
Monster T Spring SWAP??

May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
Anyone have a Pre 2003 Monster T that is a bit soft for them?

I'm loving Roasted's Monster I just traded him, but it's still a bit frimer than I want it to be. I rode my pal's 01' Monster with Med. springs and it felt amazing. If you are a larger rider or a jumper who likes their fork firmer feeling, maybe we could talk about a trade?

Seattle locals or even as far away as Whistler would make for an easy trade situation. Let me know!

Anybody who is thinking about one of these, go for it, they're awesome!


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i have a pro-wind monster spring in my toolbox (along with 3 spare heavies! :D go me). i'll be up in seattle from the 10th onwards...
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
Nothing bad about it man! I'm having fun right now, I just know it can be even smoother with a lighter touch in there. I'm stoked.

Toshi, are you coming to the screening party on the 10th? If not, let's hook up the following week if you are willing to work with me on that spring. I'll even consider buying the single pro wind off you, whatever that is.....


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i don't think i'll be coming to the screening party, as i'll be unpacking my stuff in my new apartment :) . i think prowind is progressive yet lighter than mediums? from http://www.montac.com/pdfs/marz_tuning_tips.pdf marzocchi sez they're for "145-180 lbs", same as medium. light is "120-155", heavy is "170-245". hmm, so for monsters i guess they're the same as mediums, overall.
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
Moving in? Once you're there, you're in, you can open boxes anytime. Come hang out and meet people, there's gonna be loads and loads of mountain bike babes everywhere, I can't handle them all myself, man!;)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
The springs are extra stiff! He is trying to go low...;) The guy who had them before was rnning them at a ridiculous stiffness for his size...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
bibs said:
Steve, you dont need to change the springs, you need to just use different oil and levels..I rode my monster with the meduim springs and I weigh ALOT more than you do....It almost never bottomed. Aj runs stock springs in his too... ;)
this is true, altho the springs do alter how the fork feels initially. when i bought my monster i was running one heavy, one prowind and really high oil levels. the fork simultaneously felt too soft initially and ramped up too quickly, not quite allowing full travel. now, with a little less oil and one more heavy spring it feels great :thumb:
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
I'm glad you guys have some insight into tuning this thing, it will be great once I get it dialed. Cory, I think these springs are the heavys, but according to the chart, they look lioke they might be the prowinds, there's no visible stripe of color on the side of the springs that I can see, they appear to be black......

Great chart, too, Toshi, thanks for posting that link to the PDF, I'm keeping that info for sure.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
my heavy springs definitely have a dab of red at one end of each... you're welcome on the link. i also have old (good) and newer (bad -- info was removed to satisfy the lawyers) manuals for the monster in pdf form if you need 'em
The springs are Stiff Marz springs, I am fairly intimate with this particular fork, the person who had it prior weighed in at a little over 220, he traded the mediums that were originally in it with a friend of mine for the stiffer ones.
My friend purchased the springs from Marz thinking he wanted to go stiffer in HIS monster, installed them and immediatly decided that altering his oil levels would be a better avenue to achieve the feel he desired. I do believe that he may even still have the original mediums in his toolbox, I will ask him this week Steve (you have met him he is a friend of mine that lives down your way) I will PM you with what I find out.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Thanks shootr. I was pretty sure they weren't medium considering how hard it was for me (at 270) to bottom the fork out.

Your giving him a lot of credit. You sure he was 220? Seems smalled than that to me :D
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
Oddly enough, the fork bottomed offf a couple drops yesterday, on a local trail. I distinctively heard this loud "SPANG!!" sound on landing off a drop of about six feet, and another of roughly equal size. I think however, that since I have very little preload on the fork due to having no small bump compliance, that if I were to put at least ONE med. spring back in, and add some preload, I might get more of what I'm looking for with less frequent bottoming. I don't mind bottoming out now and then, but with little sensetivity to small bumps, I need to be able to run this thing softer during the first half of the travel, while still getting a ramp up at the end, which if I am reading everyone's advice correctly, will be controlled by oil level. I'm at 90mm from the top on each side right now, but I guess it isn't quite enough. I think I can go to 80mm from top without affecting travel, according to the fudge factor marz says is built into the oil level reccomendations.

Still having fun though, the fork is the stiffest steerer I have ever rode.