she was sleeping, but can't communicate well enough to say what it is. She is also fighting everything that we try to do - change, dress, feed, etc. Wifey lost it last night bad enough that I had to send her downstairs to calm the f* down. You know it's bad when I am the patient one in the household.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Is this Linux or Apple?

Either way:

Neither. Win 7 work-assigned laptop, running Win 7 + freesshd + RealVNC server on my desktop at home. Things seemed more reliable when the desktop is booted into the OS X side (built in sshd, Vine Server for VNC) but the stupid Matlab license manager wouldn't install on the Mac side for a trivial but insurmountable technical reason.*

(* for the morbidly curious it's because built-in ethernet on my Hackintosh is borked, so I have no interface at en0. The installer apparently reads en0's MAC address or whatever to make some sort of hash to send to the license server. It doesn't know what to do with en0 as null. The Windows installer doesn't do this trickery.)

Always have a plan B :tinfoil:

If you can SSH to your machine, then install Xming on your Windows machine and use Putty with X11 forwarding turned on. Connect via SSH and then open whatever you want. :D
Unfortunately, at this point I can't even SSH in. Not sure if internet down at home, blocked at work for suspicious activity, or what. Time to call the help desk and see if they have a clue.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
^ geez, nerd alert.

My back still hurts too, so no riding for me this weekend. Fun times at the pool though. Ben is becoming pretty trusting as he launches himself off the side at you.

Wife has tried on the yoga unitard she put on for a laugh right before we had our last kid. Lululemon must have stress engineers on staff... We are getting into the final approach, methinks... Jeebus...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Neither. Win 7 work-assigned laptop, running Win 7 + freesshd + RealVNC server on my desktop at home. Things seemed more reliable when the desktop is booted into the OS X side (built in sshd, Vine Server for VNC) but the stupid Matlab license manager wouldn't install on the Mac side for a trivial but insurmountable technical reason.*



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
TWE? Head high - looks like it's gonna be an oven in the desert...
Aware. Full camelbak and 2-3 extra bottles each. Unfortunately, there's not really anywhere to get water once you leave the trees, so no point bringing the water purifier.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Trying on my quality engineer hat for the week, it'll be interesting to see how that goes...
Just make everyone else working with you jump through a million hoops and generally make them miserable. Those seem to be the markings of a good QE.

Saturday was the girl's b-day, took her on a standup paddleboarding lesson through LL Bean out of Freeport. Holy fvck is that hard to get at first...my l33t bike skinny balance did sh1t for that. Fell in at least 12 times, but by the end was getting it, and actually enjoyed it.

Had fancy-ass dinners Friday and Saturday nights, and drank martinis for the first time in my life, and didn't hate them. I felt like N8. Wallet hurts from those 2 nights, but it was worth it.

Trying to plan a Kingdom Trail trip sometime in September with the fellow cycling comrades.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
(* for the morbidly curious it's because built-in ethernet on my Hackintosh is borked, so I have no interface at en0. The installer apparently reads en0's MAC address or whatever to make some sort of hash to send to the license server. It doesn't know what to do with en0 as null. The Windows installer doesn't do this trickery.)

Unfortunately, at this point I can't even SSH in. Not sure if internet down at home, blocked at work for suspicious activity, or what. Time to call the help desk and see if they have a clue.
Have you tried creating an interface called en0? Even if it doesn't do anything..


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I tried to do that, make aliases, etc. No dice.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
First golf and now this $hit?
i'd take standup paddleboard over the hell i endured any fvcking day.....designated driver for gf and her friends anytime they wanted to go out and get drunk....it was hard to keep from listening to the wayne brady voice in my head....


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

I was at the track/skate park on Saturday and was doing well until I got a little brave and ended up slamming on the board. My whole right side is jacked, good times. Went to the chiropractor this morning, going again on Wednesday and hope he can get me square before vacation Wednesday afternoon. One good slam and I'm down for a week, WTF. Getting old sucks ass.