
Moral issue.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
DirtyMike said:
This whole "Biking is a subcultere" thing, well you dont think Bike shop owners are in it for the culture do you? And the Manufactures?
We know bike shop owners are rolling in dough. Trust me, unless it's the owner of Supergo (and maybe not even him), the owners are in it for the love of biking, as are the smaller manufacturers (Surly, Rivendell, Transition, etc). If they wanted to make money the bike industry is the wrong place.

And just because many people take part in this system doesn't make it right. Many people shoplift too. Not comparing this guy's markup to stealing, just showing that that's not the best reasoning.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
LordOpie said:
I don't understand why women insist on dinner first.

They just crazy like that. But hey they never said we cant have some fun with it right? Just take them to the oyster bar for the first date and see how they react.....Afterwords you can as to see
there ( . Y . ) .....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Skookum said:
There are way more ways to help mt. biking than making sure a person you sell to is not just making a profit.

Go build some trails, promote a race, lead a ride.

This argument is ridiculous, something is only worth what someone will pay for it.

If someone takes the time to jack up prices to sell to a buyer than he deserves the extra money for the time and/or effort to do this.

There is minimal if any honor in selling something cheap to someone. They still had to pay you something, no this argument can only be presented for something that was given away. And even then it's not really a big deal.

And i imagine that most people on this board give deals to freinds or acquaintences and or give away stuff. At least i do, but i don't expect to be patted on the back for it.

What comes around goes around.
Best post of the thread. Quoted for re-emphasis.



My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
black noise said:
We know bike shop owners are rolling in dough. Trust me, unless it's the owner of Supergo (and maybe not even him), the owners are in it for the love of biking, as are the smaller manufacturers (Surly, Rivendell, Transition, etc). If they wanted to make money the bike industry is the wrong place.

And just because many people take part in this system doesn't make it right. Many people shoplift too. Not comparing this guy's markup to stealing, just showing that that's not the best reasoning.
BS. I know plenty of bike shop owners who are in it for the $$. They sell high end road and low end barely better then walmart bikes. They treat their shops like a b usiness and not the local cool guy hang out.

Guess what? They are quite profitable.

I sell a TON of crap on here, usually priced very very well. I could not care less if someone else buys it and resells it. Why? 'Cause I already made my money and paid my bills.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
black noise said:
We know bike shop owners are rolling in dough. Trust me, unless it's the owner of Supergo (and maybe not even him), the owners are in it for the love of biking, as are the smaller manufacturers (Surly, Rivendell, Transition, etc). If they wanted to make money the bike industry is the wrong place.

And just because many people take part in this system doesn't make it right. Many people shoplift too. Not comparing this guy's markup to stealing, just showing that that's not the best reasoning.

Hehehe you need to see the markup in the Bike industry before making that statement. Dude how much do you pay for tubes??? Dude my shop buys them for 50 cents each. thats normal to get them that cheap. what about seatposts???Its called Keystone Pricing, Its used on 90% of what is sold in Biking. translation- You pay double of what the shop bought it for. The shop owner may well be in it because he loves biking, but he owns teh shop because he wants to make money. I work at Goodyear for my Primary job, I got into Automotive in the first place because of my Love of cars. Does that mean i am not aloowed to mark things up so i can make money? Every Business owner is in it for the money. I Learned about cars because i love teh Engineering involved and the technology behind them. I work on them to Pay my rent, Buy food, Pay my bills, and hopefully be able to put some away for my retirement someday. So trust me there is considerable markup at a bike shop. If you ever find a bikeshop that sells at just above wholesale because teh owner is Independantly wealthy, let me know Ill shop there. But those are by far a rarety, But if they were in it just for the love of bikes, they would work for someone else


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Transcend said:
BS. I know plenty of bike shop owners who are in it for the $$. They sell high end road and low end barely better then walmart bikes. They treat their shops like a b usiness and not the local cool guy hang out.

Guess what? They are quite profitable.

I sell a TON of crap on here, usually priced very very well. I could not care less if someone else buys it and resells it. Why? 'Cause I already made my money and paid my bills.



Nam I am
black noise said:
And just because many people take part in this system doesn't make it right. Many people shoplift too. Not comparing this guy's markup to stealing, just showing that that's not the best reasoning.
Your reasoning is comparing a Crime to legal activity. Alls I see id some one finding a good deal , Taking a buying it and trying to make a profit, there is nothing illegal about that. and the LBS owners I know are in it for the $$$$$ , they have bills to pay , and families to feed.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I would object if I thought that this was a widespread problem. For the most part, this is not very common. It's not like some concert or event tickets where a few buy tons of tickets and can charge exorbitant fees.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Kevin said:
Heres my point.
With bikes being expensive enough as it is, we dont need another middle man cracking up prices.

