
Monkeys on guns and such....


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
I'd like to bring up another topic which usually sparks a good debate (aside from religion).

Just wondering how other monkeys feel about gun ownership, gun control, right to bear arms, etc.
Originally posted by brock
I'd like to bring up another topic which usually sparks a good debate (aside from religion).

Just wondering how other monkeys feel about gun ownership, gun control, right to bear arms, etc.
Well, I understand that the Constitution protects a civilian's right to bear arms, and I have no problem with that. However, I do have a problem when civilians compile an arsenal of weaponry. I have a problem with children playing with guns they discover in the house and doing fatal damage.

My dad is a hunter, and he is furious about gun control/possible gun registration because he feels the government has no business knowing if he has guns or not. (Yes, he is also a member of the NRA). I grew up with guns in the house. I had my own .22 and went to marksmanship classes because my dad wanted me to learn how to shoot, and respect the power of a weapon. We had guns in the house for hunting and to shoot the occasional pesky varmint. But what I don't understand is when people feel the need to have semi-automatic weapons and feel that they should be able to "bear" these arms.
Originally posted by brock
I'd like to bring up another topic which usually sparks a good debate (aside from religion).
True, true, but NOTHING brings people to blows and starts jihads like religious discussions do! *L*

Just wondering how other monkeys feel about gun ownership, gun control, right to bear arms, etc.
Personally, I'm all for gun ownership/right to bear arms, all of that stuff. I say this mainly because taking them off the street won't do that much good.

I'm not saying it will NOT do ANY good. But as long as there are dishonest people in the world, people who won't follow the law, there will be black-market sales of guns, and therefore there will still be guns on the street for those unsavory types who would like to own them illegally.

Now do I think we should have controls? Certainly. I'm all for background checks, and classes on how to use them/control them, and all of that stuff. But I just think that trying to make them illegal won't do all that much.....sort of like saying "You can't believe this, or believe that" to a group of people. That just sort of increases their willpower/desire to do just that.
Originally posted by LeatherFace

Well, I understand that the Constitution protects a civilian's right to bear arms, and I have no problem with that. However, I do have a problem when civilians compile an arsenal of weaponry. I have a problem with children playing with guns they discover in the house and doing fatal damage.

But what I don't understand is when people feel the need to have semi-automatic weapons and feel that they should be able to "bear" these arms.
Pretty much agreed with all that.

Whoa....we agreed on something. :eek: I'm writing this down in my calendar. :D

I forgot to note that.....there should be rules in place for the 'protection' of those in households that do have guns, and I think that the owner of the gun should be responsible for accidents that occur as a result of his own inability to keep 'positive control' of the gun, whether in his hands or not.


I own guns and support the right to bear arms. I don't believe that making guns illegal to own would deter criminals from using guns...Guns are illegal in the UK, but I spoke to a cop over there and he said that the use of guns in drive by shooting is on the rise. I also believe that gun education is a must for anyone who is purchasing a gun.


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
I personally do not own any guns. My father was/is a huge advocate of carrying a gun everywhere, drives me nuts.

We will never see guns made illegal, so all those "pry it from my cold dead fingers" types should mellow out a little.

It is a constitutional right so I think we all should get to own one of the types of guns that was available when they wrote it. Which leads to another question, would the writers of the constitution have written it differently if they new that they were talking about the types of arms available now?

I do find it kinda creepy that if instead of going to get a sandwich at lunch, I could swing by the sporting goods shop in the same strip mall and pick up a shotgun.
Originally posted by rotecguy

Hmmm, So semi-auto weapons are bad? What sort of action is okay then? How do we draw the line? Is it based on magazine capacity or on how fast one could potentially fire successive rounds?

