
Monkeys' help needed! Anyone have Crankworx Colorado 2010 results?

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
I'm trying to track down the FULL results for this race (Pro GRT #4, Trestle, July 2010), and can't for the life of me find them anywhere... They're not on USA Cycling's site, and none of the other usual places like Sicklines seems to have them.

They obviously used to be on the Crankworx Colorado site, but that's all been scrapped for the new 2011 site now, and there appears to be no archive section.

Through google's cache I found links like "http://www.crankworxcolorado.com/downloads/dh_men_2010.pdf" but they no longer work.

Been googling the names and times of the top 3 for a while now, in all combinations, and failed to come up with anything. I even tried Bing, that's how bad it is! ;)

If anyone happens to have the FULL results, and could give me a link or mail them to me, it'd be massively appreciated.

Thank you!


- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Good try, but only one page (of many) has been cached. Thanks for looking though!

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Again, it's only the pros. I've already found them a few times. Where's the cat 1/2/3 riders? :( Your efforts are appreciated though. I do not think you'll find them on the internet anywhere unless you know already exactly where to look. Must be a few people who have them saved on their hard drives etc though... have emailed the organisers (well, the contact on the cworx co. website) but he's out of the office for a while.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
That, my friend, is f***ing perfect. Why couldn't I find that? Neither google nor the usacycling search function threw that up for me. Grr!

Thank you!