I dont care about "many people", were bikers, we share a passion for riding bikes and I think we should help eachother a bit in stead of cracking up prices, not only on the monkey but to other bikers in general as well.
We cant do that by selling our bikes only to people who are gonna ride it but the people who are buying the bikes just to sell m could stop doing it.

This is a grey area, I cant answer this question because different situations call for different opinions.




OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Kevin said:
I dont care about "many people", were bikers, we share a passion for riding bikes and I think we should help eachother a bit in stead of cracking up prices, not only on the monkey but to other bikers in general as well.
We cant do that by selling our bikes only to people who are gonna ride it but the people who are buying the bikes just to sell m could stop doing it.
So why should I give some random schmuck a deep discount and cut into what I would get for something I already spent my hard earned dollars on?

If I buy something new and sell it after using it, why do I want to give them a better deal and put less money in my pocket? If I buy something used and resell it, why wouldn't I want to maximize the profit I make out of it to compensate for my troubles?

I frankly don't give a damn if they're "part of the culture" or not, it's not my problem (unless they are a personal friend) and there's no way I'm giving them a break. They certainly wouldn't do the same for me. I've sold big ticket items before, and I've refused to sell when I got an offer of (example) $645 for something I asked $650 for.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Capitalism is fundamentally immoral, Sad but true. Most of our laws/regulations are simply to corporations from getting too out of control. The guy in simply doing the capitalist thing, buying a undervalued item, and selling at the highest price the market will bear.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
If you really care about who the buyer is, send out a mini questionaire about what he going to do with your sale item.

A friend got their house by being the only local buyer of the 4 bids, even though hers was the lowest. Obviously, the house seller cared enough to find out something about the buyers.

I don't think it matters, which is why I don't ask.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
robdamanii said:
So why should I give some random schmuck a deep discount and cut into what I would get for something I already spent my hard earned dollars on?

If I buy something new and sell it after using it, why do I want to give them a better deal and put less money in my pocket? If I buy something used and resell it, why wouldn't I want to maximize the profit I make out of it to compensate for my troubles?

I frankly don't give a damn if they're "part of the culture" or not, it's not my problem (unless they are a personal friend) and there's no way I'm giving them a break. They certainly wouldn't do the same for me. I've sold big ticket items before, and I've refused to sell when I got an offer of (example) $645 for something I asked $650 for.

Here Here. Only i am not sure if i would even give a friend teh freebie. Specially if it was something i was doing to make money int eh first place


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Reactor said:
Capitalism is fundamentally immoral, Sad but true. Most of our laws/regulations are simply to corporations from getting too out of control. The guy in simply doing the capitalist thing, buying a undervalued item, and selling at the highest price the market will bear.

Thats not capitalism, its Business. That how you make money. You Produce/Buy a Product and sell it for more than you invest into it. You dont date a chick Buy her dinner and a movie for you friend to get to nail do you? no you want a return on your investment. Basic Business and capitalism are very different.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
Reactor said:
Capitalism is fundamentally immoral, Sad but true. Most of our laws/regulations are simply to corporations from getting too out of control. The guy in simply doing the capitalist thing, buying a undervalued item, and selling at the highest price the market will bear.
I think most laws exist to protect capitalists, but thank you.

I don't care if what he's doing is "legal", it's also legal to do a slew of horrible things and it's illegal to do silly things. I think he's doing something bad, legal or not it makes no difference.

And many of the shops where I live aren't big-money endeavors, I didn't know some shops were. Nevermind about that then.


Oct 3, 2005
black noise said:
I think most laws exist to protect capitalists, but thank you.

I don't care if what he's doing is "legal", it's also legal to do a slew of horrible things and it's illegal to do silly things. I think he's doing something bad, legal or not it makes no difference.
Why should people lend credence to the uninformed opinions of a 16 year old kid?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
black noise said:
And many of the shops where I live aren't big-money endeavors,

They may not be "Big money" But they are most assuredly in business to make money. My LBS isnt what i would call "Big money" But the owner Defenitly wants to Make profit. And yes, he Loves riding.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
I thyink i will add one more thing to this post, for everyone here that thinks there LBS doesnt have big mark up. Or that they are not in it for the money, or think that Buying and selling for a Higher cost.....

Open your own Bussiness and let us know how long you stay in bussiness. That or take a Bussiness class and see how its done in real life, not the happy everything is free life.......

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
justsomeguy said:
Why should people lend credence to the uninformed opinions of a 16 year old kid?
I know why loco doesn't think very highly of you now, Mr. I'm superior because I'm older. Who are you to say that my opinions are uninformed?

The last thing I want to do is enter an online pissing match, but I'll just say that you don't know me and how informed I am on this matter, so don't assume that I don't know what I'm talking about just because I'm young.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
black noise said:
I know why loco doesn't think very highly of you now, Mr. I'm superior because I'm older. Who are you to say that my opinions are uninformed?

