
***Monday GMT***


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Fun day DHing yesterday.
Was off my game so I dialed it back and just enjoyed the final day of lifts for the year.
Still woke up feeling like I fell down a staircase.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. My weekends seem to go by too quickly....could I please have a re-do or an extra day? Pretty please????

Coffee in hand and what I hope to be a productive day on tap followed by my first spin class. I've never taken one, but thought I might as well give it a try since I'll be at the Y anyway. Hopefully it doesn't suck.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Cut a giant hole in the door yesterday for a new doggy door. There is something very satisfying about using an angle grinder with a cut off disc.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
supposedly the last day of rain for the next week. we'll see about that.

coffee, then off to meet a patron to convince her to let us buy stuff with her money.

rode my bike in the neighborhood with the 5yo over the weekend. he wanted to do repeated laps on a section with a steep downhill. 'attaboy!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hello, friends. You guys sure can bring happiness and sunshine to a gloomy Monday morning, and I thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ every day that you are all in my internet life.

I had nice 30 mile ride on the tri bike yesterday. Man, I love that bike. Well, it was a mostly good ride until some cock robber driving a USPS truck cut me off at mile 29.9, causing me me to pump my brakes while turning thus sending me sliding across the pavement on my side. Thankfully the bike is fine, aside from some scratching on the brake lever and pedal. I landed on my side, hit my head and face against the pavement which broke the helmet, and I got road rash on my face and shoulder to go along with a sore wrist, hand, shoulder, and side. The driver was a young guy, took full blame, was very apologetic, and he stayed with me until I rode off. No major injuries or bike damage, so I rode off and didn't call the police. Life goes on.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Pretty sweet pic from the start of my race Saturday that the local newspaper posted online. :) I'm on the front row, left side, orange tank top. (in case you missed the Saturday gmt, I finished 6th overall and won my age group, the latter of which won me a pecan pie which was my goal going into the race)



Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Interesting morning. Just had someone call me into their office, almost in tears, because apparently their laptop and whatever else hasn't been working correctly for a few weeks. I can't fix problems that I don't know about. Talk about awkward....

Some regular run of the mill office stuff on the dock today and need to find a brake adapter. Then, hopefully ride time.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Interesting morning. Just had someone call me into their office, almost in tears, because apparently their laptop and whatever else hasn't been working correctly for a few weeks. I can't fix problems that I don't know about. Talk about awkward....
Being in tears about a computer problem... person needs to be in a job where he/she doesn't work with a computer.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Happy Monday, I got some great trail time this weekend -such nice fall riding! Who doesn't love tacky dirt???


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Being in tears about a computer problem... person needs to be in a job where he/she doesn't work with a computer.
To be fair, I don't think they were upset with the computer. More about the amount of work on their desk and the finite amount of time to complete it, which I totally understand.

It just sucks, because most of the time I only find out about problems when something reallllly important needs to get done. And troubleshooting takes time, which the majority of people don't understand.

Oh well, what can ya do? :popcorn:

Time for some lunch and a visit to the bike shop around the corner.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Hello, friends. You guys sure can bring happiness and sunshine to a gloomy Monday morning, and I thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ every day that you are all in my internet life.

I had nice 30 mile ride on the tri bike yesterday. Man, I love that bike. Well, it was a mostly good ride until some cock robber driving a USPS truck cut me off at mile 29.9, causing me me to pump my brakes while turning thus sending me sliding across the pavement on my side. Thankfully the bike is fine, aside from some scratching on the brake lever and pedal. I landed on my side, hit my head and face against the pavement which broke the helmet, and I got road rash on my face and shoulder to go along with a sore wrist, hand, shoulder, and side. The driver was a young guy, took full blame, was very apologetic, and he stayed with me until I rode off. No major injuries or bike damage, so I rode off and didn't call the police. Life goes on.
jesus, man. glad you are OK.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
bleh Florida.
At least I can kayak as much as I want to & lay on the beach cougar hunting. Can i hunt cougars at 38? ...or will MY cougars be like 70? Fvck. I think I missed my window by about 10 years. -sigh-

Glad it is snowing back west. May spend T-giving at Mammoth or elsewhere. Just need to count my duckets.

The more I think about turning down the Heavenly job, the sadder I get. My room that fell through ended up being available and my folks gave me money since I have no job or wife anymore. That is really the only way they know how to show me support. -__-

Anyway...I cant wait to get back on the mountain.

OH...I did see a 10'+ gator on my paddle yesterday. That was pretty rad.
Last edited:


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Hello, friends. You guys sure can bring happiness and sunshine to a gloomy Monday morning, and I thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ every day that you are all in my internet life.

I had nice 30 mile ride on the tri bike yesterday. Man, I love that bike. Well, it was a mostly good ride until some cock robber driving a USPS truck cut me off at mile 29.9, causing me me to pump my brakes while turning thus sending me sliding across the pavement on my side. Thankfully the bike is fine, aside from some scratching on the brake lever and pedal. I landed on my side, hit my head and face against the pavement which broke the helmet, and I got road rash on my face and shoulder to go along with a sore wrist, hand, shoulder, and side. The driver was a young guy, took full blame, was very apologetic, and he stayed with me until I rode off. No major injuries or bike damage, so I rode off and didn't call the police. Life goes on.
Tough monkeys are tough.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
nope nope nope .... nope
It was wierd. I asked my brother 5 minutes earlier if there were gators in the river & he said no. The gartor dove into the water right in front of us. Bro said she could be nesting & we should turn around. pussy.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Props. Probably saved that guy his job.
That crossed my mind as I was standing there trying to get my wits about me. I figured if I called 911, he'd get fired, and I didn't want to do that. I would have had no choice though if I needed medical attention of if my bike was wrecked (carbon tri bike).


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Thankfully the bike is fine, aside from some scratching on the brake lever and pedal. I landed on my side, hit my head and face against the pavement which broke the helmet, and I got road rash on my face and shoulder to go along with a sore wrist, hand, shoulder, and side
You were generous to that kid. If he is earning his living as a driver, he needs to be more careful.
Glad you weren't busted up.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
That crossed my mind as I was standing there trying to get my wits about me. I figured if I called 911, he'd get fired, and I didn't want to do that. I would have had no choice though if I needed medical attention of if my bike was wrecked (carbon tri bike).
stuff like this is why i gave up road riding.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
You were generous to that kid. If he is earning his living as a driver, he needs to be more careful.
Glad you weren't busted up.
His attitude helped him. He apologized profusely and made no attempt to direct blame onto me. He helped me up, picked my bike up, told me his name, where he was working, and who his boss is, and asked what he could do.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
It was wierd. I asked my brother 5 minutes earlier if there were gators in the river & he said no. The gartor dove into the water right in front of us. Bro said she could be nesting & we should turn around. pussy.
If you really want to freak yourself out over some gators, go to Shark Valley, ride a bike down to the observation tower, climb said tower, look down at the thousands of gators surrounding you.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. Mystery of creaking Land Cruiser is now solved. The answer is that Big O Tires shouldn't be trusted to do anything but tires, and possibly not even that.

Specifics are in the receipt.

Now I'm bumming around my office for the rest of the day, with a little MATLAB and a lot of catching up on paper journals planned.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
That crossed my mind as I was standing there trying to get my wits about me. I figured if I called 911, he'd get fired, and I didn't want to do that. I would have had no choice though if I needed medical attention of if my bike was wrecked (carbon tri bike).
I can't resist the urge to say that the tri-bike could have something to do with it. They are not known for having very good evasive maneuvering abilities. Having a bike that allows you to ride out of sketchy situations will improve survivability.