
More Allegations against Lance


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
But it seems a little fishy, especially when his doctor also gives sworn testimony clearing Lance.


In her deposition, Betsy Andreu testified:

I said, I think we should leave to give you your privacy. I said that to Lance. And Lance said, that's OK. You can stay. And I turned to Frankie and I said, I think we should leave. And Frankie said, no, Lance said it's OK. We can stay. And so the doctor asked him a few questions, not many, and then one of the questions he asked was... have you ever used any performance-enhancing drugs? And Lance said yes. And the doctor asked, what were they? And Lance said, growth hormone, cortisone, EPO, steroids and testosterone.

Frankie Andreu and Armstrong were close friends over the years. They lived and trained together in Italy in the early 1990s; they were teammates when Armstrong won his first two Tours-de-France... in 1999 and 2000. In his deposition, Frankie Andreu expressed his reluctance at having to testify; he was subpoenaed. But he still told the same story as his wife about the hospital room in 1996.

This exchange is from his deposition -- testimony under oath, in response to a lawyer's questions.

QUESTION: And what is it Mr. Armstrong said in response to the doctor asking him about use of performance-enhancing drugs?

ANDREU: I don't know how the doctor phrased the question, but Lance's response was that he had taken EPO and testosterone and growth hormone and cortisone.

QUESTION: Did he say when he had taken these drugs?

ANDREU: ....when the doctor proposed the question, he said, 'Have you taken anything in the past or previous?' So obviously, it was sometime before that point.

QUESTION: Were you surprised when Mr. Armstrong said he had taken those various performance-enhancing drugs?

ANDREU: Yeah. I was surprised.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
uh, the man did have cancer. it is quite possible that those substances were used as part of his medical treatment regimen for said cancer (and to counter the nasty effects of chemo)...


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
Toshi said:
uh, the man did have cancer. it is quite possible that those substances were used as part of his medical treatment regimen for said cancer (and to counter the nasty effects of chemo)...

It's possible, but i would think the Lance camp would have no problem shooting the claims down as they have the med records. It is pretty well known he had EPO during the teatments as most people do.

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
Toshi said:
uh, the man did have cancer. it is quite possible that those substances were used as part of his medical treatment regimen for said cancer (and to counter the nasty effects of chemo)...
I believe that is what EPO was created for - increasing red-blood cell count in cancer patients.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
is hgh and cortisone on the cancer patient's diet as well? i assume testosterone is after you have a nut removed..\


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
none of these things were "created" by us :) whether for cancer treatment or otherwise. they're natural hormones that have been distilled from other animals or synthesized (for less disease risk - don't want to get the pig AIDS, etc.)

the h in hGH is for "human", and it's made by the pituitary. EPO, erythropoetin, is made by our very own kidneys in response to low oxygen in the blood. it's how people at high altitude get more red blood cell mass. cortisol is made in the adrenal glands in response to a releasing hormone also from the pituitary, and yet another pituitary hormone tells the testes to whip up some testosterone...

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
Toshi said:
none of these things were "created" by us :) whether for cancer treatment or otherwise. they're natural hormones that have been distilled from other animals or synthesized (for less disease risk - don't want to get the pig AIDS, etc.)...
I know... "distilled" or "synthesized" then... forgive me for not remembering every detail... :nuts:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
Toshi said:
they're natural hormones that have been distilled from other animals or synthesized (for less disease risk - don't want to get the pig AIDS, etc.)

Not to mention cheaper...less side effects....and hey....who wants to keep a heard of pigs when you can have some nice cells in a stainless steel tank make it fo you, in vast quantites.