
Monkey`s Pets

Feb 23, 2005
My buddies:
Both are purebred/registered pugs. Lilly is female and 2.5 years old in these photos. Leo is male and is 4weeks old in these photos. Ill get an updated photo up, these are 6 months old now. My avatar is a picture of Lilly actually.

Lilly being submissive to Leo

Lilly and Leo

Leo sizing up the Arogant Bastard


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
One old, old Bearded Dragon. Two cats. One inside, one outside. The outside cat was feral til I started feeding him when I was BBQing. Now he lets me hold him like a baby, but no one else can touch him.


Mar 1, 2006
Sanford, NC

Our dogs. The goldens name is Daisy, I picked her up as a stray. Held on to her for a few weeks, taking her for walks, just to see if her owner(s) were looking. After that I took her to the vet to see if she had an ID chip implanted, when that came up negative I brought her home for good. Best dog I have ever had. Then came my wife and her dog Hoss, the toy poodle. Her mom breeds dogs. http://www.doublejkennel.com
(shameless plug) I didn't think I would like having a small dog, but Hoss is the ****, most of the time that is. I was worried about how well Hoss and Daisy would get along, but now they are best buds. When I took them to the vet yesterday to get their shots updated, Hoss started wimpering when Daisy was getting her shots and what not, just trying to be protective.


Mar 1, 2006
Sanford, NC
More shots of my dogs as promised.


Hoss before a haircut.

After, wearing a jacket, My wifes idea.

Hoss humping Daisy, who is humping my friends leg. Yeah, blurry, but I only had a few seconds to get this shot.