
monfuckingday gmt....


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Seems a tick got me behind the ear, it's swollen and itchy.
I hate ticks but they love me.
Was an easy day at work, got stuck in a traffic jam today but the song Cranky Boy came on and that made it more tolerable. I teamed up with a truck to block a left lane bandit out, doubt he would have been happy as I left a truck and a tiny bit of a gap in front of me, it was almost big enough for his little Getz, hahaha!


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Hello all. Rainy.

Went for a walk yesterday and ran across a good friend of ours. She was with a friend and said friend was actually her new girlfriend. We had no idea she was playing for both teams.

Heading out to spend $100 in gift cards at some outdoor store. Need pants.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Woke up early just because. Going out to client sites today. I need to sleep more and stress less, because I had two big auras this weekend.

I need to get Haley's kart motor sorted out. The whole group went out yesterday and nobody even brought their 206 karts with them. That's not a good sign for them continuing Jr1 - when none of the four boys even brought their Jr1 karts. I've been talking with one of the dads this weekend and unless something changes, he's 90%+ pulling Seb from Jr1 because his kart is old and he doesn't want to buy a new one since he already has a new Rotax kart setup. He's the top competitor in their group, so if he goes, a bunch of the faster kids will probably shift, since they all practice together.

Work is work.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Sickness seems to have taken hold in this house with the wife and child displaying symptoms. I fear I am not far behind. Been a while since I've been sick, perhaps it's time to start using some of the 6 "use it or lose it" days I get.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Thanks for all the bday wishes folks, went to the bike park for some DH laps with some buddies, then hung out with the family (including my folks), watched the Eagles game and just chilled.


free wieners
Rolled into town about 10, introduced myself to the neighbor with the easement, he had no clue. Walked the property in its entirety even though it was thick as can be. Fairly steep, thick vegetation and some extensive excavator work are the only challenges thus far but are more than manageable. I imagine I can slap in the estimated 2k’ driveway and two 1/4-1/2 acre pads in a couple days with a 30 ton excavator.

getting a permit and flag so I can drive the dunes today while the realtor is crying in the mirror

in other news, my Airbnb is brilliant

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I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Got 9.5 hours of solid sleep last night, then rolled my lazy ass out of bed at 7:00 and ran 5 miles. I'm about to take the foster puppy for a walk. My dog is like "WTF those are supposed to be my walks!" I can't walk them at the same time because it's like trying to fly two kites in a hurricane.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Rolled into town about 10, introduced myself to the neighbor with the easement, he had no clue. Walked the property in its entirety even though it was thick as can be. Fairly steep, thick vegetation and some extensive excavator work are the only challenges thus far but are more than manageable. I imagine I can slap in the estimated 2k’ driveway and two 1/4-1/2 acre pads in a couple days with a 30 ton excavator.

getting a permit and flag so I can drive the dunes today while the realtor is crying in the mirror

in other news, my Airbnb is brilliant

You wouldn't happen to have some arial view of the land?


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Selling shit on FB marketplace always brings the rage and the lulz

Some dude wants to make $200/month payments on my trailer, he’ll live in it but I can keep the pink. Yeah sure bud, happy to write you a 10+ year loan with zero interest and maybe when you stop paying I can find the thing before you get it re-tittles, fawk.

One more “what’s the less you take” message and I’m just gunna burn it


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Selling shit on FB marketplace always brings the rage and the lulz

Some dude wants to make $200/month payments on my trailer, he’ll live in it but I can keep the pink. Yeah sure bud, happy to write you a 10+ year loan with zero interest and maybe when you stop paying I can find the thing before you get it re-tittles, fawk.

One more “what’s the less you take” message and I’m just gunna burn it
" 'Bout tree fiddy."


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
2.5 hours to get home. :banghead:

Hit traffic jam way up north, so hit the back country scenic roads up. Turned out to be a great twisty drive.

Buddy here either ate some bad mushrooms or was just trolling me on the bridge. He was doing laps and didn't seem to care about me being there. Probably would have hopped in for a ride, if I had opened the door...