
Monster Energy being sued


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
there's a lot more to this story than what that article (or lawsuit) would have you believe. I can't say anymore but trust me, this suit is not what it's cracked up to be, it's quite the contrary in fact.


Apr 27, 2005
The guy that pretty much put Monster on the action sports map (Scott Sepkovic) is suing Monster(Hansens). It is a 'multi-million dollar' suit.

I guess you could say he put them on the map, but it's not like it was rocket science. With Monster/Hansen's blessing he threw tons of money at all the top riders/events/venues in the action sports industry..
They even bought riders that didn't want to be bought like James Stewart..


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I guess you could say he put them on the map, but it's not like it was rocket science. With Monster/Hansen's blessing he threw tons of money at all the top riders/events/venues in the action sports industry..
They even bought riders that didn't want to be bought like James Stewart..

-Where did I say Scott was a rocket scientist?

-Are you saying 'anyone' could have done what Scott did with monster? There were some deals he landed where he was NOT the highest bidder.

-Don't know if you know the details of the kawi/monster deal when Bubba rode for them, but I would hardly call it 'monster bought james'...not by a mile.


Apr 27, 2005
-Where did I say Scott was a rocket scientist?

-Are you saying 'anyone' could have done what Scott did with monster? There were some deals he landed where he was NOT the highest bidder.

-Don't know if you know the details of the kawi/monster deal when Bubba rode for them, but I would hardly call it 'monster bought james'...not by a mile.
-No, you didn't and i shouldn't have qouted your post. Just saying, "putting them on the map" gives him a little too much credit, at least from what i saw. I was on more than one call when athlete "X", (who he had little to no knowledge of prior to the call) was offered more than was on the table anywhere else to sign with Monster just b/c they just won a large event, or was due to get some TV time..
-Not "anyone" could have done it, just not like "every" deal was about the highest bidder..
-He is a very charasmatic guy so not going to take anything away from him being him to get deals done.
-You're right they didn't "buy" him, but they did block Red Bull from having him that year, and that was why he drank from clear bottles on the podium in protest of Monster. I guess saying that they bought the rights to use his image for the season..


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Fair play^

I am not a Hollywood fan, but I do not think they would be where they are today without 'him'. I really think they owe half of their success to him and the other half to Mark Hall's expertise in distribution.

No way to measure any of that, just my opinion. At any rate, this will probably go down like when Scott sued suzuki for bringing rockstar to their team, they paid him off out of court 'allegedly' just to shut up and go away.

Rich get richer.


Nov 15, 2004
Just out off morbid interest, does Sepkovic or Crown AMG have anything to do with management duties for Sam Hill/"MADCATZ"? Or was the relationship their existing just because of Monster?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
In other news, Monster Cables is suing the attorneys of both parties for using the name "Monster" in their lawsuits.

It's a monster of a suit.


Nov 7, 2009
Winterthur, Switzerland
Redbull is soooo much better:drool:
From my humble point of view, all these lifestyle energy drinks have hideous tastes, far too much sugars - and way too often the cans of these drinks end up in mother nature: littering is the name of the game, and litterbugs seem to love those energy drinks. Obviously those wings the drinks are supposed to give people do not carry them to the next trashcan. :rolleyes:

But if these companies want to sponsor teams or events in mountain biking, they're welcome. Just don't expect me to drink those liquid fruit drops with all their artificial flavours and colours.


Turbo Monkey
*This rant might not be entirely ontopic but for me its close enough.

Im beginning to believe Im the only person who actually likes drinking Monster Energy drink. Matter of fact I love it, and if it wasnt as bad for my teeth Id drink it a lot more of it probably.
I thought about giving it up with the whole Vermonster thing but Monster backing out is good enough for me.
Dont care about all the haters who dislike Monster because its hip to hate on just about anything these days, Im just gonna keep on drinking it.

Sue me.

Edit: Oh, and throwing cans into the environment has to do with manners being taught by parents, not Energy drinks.


Nov 15, 2004
*This rant might not be entirely ontopic but for me its close enough.

Im beginning to believe Im the only person who actually likes drinking Monster Energy drink. Matter of fact I love it, and if it wasnt as bad for my teeth Id drink it a lot more of it probably.
I thought about giving it up with the whole Vermonster thing but Monster backing out is good enough for me.
Dont care about all the haters who dislike Monster because its hip to hate on just about anything these days, Im just gonna keep on drinking it.

Sue me.

Edit: Oh, and throwing cans into the environment has to do with manners being taught by parents, not Energy drinks.
To follow you off topic....your teeth are the last thing that would be on the list of things to worry about if one was drinking Monster everyday/regularly.


Turbo Monkey
To follow you off topic....your teeth are the last thing that would be on the list of things to worry about if one was drinking Monster everyday/regularly.
The rest of my lifestyle annihalates (sp?) the 1 or 2 cans of Monster I drink a week so Im not too worried about that.
I used to be in shape when I was still racing DH but since I got a job that leaves me no time for racing, plenty of time to party and forces me to eat in restaurants for 8months a year Im not the fittest kid on the block anymore unfortunately.

Thanks for the concern tho. :D


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Just out off morbid interest, does Sepkovic or Crown AMG have anything to do with management duties for Sam Hill/"MADCATZ"? Or was the relationship their existing just because of Monster?
Thats a question for the monster catz...whom all read ridemonkey, don't know if they will chime in though.

Hi guys!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Fair play^

I am not a Hollywood fan, but I do not think they would be where they are today without 'him'. I really think they owe half of their success to him and the other half to Mark Hall's expertise in distribution.

No way to measure any of that, just my opinion. At any rate, this will probably go down like when Scott sued suzuki for bringing rockstar to their team, they paid him off out of court 'allegedly' just to shut up and go away.

Rich get richer.
there are ways of measuring it, monetary ways. And that's what this whole debacle is about. Money that's owed to Monster, LOTS of money. Trust me, Scott will not be any richer when this is over and Monster won't be paying a dime. Exactly the opposite will result. This suit is purely for levarage, it's the classic 'i'll drop my suit if you drop yours.' an attempt to turn the tables and level the playing field.