
***Monderp GMT***


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Same deal. His "hobbies" primarily included car maintenance, house maintenance/improvement, landscaping, etc. Stuff most people don't find fun, but he has always taken great pride in having a nice house, working cars/power equipment, etc. I know for damn sure I'm the same way, and clearly got that from him.

I just couldn't enjoy myself doing other things, knowing my house/cars were falling apart, or I was paying some hack to do something I can do myself in a few hours/beers for a fraction of the cost, and know it was done right. If it means one less ride, fuck it. And I'm not saying that won't get harder when I do have kids, but I'm sure as hell going to do as much as I can for as long as I can, like kazlx said.
While I'm not hardcore about my yard, I have done a ton of crap to improve it since I moved in. I also do all my car/truck/moto stuff myself when I can. But my wife doesn't like me doing it when I could be doing stuff with her, so it is a balance.

She did think it was funny I spent $150 in tools to replace the $20 fork seals on the moto when it would have been cheaper to pay the shop to do it. But tools are a one time expense (and new tools rock). :rofl:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
My 4x4 Diesel trucks. easy enought to change the oil, tranny fluid, fuel and oil filters. Tried to do the brakes once, could not budge the bolts on the calipers even using a breaker bar. Engine work hell no. the compartment is so tight that the shop guys unbolt and lif the cab up and out of the way


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
the compartment is so tight that the shop guys unbolt and lif the cab up and out of the way
The first time I saw GFF's truck like that, it totally made sense. He has a lift, so he just lifts the body off.

That is the other common way to do the clutch on my car, just lift the whole body off. The shop chose the "drop the drivetrain down" approach.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
but the best way to enjoy this is following a vasectomy.
My buddy Juan had a daughter last year at 45 and then a month ago my buddy Neil had his third son at 47. I can't imagine a child at this age. If I consider it, I spend a day with my 3 year old grandson. :panic:

My daughter was 2 days old when I made my appointment (I was 29). I want to be able to enjoy my "golden years" in peace.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but Vail Resorts is buying Whistler-Blackcomb... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/vail-resorts-strikes-deal-to-buy-canadas-whistler-blackcomb/article31306120/
All your base are belong to us, wow.

Vail Resorts operates in seven states, including Colorado, California, and Wisconsin. The company also bought Perisher Ski Resort in Australia last year, gaining a foothold in the country through its largest mountain resort.
Morning Monkeys.

Wow, Friday was interesting. I pick up the car, I am pissed, but just want my car. Get it, need to get home and pack the wifes car for camping. Bombing down hwy 30 and as I pull up to the light, the car starts to shake and getting worse. I slam on the brakes and stop about 10 feet short of the cross walk. Clutch feels fine, trans feels fine, put it in 1st and there is plenty of power, but no forward movement like somethings stuck. I wave everyone around and put the hazards on. Put it in reverse and it goes backwards, so I back out of the lane and onto the shoulder.

Shut it off, its in neutral no brake. Car rolls backwards, but not forwards. WTF. I do a quick walk around and see metal shavings on my passenger back wheel. Take a closer look, hmm, I think I see the problem.

My guess is they didn't put loctite and torque the brake caliper bolts to spec when they put the rear end back in (top bolt fell out). As you can see the caliper falls forward and binds when the wheel rolls forward.

Tow truck took it back to the shop, the wife picked me up on the side of the road and I was out of cell coverage all weekend. It was glorious. Now I wait until the shop opens so I can see what they say about the situation.
Try it now.

Weekend was a success.

1) Rode Friday...forgot my chammy shorts though, so that sucked
2) Golfed Saturday at sunrise. Drove the green on 3 par 4's (anywhere between 300-330yds). No eagles though sadly.
3) Cookout at a friend's house Saturday afternoon/night. Drank many good beers, didn't get home until almost 2am.
4) Tried to ride Sunday am but was too tired/groggy. Slept late, then helped my friend install his short ram air intake, which went smoothly. The biggest hiccup was when he opened his toolbox over the engine bay, sending dozens of sockets all over the engine. All were accounted for though, so that's good.
Haven't worn chamois all year with the exception of Tucson in March. Cotton briefs. No issues.


Managed to ride again today, with some trail maintenance thrown in.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
the technical theoretical term in visual culture studies is "vagina dentata," I believe...

back into the work world after 2 weeks off (although I kept yp enough remotely so as to not be totally swamped)..between meetings and my to-do list the week should go quickly. road trip to GA thurs to see an exhibit. trying to hold friday for a much-needed hills ride which will undoubtedly involve lots of gravel climbing to access miles of blown out backcountry steeps.

btw, this thread did not include nearly enough car rage from @jimmydean ... i am disappoint
the technical theoretical term in visual culture studies is "vagina dentata," I believe...

back into the work world after 2 weeks off (although I kept yp enough remotely so as to not be totally swamped)..between meetings and my to-do list the week should go quickly. road trip to GA thurs to see an exhibit. trying to hold friday for a much-needed hills ride which will undoubtedly involve lots of gravel climbing to access miles of blown out backcountry steeps.

btw, this thread did not include nearly enough car rage from @jimmydean ... i am disappoint
Technical theoretical term? It's Latin for cunt with teeth... Now figure out how to express the concept in post-structuralist jargon.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Tonight's bike ride made me happy, rolled back to the lot prior to a thunderstorm after 90 minutes of single track goodness. I did not see one toothy lady part nor did a needle threaten my scrotum. I believe that is whats known as a triple win. :thumb:


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
the technical theoretical term in visual culture studies is "vagina dentata," I believe...
You lead with vagina dentata, I follow with iron phallus.

Rode tonight, was all achy from yesteday's boat trip and swimming in ze ocean. Cut my ride short and replaced the entire drivetrain with new parts. Shake down ride tomorrow.

Also, mucho noise machines for my Gittares arrived from China today. That shall be fun! Blackstar LT Metal still on its way.
You lead with vagina dentata, I follow with iron phallus.

Rode tonight, was all achy from yesteday's boat trip and swimming in ze ocean. Cut my ride short and replaced the entire drivetrain with new parts. Shake down ride tomorrow.

Also, mucho noise machines for my Gittares arrived from China today. That shall be fun! Blackstar LT Metal still on its way.
For the phall monte?