The last thing I want to do is enter an online pissing match, but I'll just say that you don't know me and how informed I am on this matter, so don't assume that I don't know what I'm talking about just because I'm young.

Your right, who lnopws you, not me, but there are things that Life and age will tell you. not harping on you But, Buying and selling for profit no matter what level it is is how you Make money. Its not I am supier because were older. its We know how this stuff works. I will say it again, someone still got a good deal. If not than Dude buying the bike in the first place would not have been able to resell it. Get used to it, its life, its how it works on ALL levels not just biking. Why should Biking bussiness be soo Different as people seem to think it is, when in fact it isnt.


Oct 3, 2005
black noise said:
Who are you to say that my opinions are uninformed?
I'm just one of the people that read your "contributions" to this thread. "Contributions" that prove that you are particularly uninformed.


Oct 17, 2002
justsomeguy said:
I'm just one of the people that read your "contributions" to this thread. "Contributions" that prove that you are particularly uninformed.
And your contributions were?

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
justsomeguy said:
I'm just one of the people that read your "contributions" to this thread. "Contributions" that prove that you are particularly uninformed.
Wow, you are pompous. I'd be happy to discuss my "contributions" if you want to. If you want to just be condecending than I'm ok with that too, I can ignore you.

Yeah, I know this buy/sell thing is how everything works, I just don't like how everything works. The guy is jacking up prices of parts that normal people actually need and use. I don't have a lot of money so I don't like it when some random guy in his basement snags a good deal that I wanted and then sells it for a price that I can't afford. Sorry, I don't want to give this guy money because he took a "risk". To combat this buisnessman I usually just buy from friends or my lbs anyway(where the guys are cool and give me a break).


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
black noise said:
The last thing I want to do is enter an online pissing match, but I'll just say that you don't know me and how informed I am on this matter, so don't assume that I don't know what I'm talking about just because I'm young.
Just a couple quick questions - do you live with your parents? And if you do, do they have jobs?


Oct 3, 2005
LordOpie said:
And your contributions were?
Is there some requirement that people need to contribute to the thread before commenting on someone's uninformed posts?

Why doesn't pointing out someone's basic lack of understanding by posing a question qualify as a contribution in Opiedom?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
black noise said:

Yeah, I know this buy/sell thing is how everything works, I just don't like how everything works. The guy is jacking up prices of parts that normal people actually need and use.
He's not "jacking up prices" - he's taking a risk that the price he's buying is lower than someone else is willing to pay.

Note the word "willing" - some normal person is getting something at a price that they deem to be fair.

There is nothing "wrong" with this practice.


Oct 17, 2002
justsomeguy said:
Is there some requirement that people need to contribute to the thread before commenting on someone's uninformed posts?

Why doesn't pointing out someone's basic lack of understanding by posing a question qualify as a contribution in Opiedom?
you're floating off into ad hominem land.

Don't attack the person, attack his argument.

Also, this is totally apples-oranges. Black noise is discussing philosophy and some of y'all are discussing economics.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
black noise said:
Yeah, I know this buy/sell thing is how everything works, I just don't like how everything works. The guy is jacking up prices of parts that normal people actually need and use. I don't have a lot of money so I don't like it when some random guy in his basement snags a good deal that I wanted and then sells it for a price that I can't afford. Sorry, I don't want to give this guy money because he took a "risk". To combat this buisnessman I usually just buy from friends or my lbs anyway(where the guys are cool and give me a break).

So does that mean if you come into my work, i am supposed to drop the price because your needy and dont have alot of money???

By the way, Its cool you go and Buy from your LBS. thats good and it supports your local Bussiness's. In turn supports your town, three cheers there. What they give a Locals ten percent? or something like that? Still they knock off 10-15% off retail tehre still making quite the buck, you just feel better about it.


Oct 17, 2002
DirtyMike said:
So does that mean if you come into my work, i am supposed to drop the price because your needy and dont have alot of money???
That's a beautiful idea that Richard Marx, wait Groucho? Eh, someone thought was worthy of writing a whole bunch of them thingies, words on the subject.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
black noise said:
Ooop! You've cornered me! Yes I live with them, and yes, one has a job.
Seriously - it's easy to adhere to a principle when you're on the dole. Get out there in the dog eat dog world and see if buying and selling bike parts doesn't seem like a pretty good way to make some bucks.

I presume you're not living in poverty there in Santa Cruz?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
LordOpie said:
That's a beautiful idea that Richard Marx, wait Groucho? Eh, someone thought was worthy of writing a whole bunch of them thingies, words on the subject.

Well the sign outside my work says Goodyear, Not goodwill. I work for profit.

Hope i am interpretting what your saying right, if not no offense meant


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
justsomeguy said:
Why should people lend credence to the uninformed opinions of a 16 year old kid?

It's the words (and or the thought processes behind them ) that gains or loses credence, thats what matters not the age of the person for me. :teacher: