
$$$ Monderp $$$


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Here. Going to county court to testify against our trigger happy neighbor.

Speaking of trash, need to put the bin to the curb. Don't want to miss our monthly trash pick up day.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
At the office but driving home soon as my Mac can not run ancient expense software I can only run on my company PC which I keep at home.

Tons of sun in the forecast finally after a very rainy winter. This means soon nice dry mtb trail I can not ride :-( but also dry warmer road I can still ride at least.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
well hello there little buddy!

fish report: finally surrendered the last of my over-procreated platies yesterday. Started with two, put a stop to it at 23. Surrendered 16 plus the original 2. Bought a betta to float around the tank amongst the rest of my community tank, but the wee bastard was so aggressive to anything and everything that I ended up turning around and taking him back. He was flaring at neon tetras and fish that were bigger than him, even though nobody wanted anything to do with him. Never seen that behavior before.

In bike news, I bought a new handlebar/extension setup for the TT bike, plus a lower headset cap. I need to determine the right stem height and then see about getting one of those. I also need to not throw too much more money at it as I don't really need to...just want to get my position dialed.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Tons of sun in the forecast finally after a very rainy winter. This means soon nice dry mtb trail I can not ride :-( but also dry warmer road I can still ride at least.
You are really trying to find all the excuses to not have to ride with me. ;)
Hope you heal up quick! :-)


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Got 1/3 of the flooring in the master down yesterday, so it sort of looks like a real room now. Just need to lay the rest, paint some door jambs, prep and paint some doors, paint and install baseboard, and one room will be done until windows go in.

Otherwise, not much worth mentioning going on in my life.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!

Got 1/3 of the flooring in the master down yesterday, so it sort of looks like a real room now. Just need to lay the rest, paint some door jambs, prep and paint some doors, paint and install baseboard, and one room will be done until windows go in.

Otherwise, not much worth mentioning going on in my life.
Is the house heated while you're doing all that work?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. This week is going to be brutal. Client meetings 815-445 with 1hr shoved in there for lunch. All week long.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006

Got 1/3 of the flooring in the master down yesterday, so it sort of looks like a real room now. Just need to lay the rest, paint some door jambs, prep and paint some doors, paint and install baseboard, and one room will be done until windows go in.

Otherwise, not much worth mentioning going on in my life.
Are you painting before or after you're doing the floors?


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Is the house heated while you're doing all that work?
Yep, my dad is there pretty much every day working on our house, so I keep it a few degrees below what it would otherwise normally be.

Not going to do the windows until it's warmer out. Both cause they have a 3 month lead time, but also because it doesn't make sense in the winter.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Are you painting before or after you're doing the floors?
With the exception of the door jambs/trim, all the walls and ceilings are painted. Baseboard will be painted on saw horses and spot touch ups done once on the wall.

Wife's job in all of this is painting and cleaning. She's 75% of the way through painting the interior at this point.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
At the office but driving home soon as my Mac can not run ancient expense software I can only run on my company PC which I keep at home.
y CBJ no Boot Camp?

/me is reading ultrasounds today. Starting the day from home, dropping off kid 3 at preschool, then showing up in person for the remainder of the day


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
fuck that.

hope you don't blow a vessel.....
Me too. Tomorrow will be a good break. It's league night for Haley and she has a damn good chance of qualifying pole, which means it's just about driving fast and defending her position. Super excited to watch her and she's super excited to race. To hell with soccer. Slam the pedal.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
y CBJ no Boot Camp?

/me is reading ultrasounds today. Starting the day from home, dropping off kid 3 at preschool, then showing up in person for the remainder of the day
I have to run the company VPN to use the software too. No idea if that would be possible. Plus the more I can keep my Mac away from the IT department the better. Only use two pieces of software on the PC few times a month.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Changed my quick desert migration, I’m gonna be in St. George/ Hurrikan March 9-11 if anyone just so happens to be there! That should tell me all I need to know about my suspension.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Changed my quick desert migration, I’m gonna be in St. George/ Hurrikan March 9-11 if anyone just so happens to be there! That should tell me all I need to know about my suspension.
That's quite the travel extension versus the original plan for any CO people :D

1hr extra driving for you, 5 hours extra from Denver area :p


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Grand Dysfunction. But St. George is roughly the same drive from SLC, and 25 degrees warmer…no brainer.
And the 6th family couldn’t make it to GJ… :busted:
I'm trying to convince S we should head to Mojab this weekend. But my knee is fucked and she's getting over a back issue. So that plan might fail too.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Just sold my prior trailbike frameset.

First time in 15 years I've not owned at least one Turner.

Back down to 14 bikes in the house, 7 each between wifey and I.