
$&Monday GMT$&


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ah yes. Like when I was training somewhere around 35 hours per week while rowing. I like to refer to it as my "god physique" period because I couldn't keep weight on if I tried. 225lbs and somewhere around 6% body fat. Those who know me now would probably piss themselves laughing if they tried to imagine skinny me. I cannot even FATHOM being built like that ever again. Honestly, I'd be happy for get the fat levels below 20% at 200lbs.

Wifey didn't believe it ever occurred until a random picture showed up on my Dad's screen saver when we were visiting (he has something like 15k pictures on random cycle). Even still we've never found another picture and have no idea which photo is was.
yea i was the height i am now but 35 lbs lighter. my doctor was worried about me until i ran him through how much i ate in a day.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I try. I've got paddles that have helped with my stroke. I can't/don't kick because it levers my back, so I'm full drag at that pace. If I'm kicking I'm probably no more an a 2-pace (if I'm describing that correctly).
paddles only help strength, not form.

if you're not able to kick, you're relying on your arms WAY too much and that is what's killing you. i am assuming you are doing crawl, have you tried a different stroke?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I like to refer to it as my "god physique" period because I couldn't keep weight on if I tried. 225lbs and somewhere around 6% body fat.
This is going back a long way, but back when I wrestled I would cut down in season to the 135 lb class. The team doctor forbade me from trying to cut down further (e.g. 128).

Those days aren't happening again. On the flip side that explains why I was a quick climber back then and such a slow one now: power to weight ratio, pure and simple. :D


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
This is going back a long way, but back when I wrestled I would cut down in season to the 135 lb class. The team doctor forbade me from trying to cut down further (e.g. 128).

Those days aren't happening again. On the flip side that explains why I was a quick climber back then and such a slow one now: power to weight ratio, pure and simple. :D
Oh god, that's good.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
paddles only help strength, not form.

if you're not able to kick, you're relying on your arms WAY too much and that is what's killing you. i am assuming you are doing crawl, have you tried a different stroke?
Freestyle indeed. Backstroke kills my non-attached shoulder and I can't see where I'm going. Breast stroke is too slow. Only option I really have.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
So I'm training some new guys on our systems. There is a data-entry task that should take no more than 4min per item. Guy can't use Ctrl+C, V, X or Alt+Tab among other short cuts are refuses to listen or learn. It's making me want to pound my skull in.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
So I'm training some new guys on our systems. There is a data-entry task that should take no more than 4min per item. Guy can't use Ctrl+C, V, X or Alt+Tab among other short cuts are refuses to listen or learn. It's making me want to pound my skull in.
Hmmm... maybe it's his skull that needs pounded in? I would expect data entry to be a primary measure of productivity, particularly if there is a client on the line.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I am not getting a good pull with my left arm. Please fix.
Swim with your right hand in a fist and focus on the feel of the left. You can also use a hand paddle on just the left side as those ID bad form/reward good form quickly.

You should feel a "ball" of water pass along your left side. Hand enters, grabs water and throws it at the chump you just passed.

I was a sprinter mostly (100-500yd) but did a lot of 1000s and 1650s as well. Break up longer distances into easy bites, say 100s, and work those smaller distances into the whole distance. That will allow you tri fags to arrive at the run within your target time without being out of breath. IE. 1st easy, build up 2-4, coast in 5th.

My college coach was always punishing me by making me race 1000/1650s. I'd sprint the first 500 (~5min pace) to shatter the field (including my teammates lol) and then try and hold on to finish.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Hmmm... maybe it's his skull that needs pounded in? I would expect data entry to be a primary measure of productivity, particularly if there is a client on the line.
Dude is maybe 40 but has no idea. I don't know how you can work a job with a computer and, at this point in time, not know these things.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
While taking a fabulous poop over lunch, I stumbled on an apartment for rent at a very good price (with everything included). Might have a new place to live in week if this place looks as good as it sounds.

Looking for an apartment around here for $1000 and under has been pretty depressing. With my budget, I'm defaulted into either 1) living in a shitty area with no bike trails, 2) have roommates (no bueno), 3) living in a basement apartment, 4) or moving so far outside of the city that I might as well quit my job and look for a new one. I don't mind the basement apartment thing, but it has to be a walkout apartment to the yard and have laundry. Main floor apartments or condos are up in the $1500 + utilities range, or more.

I also just got notification that I've got a big shipment from Chain Reaction en route. woooooooo fresh bike parts.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
begin rant: Sand fleas as a species need to be wiped off the planet. I got consumed when I was in PR and from mid-calf down it looks like I have chicken pox. My torso around belt line has been assaulted as well. Claritin has made zero impact on reducing the itch. I have been bathing in cortisone, but that's barely working either. If I have the same reaction to these things as I do to poison oak, I'm going to want to jump off a bridge by Wednesday.

According to Dr Google, Prednisone does very little to nothing with getting rid of the irritation, so I'm basically f*cked here. Kill me. And I didn't even do anything stupid enough on the beach that night to even justify this suffering. Wtf! /rant


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
@stoney : I've got some hydrocortisone cream I got in Mexico for some sun poisoning you can try. Stuff you buy here in the states is 1%, this is 2.5%. It will erase any itch.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
@stoney : I've got some hydrocortisone cream I got in Mexico for some sun poisoning you can try. Stuff you buy here in the states is 1%, this is 2.5%. It will erase any itch.
I might be driving up there after work tonight in that case. I'll talk w/ Wifey about getting out. The MIL is still here, so it's a good thing too.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I'd sprint the first 500 (~5min pace) to shatter the field (including my teammates lol) and then try and hold on to finish.
Sounds exactly like your current spin class strategy, eh


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Freestyle indeed. Backstroke kills my non-attached shoulder and I can't see where I'm going. Breast stroke is too slow. Only option I really have.
freestyle doesn't mean much technically. the actual stroke most people refer to as "freestyle" is the front crawl (or frequently Australian Crawl), usually just crawl. "free" means swim whatever you want, but for basically everyone crawl is the fastest.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
today's lunch (at 3:45 PM) consisted of a warm pepsi and some old beef jerky i found in my car.
Sounds better than straight black coffee for lunch, which is how most of February went for myself.

Off-note: if my cell phone rings one more time today I am going to stick it in the paper shredder.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
freestyle doesn't mean much technically. the actual stroke most people refer to as "freestyle" is the front crawl (or frequently Australian Crawl), usually just crawl. "free" means swim whatever you want, but for basically everyone crawl is the fastest.
then that.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Oh god. f*ing kill me. The itching gets worse with sweat, but the sped up heart rate from the Claritin makes me sweat. I might just immolate myself shortly.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
solid plan right there.
It will kill the bugs. Not sure it's the best option, but kill them with fire? Then again, these might be the results from the bites and the little bastards are already gone.