
~!# Monday GMT ^&*


Sep 8, 2009
Morning :monkey:s

Had a decent weekend which included a mtn bike ride on Saturday, then an impromptu solo ride around town yesterday afternoon checking out parts of town I rarely ever go.

The wifey is just getting over strep throat and now my son started throwing in the middle of the night. Looks like I'll be staying home with the little one today. Didn't really want to go to work today... but didn't really want to spend the day cleaning up puke either.

Oh well... such is life...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Back to work after 11 days off. Lame.

Ran a 10K race yesterday. 42:16. That's 42:16 of pain and misery, good for a 39 second personal best. 10K's are hard bastards. Finished 49/670 overall. Normally a 42:16 finish would land me pretty close to a top 10 in a field that size, but this was a Connecticut 10K championship race and the field was loaded.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I think its time to book more holidays. Instead of taking a week or something off, I think what I will do is book a bunch of Friday-Mondays off, therefor creating a bunch of short work weeks. Sounds like a plan stan.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. Had an awersome weekend trying to keep up with JBP (drinking and biking) to celebrate our birthdays. Truth - he's only a day older than me ;) This is my final week of summer vacation and it's looking to be a busy one so I hope I can find some time to enjoy my b-day gift from JBP!!!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I've lost* $25k in the last 15min. :cray:

*I've not sold, so only paper, but still.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. I misread the weather when I poked my head outside this morning, and was too hot on my ride in with gloves and covered ears. Still better than being in a car.

I had an academic (research) day on Friday, albeit half of that wasted finishing up picking finishes for the house build. I start this week with academic days on Monday and Tuesday. This glut of contiguous time means I really should get something productive done…


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Long road ride yesterday. Was only planning on 30 miles or so, got convinced to do 60. Only ate 30 miles worth of food. The bonk was glorious.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
It's Monday.
I did not accomplish much of my weekend list. *le sigh* Too many trips to the bong shed I'm sure.
Did see the kid in action on the football field for their jamboree, so that was fun!
Hoping for a mellow week in the office.. maybe I can finish my book...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It's Monday.
I did not accomplish much of my weekend list. *le sigh* Too many trips to the bong shed I'm sure.
Did see the kid in action on the football field for their jamboree, so that was fun!
Hoping for a mellow week in the office.. maybe I can finish my book...
The key to being productive is to plan all of your projects in the bong shed.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Not a bad start to my week off. dropped the eldest off at half-day camp, went for a rip on a new loop (old trails, but new way to put them together) that finishes with a rowdy romp downhill. made it home just in time to pick the boy up and gave him the choice of what we'd have for lunch: indian it is! sweet.

Last night I noticed that my youngest has finally figured out the gliding on the strider. I'm super stoked, caus' I was beginning to worry he was falling really far behind his big brother who figured out the gliding thing at around 2 years old. The little one is 7 months behind!!! no pressure. :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Brain is feeling fried from lots of JavaScript time today. I made the prudent decision halfway to not maintain shadow variables (a la model-view-controller) and just read values from the html interface at runtime, as ugly as that is.

In other words, the home builder's sales guy called to say "uh, you know when you checked that box to have a laundry room sink back in April? Well, we didn't frame the house with a big enough laundry room to accommodate that sink you wanted…" :facepalm:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
In other words, the home builder's sales guy called to say "uh, you know when you checked that box to have a laundry room sink back in April? Well, we didn't frame the house with a big enough laundry room to accommodate that sink you wanted…" :facepalm:
Sounds like a discount or re-framing is in order.