
Monster Park 2005 Pics Not Safe For Office Dorks


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
Very nice...I'm bummed as sh!t that i'm missing it...but i'll be up on Thursday. Keep snapping for us who can't attend!


Nov 25, 2001
Boulder, CO
©2001 said:

did anyone make the handplant?
Let's see:
- Chase did several handplants
- Bear Claw did a few sweet fastplants at the top, then he would hesitate, then drop to the back
- Kinrade was the only dude to hit the biggg drop
- Van Dine tried a ton of barrelrolls, stuck one on Saturday
what else...


blah blah blah
Mar 22, 2005
those are some sick pics. if i were there on that big drop i would have put my camera on 4000th and did a squence and fix it in photoshop? are you using digital or 35mm?
yeah, i am using an ancient mavica from 5 years ago, I couldnt justify bringing all my nice **** on a trip so long ( al to ak) I will be uploading movies from most runs in the next day or two, I am at apitstop in central pa and then northward to plattekil? whiteface? what is up with all the big mountains in the north only open on the weekends? Some of us love riding so much that we blow off jobs and want to hit the **** in the week when all the office dorks are pulling pud in the cubicles! great to meet the peeps I did and if you want to hook up farther north lets do it! mesage me or email me from the site! boomer