Ya'll know that Semi automatic does not mean machine gun, right?
Hmmmm, I don't believe I said that they were bad. But what is the point of having a semi-automatic? Unless you are law enforcement officer? To kill all of the bad guys who will supposedly break into your house to rape and pillage? Give me a break. Americans are too paranoid about protecting themselves. Guns kill people accidentally more than protecting homes from criminals/intruders.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I have never owned a gun and most likely never will. I am of the mind that it’s not the gun, it’s the person behind the gun with their finger on the trigger that may be a problem. I am no NRA apologist either – they overstate their case beyond belief. While gun ownership is a constitutionally protected right it should not come without responsibility.

I live in a rural county in the Pacific Northwest where shot guns and rifles are given to boys (and some girls) on their 12th birthdays, it’s kind of a tradition. My area is not overrun with accidents or crimes involving firearms so I do not worry too much.

I am not the kind of guy who wants or needs a gun – I am not threatened or alarmed by those that do. I also feel it not up to me to make these choices and decisions for other people unless they are known and convicted criminals.


Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by LeatherFace

I don't understand is when people feel the need to have semi-automatic weapons and feel that they should be able to "bear" these arms.

Just about every weapon that is not a musket , a single action revolver or a bolt action. is a semi-automatic.
IE everytime you pull the triger (SP) it fires a round.

Also magazine capacity has nothing to do with how leathal (SP) as weapon is. A number of 9mm hold 15+ rounds of ammo, while the M1911 (45) holds only 8. That because you dont need to hit someone5 times with a 45 to bring them down.


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
I own firearms, have no interest in using them for anything beyond hunting and target shooting. Thorny issue: the 2nd amendment is not about duck hunting (bumper sticker), but most Americans are incapable of driving safely let alone casting an informed vote. Sigh, gunpowder and ignorance is volatile combination.

No suggestions, just my $.02.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
we have no guns in my house which is funny because my wife and I come from Military and Law Enforcement backgrounds. We don't hunt and neither of us see any need to own a gun for "protection". I just don't see the point in having a personal arsenal especially large capacity semiautomatics . If you want to "protect" yourself inside the home a 12 gauge pump action with 00 Buck is much more effective.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
my dad is a big hunter and we have always had tons of guns in our house. i only had a bb gun and i was always so scared of guns that i would never touch my dads, even we he was around.

i think that gun control is bull crap. i dont want the gov. telling me i cant have a gun.

i plan on getting a handgun and a permit to carry in the near future. i will always have at least one gun. until i have kids for sure. after i have kids im sure i'll reconsider having guns around.


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
Wow!! I'm amazed at how common guns are in the US. I can't imagine having a gun lying around my house or in my glove compartment. I've known a few people over the years who hunt, and use guns for target practice, but they were always kept locked up for safety, not proudly displayed on the mantle. The difference between Canada and the US, I guess.


IMO you shouldn't ever feel the NEED to own a gun. my dad owns 8 or so guns, securely locked away in a gun-specific safe, used only for hunting/sport shooting. guns for self-protection are impractical anyway.


i can't understand how people can say they've got a gun for self protection. it just doesn't work. if somebody breaks into your house with a weapon, what are you gonna do? go and unlock the cupboard/safe, get the gun out, get some ammo, load said gun, chase intruder and shoot him/her?

yeah right. and if you're dumb enough to leave guns UNLOCKED around the house, you're just about asking any potential intruder to use it against you.


Swift, Silent, Deadly!
Aug 16, 2001
Y'all can't see me...

Gravity - get a grip. The only weapon that a criminal is going to use against you is one that you hand over to him.

Having a loaded weapon in your house for defense purposes is not like some 5'2" 90 lbs woman limply sticking a .380 that she had in her purse in the face of an assailant. In that case, a savvy criminal will politely remove the weapon form the woman's grip and use it against her.

I am 5'11" and 220 lbs - well trained in defensive handgunning and close quarters combat - do you really believe that I am going to allow someone to take my weapon and use it against me?

The difference between success and failure in this situation is the level of training. Even the smallest amount of knowledge about static defense will give you the advantage over an assailant. Having a weapon, ready for use (i.e. loaded, located in an easy to reach area) will not be used against you in this situation.

(HINWEIS!!!! For those of you who have children in your home should NOT, I repeat, NOT have a Condition Red weapon in easy access!)

For the record - anyone entering an unfamiliar building, no matter how well armed or trained, is at a distinct tactical disadvantage. This is fact, not fallacy. Hundreds of tactical entries have taught me that - you are usually in a darkened house, unaware of the layout of the furniture and other potential obstacles below eye level. I have personally seen entry go sour by having the lead man trip over a shoe left in a hallway - and this is a professional. Imagine if this person was untrained and not ready to deal with a situation like that?


Originally posted by Ranger

Gravity - get a grip. The only weapon that a criminal is going to use against you is one that you hand over to him.

Having a loaded weapon in your house for defense purposes is not like some 5'2" 90 lbs woman limply sticking a .380 that she had in her purse in the face of an assailant. In that case, a savvy criminal will politely remove the weapon form the woman's grip and use it against her.

I am 5'11" and 220 lbs - well trained in defensive handgunning and close quarters combat - do you really believe that I am going to allow someone to take my weapon and use it against me?

The difference between success and failure in this situation is the level of training. Even the smallest amount of knowledge about static defense will give you the advantage over an assailant. Having a weapon, ready for use (i.e. loaded, located in an easy to reach area) will not be used against you in this situation.

(HINWEIS!!!! For those of you who have children in your home should NOT, I repeat, NOT have a Condition Red weapon in easy access!)

For the record - anyone entering an unfamiliar building, no matter how well armed or trained, is at a distinct tactical disadvantage. This is fact, not fallacy. Hundreds of tactical entries have taught me that - you are usually in a darkened house, unaware of the layout of the furniture and other potential obstacles below eye level. I have personally seen entry go sour by having the lead man trip over a shoe left in a hallway - and this is a professional. Imagine if this person was untrained and not ready to deal with a situation like that?
ok..... i was assuming a family with kids..... seeing as how i've lived in one all my life :p

i didn't mean that somebody would literally take a gun out of your hands. i meant that if somebody enters your house and finds your gun sitting on your bedside table (and you're still asleep), you're in trouble.

please explain how, realistically, if somebody comes into your bedroom (assume they also have a gun), and literally mugs you in your own home, how you are going to utilise your gun?

ranger, you might have been trained in various methods of combat/ambush/tactical stuff. most people haven't though.

in australia, it is illegal to have guns that are not locked away securely anyway.....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
i ve talked over this with my father in law... aussies have a very different take on the whole sit'n.. in the end i just excused myself and left the room...it s an arguement no one can ever win... we just need to respect each others opinions... in australia where gravity and i come from there is a very different attitude towards guns, especially hand guns... to be honest we can never even begin to understand the whole 5th (?) ammendment deal, u guys have lived around guns all your lives... what i tired to point out to my father in law is that wouldn t you feel safer if you lived in a place where no one has hand guns ...

although this is of course BS, the hardcore bikers etc have them (but usually they open fire on each other - no great loss)..

(not locked and loaded - yet)


Aug 22, 2001
Why is that people think the best way to keep your kids away from your guns is to hid them from them? Do you hid your car from you childern NO. You teach childern that cars are for grownup and and are dangerous. Guns should be handled the same way. Take them to the Range and show them how much damage a gun can cause. Teach them respect for guns.

As far as using your fire arm against intruders.

If a person breaks into your home with the attention of just robbing you. they will make every effort to get in and out unnoticed. If they plan on or dont care if they have to harm you and/or your family to get what they want. Well you have a choice call 911 and die while you wait for the police to show up or to double tap the intruder. Reason people get killed with their own guns is they don't know how to use them and they don't have a plan for handling this type of situation. Scared and Panic and untrained people shot their spouses and kids or get them selves killed.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by eric strt6
two large dogs will usually deter anyone from entering a home at night, Night time visitors usually prefer nice quiet places over one with large barking, snarling dogs
My dog weighs over 80lbs but is a total marshmallow. If an intruder came into my house I am about 99% sure the dog would show him where the good stuff is as long as Dutch got his a$$ scratched.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Originally posted by Damn True

My dog weighs over 80lbs but is a total marshmallow. If an intruder came into my house I am about 99% sure the dog would show him where the good stuff is as long as Dutch got his a$$ scratched.
Dex and Annie only get friendly once they have been introduced otherwise its "OH look!! a New Chew Toy. lets rip it in Half":D


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by Cheers
I own guns and support the right to bear arms. I don't believe that making guns illegal to own would deter criminals from using guns...Guns are illegal in the UK, but I spoke to a cop over there and he said that the use of guns in drive by shooting is on the rise. I also believe that gun education is a must for anyone who is purchasing a gun.
Postcard from the UK...

Yeah, gun crime is on the increase here, but it's not got to the level of US cities (and London is a pretty big place after all).

The thing is, I doubt very much that legalising guns would bring down the level of drive-by shootings given that most of the people killing and being killed have guns on both ends of the equation. More guns that are easier to come by will mean more dead people.

I don't want a gun, well maybe a shotgun for clay-pigeon (skeet) shooting, but not a handgun even though I know I could get one very easily (albeit illegally). Why not? There's nothing I want to shoot.


Mar 26, 2002
Living in Canada, I really, really don't understand the need to carry a gun. The days of the farwest are long gone! Liberty means being able to live free of gunshooting not having the liberty of buying guns!

my 1/8 cent (2 canadian cents!)

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by partsbara
i ve talked over this with my father in law... aussies have a very different take on the whole sit'n.. in the end i just excused myself and left the room...it s an arguement no one can ever win... we just need to respect each others opinions... in australia where gravity and i come from there is a very different attitude towards guns, especially hand guns... to be honest we can never even begin to understand the whole 5th (?) ammendment deal, u guys have lived around guns all your lives... what i tired to point out to my father in law is that wouldn t you feel safer if you lived in a place where no one has hand guns ...

although this is of course BS, the hardcore bikers etc have them (but usually they open fire on each other - no great loss)..

(not locked and loaded - yet)
I thought the first thing you were gonna do when ya got to Seppo land was buy a big old gun and sit on your porch shooting beer cans off the letterbox :) Anyway the only "gun" you need is the 7'2" for Margarets. BTW-I can definitely see a FLY in my future. Oh yeah- send me your address creep!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by valve bouncer

I thought the first thing you were gonna do when ya got to Seppo land was buy a big old gun and sit on your porch shooting beer cans off the letterbox :) Anyway the only "gun" you need is the 7'2" for Margarets. BTW-I can definitely see a FLY in my future. Oh yeah- send me your address creep!!!!
hahhahaa, u r a funny bastid mate... forget the 7'2" margs gun, i don t think i could remember how to paddle let alone get tubed :(

check ya PM for my addy, oh and see if ya can tunr ezaki or yas for a better deal on them bananas :)

later mate



Oct 7, 2001
im an arms collector and a shooter. i enjoy shooting there is nothing like it. and when im on my ranch in south texas i always have a handgun on my hip and a sometimes a rifle slung over my shoulder. most people dont understand the connection between gun owners and their firearms. its the same connection i have with my bike. so think of it that way. i love to shoot and i love to ride. so im a freak just because if the local govt was to find out how many guns i have in my house i would have to be labeled as a armory. but i only shoot maybe 10 out of the 100+ firearms that i own. everyone is different. ill listen to what you say but its not going to make me change my mind. i love what i do, and i do what i love. its my thing.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Gun Control (I guess I mean banning firearms) will only take the guns out of the Law Abiding citizen's hands.

How many Gangbangers actually leaglly own their firearms??

I used to live in the ghetto & If I wanted ANY type of firearm all I had to do was have the money.....& then choose what I wanted-glock, tech-9, SKS, numerous pistols & shotguns, etc...........